[心得] 2024年度最佳專輯分享

看板RockMetal (金屬音樂板)作者 (Dopamine)時間3月前 (2024/12/19 15:16), 3月前編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 4人參與, 3月前最新討論串1/1
大家好,2024又到了年尾,照慣例分享一下今年心目中喜歡的專輯 原本是只想發TOP10,但是排著排著就變成了TOP20,今年喜歡的專輯有很多 POP有Billie Eilish 饒舌有Tyler、K.Dot 總之希望能夠拋磚引玉讓大家分享一下今年聽了什麼,也預祝大家新的一年能夠平安快樂 。 先說一下,Blood Incantation新專輯Absolute Elsewhere一定是很多人的年度最佳專輯 ,但我還沒聽明白 所以我沒放進去 嘻嘻 https://i.imgur.com/2NT2Nmu.jpeg
以上排列不分先後順序 Ulcerate - Cutting The Throat Of God (Technical Death Metal) Defeated Sanity - Chronicles of Lunacy (Brutal/Technical Death Metal) Knocked Loose - You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To (Hardcore Punk/Metalcor e) Brodequin - Harbinger of Woe (Brutal Death Metal) Akhlys - House of the Black Geminus (Atmospheric Black Metal/Dark Ambient) Glassing - From the Other Side of the Mirror (Post Metal/Blackgaze/Screamo) Infant Island - Obsidian Wreath (Post Metal/Blackgaze/Screamo) Frail Body - Artificial Bouquet (Post Metal/Screamo) Cosmic Putrefaction - Emerald Fires Atop the Farewell Mountains (Death Metal) Oxygen Destroyer - Guardian Of The Universe (Death/Thrash Metal) 200 Stab Wounds - Manual Manic Procedures (Death Metal) Thou - Umbilical (Sludge/Doom Metal) Spectral Voice - Sparagmos (Death/Doom Metal) Necrophobic - In The Twilight Grey (Death/Black Metal) Svdestada - Candela (Black Metal/Crust Punk) SeeYouSpaceCowboy - Coup De Grace (Post Hardcore/Screamo) Wormwood - The Star (Melodic Black/Death Metal) Antichrist Siege Machine - Vengeance of Eternal Fire (Black/Death Metal) Black Curse - Burning in Celestial Poison (Death/Black Metal) Spectral Wound - Songs of Blood and Mire (Black Metal) 本來有簡單打了每張的心得,結果踢到插頭沒存檔,有空再補上去 預祝大家新年快樂 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1734592583.A.712.html ※ 編輯: uio55408133 ( 臺灣), 12/19/2024 15:17:16

12/19 19:43, 3月前 , 1F
推一個 A Wake In Providence - I Write To You, My Dar
12/19 19:43, 1F

12/19 19:43, 3月前 , 2F
ling Decay 交響死核
12/19 19:43, 2F
交響死核Disembodied Tyrant今年那張很強 ※ 編輯: uio55408133 ( 臺灣), 12/19/2024 21:21:35

12/19 23:09, 3月前 , 3F
完全同意 年度榜上有名
12/19 23:09, 3F

12/20 22:33, 3月前 , 4F
12/20 22:33, 4F

12/21 08:16, 3月前 , 5F
12/21 08:16, 5F

12/21 13:12, 3月前 , 6F
12/21 13:12, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1dOyX7SI (RockMetal)
文章代碼(AID): #1dOyX7SI (RockMetal)