[RIP] Tom Nicon (1988-2010)

看板Top_Models (名模)作者時間14年前 (2010/06/19 17:18), 編輯推噓2(200)
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在昨天試完Versace服裝後他的朋友一直聯絡不上他。 在米蘭午夜(台灣清晨六點)發現他跳樓身亡,年僅22歲。 在過去三季中在秀場和雜誌中有非常突出的表現,尤其得到Burberry的廣告數次, 是新生代法國男模的矚目焦點。 因為太傷心了所以沒整理什麼圖,想要多知道他請看mensmodeltalk對他的介紹 http://mensmodelstalk.blog8.fc2.com/blog-category-351.html 和他有講過幾次話,是非常貼心有教養的孩子,沒想過他壓力這麼大。 下面的敘述來自Lab Daily,主要重點是年輕模特兒在過去兩年有極高比例的早逝, 有八位知名度高的model被新聞報導過,而不知名的則又更多了。 Tom Nicon was found dead in Milan this morning after he fell from his apartment window. According to the friend, "He did the Versace fitting this morning. After that he was supposed to go to his agency but he never arrived. I don't know if it was suicide or if he fell." His agency declined to comment. Nicon was a top show model, and had walked for Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Costume National, Versace, Kenzo, Gareth Pugh and Hugo Boss among others. He is the eighth model to die in the last two years (including Ambrose Olsen and Lina Marulanda this year alone). As a fellow model said this afternoon, "People think we are young and beautiful and rich and happy. But we're not. We go to castings and the directors take one look at us and then we're dismissed. You spend your whole life wondering what's wrong with you. Why didn't I get that job? You're competing with your friends, you're away from your family. The pressure is huge. It's not the fairytale life people would expect." Milan Fashion Week begins tomorrow. A tribute seems likely - several of the designers showing on the first day (including Costume National and Burberry) were regular clients of Nicon's. -- Tom Nicon, we will miss you. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: stu91309 來自: (06/19 17:20)

06/19 19:03, , 1F
R.I.P 我覺得這段文字好發人深省喔
06/19 19:03, 1F

06/20 12:10, , 2F
!!!! 我很喜歡Tom Nicon耶!前幾天還找過他的資料
06/20 12:10, 2F
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