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Three Different STARGATES | Milky Way >> Pegasus >> Destiny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_VLvmOZKhM
由博士的演員配音,長15分鐘 , 2021年7月16日 上傳 官方還沒放棄重拍的意願的樣子 影片的說明: THE STARGATE is one of the greatest conceits in modern science fiction: a piece of ancient technology that, when unlocked, can instantly transport you to another world. The television franchise has explore this idea in many different ways ... and with many different types of Stargates. In this video we're running down the three different models of Stargate – the red-chevron Milky Way gates, the blue-chevron Pegasus Galaxy gates, and the white-chevron gates of Destiny and the seed ships that are on course ahead of it. PLUS: Eagle-eyed fans will know that there are three other models of Stargates that have appeared on screen so far. Which gate is your favorite? STAY TUNED for future videos about the Stargate, in which we explore wormhole physics, the functionality of the Stargate network, and what happens when the Stargate malfunctions. Blueprint Art by GateBuilder: https://www.etsy.com/shop/GateBuilder... RELATED >> ★ The Stargate (Omnipedia): https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Stargate ★ D.H.D.: https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Dial-h... ★ Puddle Jumper: https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Puddle... ★ Supergate: https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Supergate Share This Video >> https://youtu.be/L_VLvmOZKhM
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