[新聞]Campbell reportedly arrested at Heath …

看板Top_Models (名模)作者 (unforgivable)時間16年前 (2008/04/04 11:49), 編輯推噓1(100)
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By RAPHAEL G. SATTER, Associated Press Writer Thu Apr 3, 7:18 PM ET LONDON - Naomi Campbell was arrested at Heathrow Airport's Terminal 5 on Thursday for allegedly spitting at a police officer, Sky News reported. Police said a 37-year-old woman was arrested at the terminal on suspicion of assaulting police. The Metropolitan Police spokesman refused to identify the woman, or say whether the incident took place inside the terminal or aboard a plane. He spoke on condition of anonymity, in line with police policy. BAA PLC, the company that runs Heathrow, didn't immediately return calls seeking comment. British Airways PLC, the terminal's sole occupant, referred questions to BAA and London police. Campbell's publicist, Selina Aponte, left Heathrow's police station, where the model had been taken, just before 10 p.m. but told waiting reporters she had not seen the British model, who had been due to fly to Los Angeles. "We have all seen the reports but I don't know anything," Aponte said. "Naomi was flying to L.A. She has family and friends over there and is always going over." In January 2007, Campbell pleaded guilty in New York City to misdemeanor assault for throwing her cell phone at her maid in a dispute over a missing pair of jeans. She was ordered to do community service and attend a two-day anger-management program. Campbell pleaded guilty in Toronto in 2000 to an assault charge for beating an assistant while making a film in Canada in 1998. Under an agreement with prosecutors, Campbell expressed remorse and was released without punishment or a criminal record. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080403/ap_on_en_ot/naomi_campbell -- 吐警口水鬧機場 黑珍珠遭逮捕 TVBS更新日期:2008/04/04 08:08 名模黑珍珠娜歐蜜坎貝爾一向以脾氣火爆出名,她昨天在英國希斯羅機場的飛機上,大罵 空服人員,遭警方帶下飛機,沒想到她居然對著警察吐口水,當場被逮捕。 黑珍珠昨天原本要從英國搭機到美國,她上飛機後對空服人員態度惡劣,機上人員通報之 後,請來警察將黑珍珠帶下飛機,脾氣火爆的黑珍珠不甘受辱,竟然對警方吐口水。 現 年37歲的黑珍珠,只要心情不佳,就會發洩在暴力上,她曾經打過助理,也曾經用行動電 話毆打家中清潔人員。去年1月黑珍珠認罪後,她被判勞動服務一星期,沒想到黑珍珠還 是沒有學到教訓,對警察吐口水,這次恐怕會吃不完兜著走。 這篇新聞讓你覺得? 新奇 溫馨 誇張 難過 實用 高興 無聊 生氣 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080404/8/wo4p.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pida 來自: (04/04 11:54)

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