[週年] J.Dilla: Still Shining

看板RnB_Soul作者 (金屋藏焦)時間14年前 (2011/02/10 16:06), 編輯推噓1(100)
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有些沉重 飯後睡前不要看 http://vimeo.com/19637436 Created in 2006, this remembrance piece is created as a tribute to the memory and legacy of James "J.Dilla" Yancey. This is a piece designed for his fans and supporters who knew of his accomplishments before February 2006 and those that have grown to appreciate his genius. Here, we gain a greater insight and understanding about our musical icon. J.Dilla is Still Shining. (2:55) - Work Ethic Starts In The Basement (7:35) - What To Listen For in A Dilla Beat (9:10) - J.Dilla's Range As A Producer. The King of Reinvention (12:16) - Going Beyond His Influences (14:39) - The Dilla Approach To Production (20:21) - Jay The Producer vs Jay The MC (26:08) - The Personal Side of J.Dilla (29:04) - A Soldier Unstoppable! (32:05) - Venturing Out. (as explained by Phat Kat) (33:59) - Heading Home... Job Well Done. (34:48) - We Salute You. -- http://crotchery2.blogspot.com/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/11 14:07, , 1F
雖然我不覺得沉重 但不得不推 值得一看
02/11 14:07, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #1DKvntI_ (RnB_Soul)