Fw: [情報] R. Kelly Reveals 'Write Me Back' Album

看板RnB_Soul作者 (多麗奧特)時間12年前 (2012/05/21 21:30), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
R. Kelly Reveals 'Write Me Back' Album Art - In Stores 6/26 R. Kelly has revealed the artwork for his upcoming album, Write Me Back set to hit stores on June 26th. Check out the artwork below and click here to see exclusive behind the scenes footage from the album photoshoot! http://www.r-kelly.com/news/r-kelly-reveals-write-me-back-album-art-stores-626 還記得聽他的第一首歌是"I Believe I Can Fly" 深深被這首歌吸引過去 從此就喜歡上他的歌了 剛才無意間逛到他的官網發現他最近又要出專輯了 真期待XDDDD 附上他的其中一首新作品"Feelin' Single" http://www.r-kelly.com/news/listen-r-kellys-new-track-feelin-single 有人跟我一樣會邊聽這首歌邊扭來扭去的嗎 一.一" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: dollyout (, 時間: 05/21/2012 21:30:03 ※ 編輯: dollyout 來自: (05/21 21:30)

05/21 22:00, , 1F
扭來扭去 +1 XDD
05/21 22:00, 1F

06/12 00:01, , 2F
喔R大的東西都非常扭扭 超喜歡!
06/12 00:01, 2F

06/13 13:01, , 3F
喔耶 R.Kelly
06/13 13:01, 3F
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