Natasha Poly 哭哭了

看板Top_Models (名模)作者 (so unholy)時間15年前 (2009/05/27 14:02), 編輯推噓9(9011)
留言20則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
其實是幾個月前的新聞了 剛剛無聊查了一下FMD的論壇 看到有點驚悚的標題 "Natasha Poly is Late For a Show; then Cries About It" 今年年初秋冬發表的Fashion Week 其中一場Diesel Show 上面寫的 One of the most dramatic moments was seeing every model dressed and ready to go at the Diesel show, seeing Heather Graham and Julianne Moore and Clive Owen (I think) waiting in their front row seats and Renzo Rosso (Diesel creator) pacing back and forth for the absent Natasha Poly, and when she finally enters he screamed Diesel的秀導很發荒的等Natasha出現 "I checked - you didn’t even have a show before ours!! how could you?!!, don't even talk to me, get ready!!" "我問過了!!!! 前幾個小時你根本沒有秀要走!! 竟然給我遲到 給我閉嘴不要解釋 去準備好!! " and then see about 6 stylists attack her hair, lips, eye lashes, toe nails, finger nails, and I am the only photographer seeing and shooting this, and then Natasha (after getting her eyes/face done) starts breaking down and tears and mascara start streaming down her pretty cheeks. Only to be stopped by some consoling words from the staff. 真相在這裡啦 秀導一罵完 六個造型師馬上衝到她身上 弄頭髮 化妝 上指甲油 臉上的妝畫好之後... Natasha開始"崩潰"... 眼淚跟睫毛膏都混在一起留在臉上 工作人員跑去安撫她 她才沒有一直哭下去 補一張 她走這場秀 的照片 親愛的Natasha 我真的超喜歡她... 雖然有人說她瘦得跟殭屍一樣 可是就是這麼瘦 才有辦法一直看到她有工作 有廣告 有走秀 有FTV Model Talks XDD 遲到一兩次沒關係.. Shit Happens 反正大家一定會忘記... 你不要消失就好 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: coronet 來自: (05/27 14:50)

05/27 14:55, , 1F
看這照片,natasha poly有喉結耶@@"
05/27 14:55, 1F

05/27 16:22, , 2F
05/27 16:22, 2F

05/27 17:58, , 3F
05/27 17:58, 3F

05/27 18:00, , 4F
05/27 18:00, 4F

05/27 18:01, , 5F
05/27 18:01, 5F

05/27 18:02, , 6F
05/27 18:02, 6F

05/27 18:02, , 7F
05/27 18:02, 7F

05/27 19:47, , 8F
不太喜歡他 但他哭真的蠻可憐的@@''
05/27 19:47, 8F

05/27 19:57, , 9F
05/27 19:57, 9F

05/27 21:28, , 10F
天阿他好漂亮 模特兒想問在模特兒界裡MODEL會常遲到嗎??
05/27 21:28, 10F

05/27 21:51, , 11F
趕場時難免吧 不過遲到仍是要不得 尤其是走秀
05/27 21:51, 11F

05/28 00:18, , 12F
我覺得趕場還有情理可言 重點是她在這之前沒有秀要走
05/28 00:18, 12F

05/28 01:37, , 13F
05/28 01:37, 13F

05/28 05:11, , 14F
那幾頁的討論有提到 如果是Naomi 那秀導大概怕被走
05/28 05:11, 14F

05/28 05:12, , 15F
被揍.....就沒人會敢講話 XDD
05/28 05:12, 15F

05/29 10:18, , 16F
好愛NATHASHA POLY阿阿阿阿~~~>/////////<
05/29 10:18, 16F

05/29 10:18, , 17F
05/29 10:18, 17F

05/30 10:49, , 18F
05/30 10:49, 18F

05/31 13:37, , 19F
05/31 13:37, 19F

05/31 13:38, , 20F
05/31 13:38, 20F
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文章代碼(AID): #1A7DTmOF (Top_Models)