Gary Taylor

看板RnB_Soul作者 (BeezyWeezy!)時間19年前 (2006/03/29 11:02), 編輯推噓9(903)
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借用AMG的定義 In 1975, Smokey Robinson released a smooth, sensuous solo LP of romantic adult soul titled A Quiet Storm. The album eventually gave its name to a style and radio format that aimed to create very similar moods. Quiet Storm also drew inspiration from Marvin Gaye's lush Let's Get It On LP, the orchestrations of Philly soul, and the gentle, ultra-smooth recordings of Al Green. In a way, quiet storm was R&B's answer to soft rock and adult contemporary -- while it was primarily intended for black audiences, quiet storm had the same understated dynamics, relaxed tempos and rhythms, and romantic sentiment. However, there was also an urbane sophistication and subdued soulfulness that marked quiet storm as unmistakably rooted in R&B. Some artists concentrated near-exclusively on the style, but most recorded more uptempo tracks in addition to the ballads that fit the requirements of the radio format. Quiet storm remained popular from the late '70s into the early '90s, when mainstream R&B took on a harder-edged hip-hop influence; as a result, quiet storm found virtually no new practitioners. 很小的時候 ICRT在晚上10點或11點 那位愛搞怪聲的Ron Stewart作了一個節目 歌與歌之間都是他的磁性嗓音和流水聲 過了很多年之後 才發覺他DJing的東西就是Quiet Storm 我們都知道 地下R&B歌手Brien最喜歡將Quiet Storm的元素放到他的作品裡 但是我們卻很難知道 還有誰是另一個專心於Quiet Storm的人呢 Gary Taylor 雙親來自多明尼加和貝里斯 成長於美國加州洛杉磯 於80年代擁有Master of the Quiet Storm的美名 從1981年開始發行了八張專輯 但是他主要還是幫人寫歌(見網頁) 因此在歌唱方面的成就和知名度上 他算是underrated的了 如原文所示 Quiet Storm根本就是...情歌 如那不起眼的小風暴 往往在一瞬間將人給吞噬 愛情嘛 本來就是苦多於喜 會讓人感到悲傷的 才是愛情 有過那些不美好且必定不美好的經驗 才會對Quiet Storm有體悟的 或者 你本來就是一個易感之人 ♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂ Morning Crew Music Gary Taylor自組的公司 還在運作中 最紅的歌曲 Tease Me Tease Me Remix featuring Gerald Albright and the Whispers 薩克斯風+合聲團更上一層樓 Quiet Storm很不錯 是商業R&B中最低調且最有感覺的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/29 11:29, , 1F
03/29 11:29, 1F

03/29 11:29, , 2F
03/29 11:29, 2F
※ 編輯: prexceed 來自: (03/29 11:31)

03/29 11:31, , 3F
Quiet Storm的確是情歌,但沒有靈魂的人是唱
03/29 11:31, 3F

03/29 11:32, , 4F
03/29 11:32, 4F

03/29 12:18, , 5F
03/29 12:18, 5F

03/29 12:18, , 6F
結嗎 上次朋友給我聽 好好聽喔
03/29 12:18, 6F

03/29 12:20, , 7F
03/29 12:20, 7F

03/29 12:55, , 8F
03/29 12:55, 8F

03/29 19:29, , 9F
03/29 19:29, 9F

03/29 19:29, , 10F
03/29 19:29, 10F

03/30 02:07, , 11F
03/30 02:07, 11F

04/01 02:06, , 12F
雙拼盤唱片ㄟ封面跟學Nelly Suit那張好了
04/01 02:06, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #14AVYwOV (RnB_Soul)
文章代碼(AID): #14AVYwOV (RnB_Soul)