[心得] Eric McCaine - The Sounds of eM: Per …

看板RnB_Soul作者 (金屋藏焦)時間13年前 (2011/06/12 02:44), 編輯推噓0(000)
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前美聲雙人Entouch的靈魂人物Eric McCaine 潛心於攝影事業之餘也不忘他的音樂工作 先提一提 Eric McCaine經手過最著名的歌曲是Keith Sweat的 Twisted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDP_dULGfGk
這張 The Sounds of eM: Perseverence 專輯 Eric McCaine以分享的途徑 獻給始終純粹喜愛音樂的聽眾 他希望可以讓更多人聽見 下載→ http://files.me.com/emccaine/2v5rsb 這張專輯依照SoulTracks的說法是床邊音樂 http://www.soultracks.com/em-perseverance-review Eric McCaine在 R&B Haven 的訪問有一段話發人省思 問 To kick things off, you've been in the industry for close to forever now, having done work as early as the late 1970s. How do you think the music industry has changed throughout your tenure? 答 What I find in today’s music industry is that there is far too much hype and not enough substance on every level from the executives on down. For instance I hear producers bragging about how it only took them five minutes to make a beat! The industry as a whole is not building acts as they use to do. Look around is there even a comparison to what it used to be! Everything now is about the first week it used to be about building careers not fads! 出處 http://www.rnbhaven.com/90s-music/feature/Eric-McCaine-Interview/11 可以推敲的是 Eric McCaine把作音樂這事放在更高的性靈層次--           既然無法改變現下環境           那就更有理由專心將音樂作好 如果你想更了解Eric McCaine 由此進 http://JazzySexySoul.com http://emccaine.com -- http://crotchery2.blogspot.com/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: prexceed 來自: (06/12 03:09)
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