[閒聊] 10 Don'ts in the Runway

看板Top_Models (名模)作者 (tell me it's over)時間16年前 (2008/12/15 00:10), 編輯推噓7(708)
留言15則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
剛剛在水管上面找些有的沒的 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu_9P7C5ExQ&feature=related
看到這篇.... 有些標題看到會很噴飯 VSFS的畫面不少 總之是自己看爽的 Natasha Poly 的鏡頭很多 不諸多贅述 請各位觀賞 #6標題實在深得我心!!!!!! #9標題實在很好笑 Don't ingore Justim Timberlake when he's flirting with you ........ 那今年應該要換成 You'd better ingore Usher/Will i am when you walk for VSFS -- http://www.wretch.cc/album/brendovitch -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/15 00:16, , 1F
victoria's secret circus show XD
12/15 00:16, 1F

12/15 00:22, , 2F
Don't Walk like this (Jessica White, you're not Tyra
12/15 00:22, 2F

12/15 00:22, , 3F
Banks, and never will be!!!
12/15 00:22, 3F

12/15 01:04, , 4F
12/15 01:04, 4F

12/15 02:24, , 5F
12/15 02:24, 5F

12/15 11:40, , 6F
作者是不是不喜歡Iman 討厭Beyonce呀 XDDD
12/15 11:40, 6F

12/15 23:50, , 7F
12/15 23:50, 7F

12/16 00:36, , 8F
作者就標明自己是Natasha Poly Channel了咩~
12/16 00:36, 8F

12/16 17:35, , 9F
Beyonce那段真有趣 看來穿名牌還真的要有好身材
12/16 17:35, 9F

12/18 20:04, , 10F
Sasha那是怎麼一回事 驚
12/18 20:04, 10F

12/18 20:17, , 11F
sasha跟gisele是同一場dolce & gabbana的,sasha那場我整
12/18 20:17, 11F

12/18 20:18, , 12F
12/18 20:18, 12F

12/18 20:18, , 13F
12/18 20:18, 13F

12/18 20:19, , 14F
12/18 20:19, 14F

12/18 20:56, , 15F
12/18 20:56, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #19HJ03_5 (Top_Models)
文章代碼(AID): #19HJ03_5 (Top_Models)