[閒聊] 又一對鴛鴦定情

看板Top_Models (名模)作者時間14年前 (2010/06/22 11:41), 編輯推噓2(209)
留言11則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
每次看到新消息總是和Kerr有關真的是很巧 我想先問問她之前那麼多的廣告傳言怎麼現在一個都沒破蛋? 她大小姐最近實在事業有成 愛情滿分 和Orlando Bloom短短幾個月的戀愛已經從初芽成花苞了 就在幾個小時前他倆甜蜜的對美國今夜娛樂發表訂婚感言 我現在滿心期待Balenciaga或Prada幫Kerr訂製的婚紗會多奢華 前提是設計師要有空啦 -- from Styleite (http://tinyurl.com/34ngqsg) Remember earlier this month when Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr got in that little fight over shoes in Bergdorf Goodman? The two ultra-gorgeous young people seem to have patched things up, because Entertainment Tonight is reporting the two are engaged. From ET’s press release: June 21, 2010 (Los Angeles, CA)– ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT confirms that Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr are getting married. Although there have been previous rumors about their engagement, his rep was able to confirm exclusively to ET that the happy couple are officially engaged. We’re pretty excited about this. We cannot wait for their wedding — imagine the furor we’re gonna stir up over Miranda’s dress! We wish them the best of luck. But maybe they should stay out of department store shoe sections until their wedding day. Just in case. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: stu91309 來自: (06/22 11:45)

06/22 13:18, , 1F
06/22 13:18, 1F

06/22 13:19, , 2F
我第一次聽到Miranda Kerr的名號 就是奧蘭多的女友啊
06/22 13:19, 2F

06/22 13:20, , 3F
06/22 13:20, 3F

06/22 15:11, , 4F
06/22 15:11, 4F

06/22 15:12, , 5F
coco倒是跟她男友在一起沒多久 就結婚了..
06/22 15:12, 5F

06/22 15:37, , 6F
真的喔@.@ 那我真的對她不熟 記得去年十月還九月才知道
06/22 15:37, 6F

06/22 15:38, , 7F
他們在一起的消息 或者我記錯人了囧
06/22 15:38, 7F

06/22 16:35, , 8F
06/22 16:35, 8F

06/23 00:14, , 9F
06/23 00:14, 9F

06/23 01:04, , 10F
對阿9號辦婚禮 只是好像很少照片流出 只看到和伴娘的合照
06/23 01:04, 10F

06/23 01:07, , 11F
06/23 01:07, 11F
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文章代碼(AID): #1C833txG (Top_Models)