[UU] 月聽樂美麗的50首R&B歌曲

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【歌單】月聽樂美麗的50首R&B歌曲 http://www.urbanunion.tw/2013/09/50r.html 中秋佳節即將到臨, 除了與家人團聚閒聊、品嚐美食外,賞月自然不在話下。 關於「月亮」, 它是衛星,化做形容詞人稱「lunar」, 以新月、滿月、紅色、藍色、橙色……多種面貌現身, 因此人們臆測月亮不只一顆。 有人覺得它懶惰,也有人猜它是男的,甚至由紙作成。 更有人不甘於遠觀,想知道到底月亮在哪、離地多高? 希望可以用盪的、飛的,或是搭乘火箭親身接觸月球, 站在上面跳舞、漫步,向它唱歌、談話、說愛、道謝, 最後結為朋友。 本篇精心匯集有關「月亮」的50首歌曲, 涵蓋爵士、放克、新靈魂、舊式及現代節奏藍調等元素, 讓大家在眼觀明月的同時也能耳聽好音樂,千里共嬋娟。 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzRtrxbmQMy-WhE8OS3F0vwAraBfMWrt6 01. Marvin Gaye - It's Only a Paper Moon 02. Etta James - By the Light of the Silvery Moon 03. The Crests - I Thank the Moon 04. Adam Wade - Moon River 05. Sam Cooke - Blue Moon 06. Angelo Bond - Reach for the Moon (Poor People) 07. Marlena Shaw - Moonrise 08. Bobby Womack - Fly Me to the Moon (In Other Words) 09. LaBelle - Moon Shadow 10. Miss Freddye - Streetlight Moon 11. Eric Roberson - The Moon 12. Troop - Over the Moon 13. Marc A. Evans - Crescent Moon 14. Keziah Jones - Autumn Moon 15. Sade - The Moon and the Sky 16. Emily King - Moon 17. Bruno Mars - Talking to the Moon 18. Janelle Monáe - Many Moons 19. Finotee - Swing from the Moon (Live Version) 20. N'Dea Davenport - Underneath a Red Moon 21. Brandy - Full Moon (Soulchild Remix) 22. Paul Rutherford x Tammy Payne - That Moon 23. Mamas Gun - Rocket to the Moon (Live Version) 24. Isaac Hayes - Moonlight Lovin' (Menage A Trois) 25. Leon Ware - Moon Ride 26. Maggie Jane - Dance on the Moon 27. Jamiroquai - Mr. Moon 28. Mighty Show Stoppers - Hippy Skippy Moon Strut 29. Soul Trend - Show Me Where the Moon Is 30. Skip Martin - Moon Splash 31. Ray Charles - Moon Over Miami 32. Roseaux x Aloe Blacc - Walking on the Moon 33. Sol Patch - Lazy Moon 34. Stevie Wonder - Moon Blue 35. Patti Austin - How High the Moon (Live Version) 36. Pharoah Sanders - Moon Child 37. Jeff Sutton x Raymond Duplessis - Moondance 38. Freddie Joachim - When You Look at the Moon 39. Nikko Gray x Gustavo Alfonzo - Moonlight Delight 40. Freshly Squeezed x Rosanne Erskine - Lunar 41. Fertile Ground - My Friend the Moon 42. The Oracle (Denise L. Cook) - Lunar Love Affair 43. Ivana Santilli - Sun + Moon = Tomorrow 44. Angela Bofill - Under the Moon and Over the Sky 45. Giovanca - To the Moon 46. The Fly - Satellite 47. Collette - Orange Moon (Collette Remix) 48. Erykah Badu - Orange Moon 49. Laura Mvula - Sing to the Moon 50. Cassandra Wilson - Harvest Moon -- 也歡迎喜歡R&B/Soul音樂的來《URBAN UNION 節奏藍調在台同鄉會》同樂唷! 粉絲專頁https://www.facebook.com/UrbanUnion.tw  社團https://www.facebook.com/groups/urbanunion/ 網站http://www.urbanunion.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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