[舊聞] BSG & UN 討論人權問題

看板Scifi_Drama (科幻影集)作者 (火星上的人類學家)時間15年前 (2009/11/18 14:36), 編輯推噓4(405)
留言9則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
17 March 2009 BSG在聯合國社會經濟文化會議廳 討論恐怖主義、武力衝突、人權(戲裡都演過)等等議題。 台上有聯合國官員、BSG演員製作人,台下有超過一百名中學生。 他們還把國籍牌換成十二個殖民地的名字。 我不知道為什麼琥碧戈柏也在,她說她是BSG的Huge Fan。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSFDrOxWCXY
Adama:地球上只有一個種族,就是人類!So Say We All! 這是上面這幾分鐘他大概講的東西,真是會說話的人啊: "You should never have invited me here," Olmos said. ("He always says this!" said cast-mate Mary McDonnell.) "There's no such thing," he said. "As if there was a Latino race, an Asian race, an indigenous race, there never has been a Latino race and there never will be! There's only one race and that's the human race. ... Over 600 years ago, the 'Caucasian race' decided to use it as a cultural determiner to kill another culture. ... I spent 37 years of my adult life trying to get this word out and now I am well-prepared. There is but one race! So say we all!" 來自: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2009/03/eddie-olmos-at.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxL09C7ZrzI
電視報導,找不到完整的 新聞如下: http://tinyurl.com/clff3o http://tinyurl.com/chth78 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: orion 來自: (11/18 15:19) ※ 編輯: orion 來自: (11/18 15:19)

11/18 16:34, , 1F
So Say We All!
11/18 16:34, 1F
※ 編輯: orion 來自: (11/18 17:30)

11/18 17:34, , 2F
11/18 17:34, 2F

11/18 17:34, , 3F
11/18 17:34, 3F

11/18 17:35, , 4F
11/18 17:35, 4F

11/18 20:07, , 5F
總統好像很怕上將講出什麼不該講的話的樣子 XD
11/18 20:07, 5F

11/19 01:43, , 6F
So say we all.
11/19 01:43, 6F

11/20 01:09, , 7F
11/20 01:09, 7F

11/20 01:10, , 8F
11/20 01:10, 8F

04/09 22:15, , 9F
So say we all!
04/09 22:15, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1B0vNiMV (Scifi_Drama)
文章代碼(AID): #1B0vNiMV (Scifi_Drama)