MDC 首頁 - Natasha Obssessed

看板Top_Models (名模)作者 (so unholy)時間15年前 (2009/09/03 11:54), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1 剛剛點進去 還以為看到鬼.. 但是我還是很愛她阿~~~ 我想我大概知道這篇在幹麻 可是我又講不出個所以然來 希望有勞專業板友幫忙解釋~ Natasha上了MDC的巨大首頁 , 還是FMD九月的Model Of The Month. 粉絲我開心開心~ 可是 Natasha臉上多點肉我會更開心~~ exclusive preview of Muse's groundbreaking issue Day 1 presents an exclusive preview of the Sept 09 Muse issue: Natasha Obsessed. Muse will be on the newsstands in NY on Sept 10 Day 1: Natasha by Sølve Sundsbø Day 2: Natasha by Prada and Ricardo Tisci Day 3: Artists' Muse, Natasha by Jeff Koons, etc.. Day 4: Natasha Interview Day 5: Natasha by Craig McDean + Terry Richardson Day 1 Credits: Photo: Sølve Sundsbø Fashion editor: Marie Chaix assisted by Rhianna Rule and Saranne Woodcroft Make up: Hannah Murray assisted by Lauren Parsons, manicure Mike Pocock Photo assistants: Karina Twiss and Ashley Reynolds Hair: Shon assisted by Tom Berry. Day 1 homepage Credits: Photo: Sølve Sundsbø Animation: Art direction & design: Stephan Moskovic Coding: Adriaan Scholvinck for PureScience Production: Jeremy Bergstein for PureScience -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/03 18:55, , 1F
09/03 18:55, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Adpu5f3 (Top_Models)