[情報] 依舊是重開機的新聞

看板Stargate作者 (basilisk)時間8年前 (2016/06/20 16:50), 編輯推噓7(704)
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好久沒有新文章,只好來放個最近看到的重開機新聞,內文依就甚麼也沒講XDDDD, 就只是編劇單純提到為甚麼要重開機Stargate。(以下不負責任重點亂翻) http://www.ew.com/article/2016/06/17/stargate-reboot Stargate Universe Posted June 17 2016 — 3:31 PM EDT Roland Emmerich’s 1994 film Stargate was originally designed as a trilogy, but MGM decided to launch three TV companion series. Now that screenwriter Dean Devlin is in active development with Emmerich on a movie reboot, he says they have to start over from scratch in order to fulfill the original vision. 1994年電影版的編劇原本規劃要拍三部曲,但是米高梅改為啟動電視劇,現在原電影 兩位編劇決定重頭開始以符合他們原始的版本。 “At the time that we made it, every single studio in Hollywood had told me that science-fiction was dead,” Devlin told Variety in an interview. “And Roland and I really love science-fiction, so I think that’s partly why it worked and resonated. It wasn’t a cynical attempt to try and make something that was crowd-pleasing.” Noting “what happened with the rights and changes at the studio,” Devlin remarked how “we never got to do parts two and three,” but that could change with the reboot. “It’s not a story that can take place 20 years later,” he explained. “So the only way to really tell that trilogy is to go back from the beginning and start the story all over again.” 簡單的說,他們覺得重開機給了他們機會來做電影三部曲,那故事就不能是發生在20年後 而必須回到一開始,重頭來講stargate的故事 Devlin added, “It was taken away from us, and it’s tough to have your children raised by other parents, even if they do a very good job. … For us, it’s not putting down what has been done. It’s to let us finish telling our story.” 編劇之一的Devlin覺得原始的stargate變成電視影集就像親生孩子被人領養令人難受, 即時他們做得不錯XD。反正就是編劇對影集各種不愛 Kurt Russell and James Spader starring in the original film about a portal to a different world with inhabitants resembling ancient Egyptians. MGM and Warner Bros. are teaming to produce the reboot, which enlisted Independence Day: Resurgence screenwriters James A. Woods and Nicolas Wright. 米高梅和華納正在合作這個重開機,其中包含ID4星際重生的編劇James A. Woods 和 Nicolas Wright. .....好像還是沒透露甚麼劇情。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stargate/M.1466412657.A.723.html

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喜歡影集純粹是因為 RDA 帥 XD
07/06 15:11, 11F
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文章代碼(AID): #1NPwvnSZ (Stargate)