Re: Natalia Vodianova: From Top Model, Movie Star

看板Top_Models (名模)作者 (消失在迴轉的路口)時間14年前 (2010/12/30 14:17), 編輯推噓2(202)
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發現Natalia其實早就演過一些電影了 最近的是"超世紀封神榜"裡的蛇髮女妖Medusa 雖然算是有不少"戲份" 不過大多都是3D動畫加工 應該只是借用Natalia的美麗臉龐 沒什麼真正讓她發揮演技的機會 = =
反觀上次Liya K.演的電影就真的是挑大樑 而且演得還不錯 ※ 引述《DoutzenKroes (超級名模杜晨克蘿絲)》之銘言: : Natalia Vodianova: From Top Model, Movie Star : In ‘Belle du seigneur’ Natalia Vodianova plays alongside Jonathan Rhys : Meyers in her first starring role. : By Catherine Noyer : She is one of the models of Haute Couture and Prêt-à-porter shows, the face : for luxury perfumes and other beauty products. Now, the beautiful Russian : stands in front of the camera and plays the female lead role opposite : Jonathan Rhys Meyers in ‘Belle du Seigneur. In Luxembourg for the shootings, : Natalia had a word with us. : Natalia Vodianova feels almost like in a fairy tale in her first leading role : in the French film ‘Belle du Seigneur. : Bourgeois atmosphere : The Villa Rothschild in Luxembourg City has seen better days. Now the former : splendor of the stately home in the avenue Marie-Thérèse is left to guess : only.The plaster is peeling from the walls, the stucco falling from the : ceiling. Despite these flaws, the villa is just what producer Jimmy de : Brabant was looking for: a bourgeois environment of the early 20th Century. : The parts that have been gnawed by the test of time have been covered with : props for the scenes. : Antiques, including clocks from the Museum of Jaeger LeCoultre, were hired to : bring the splendor of the house and re-integrate this into a film scenario of : the 1930s. During this time, takes place the love story of Solal, an exiled : Jew who is of the highest officials at the United Nations in Geneva just : before the Second World War, and Ariane, a young married Protestant from an : upper middle class family Geneva. The film is based on the novel by Albert : Cohen. : For the frail Natalia Vodianova, who made a top modeling career, it is the : first major film role. 'Ten years ago I played a small role in the movie, CQ, : and more recently Medusa, in 'Clash of the Titans'. But these were minor : roles. Now, her acting talent must stand beside Jonathan Rhys Meyers. : Filmed in Geneva, Italy and Luxembourg : For the 28-year-old mother of three children, it’s been like a fairy tale. ’ : I thought it was a joke,’ she says, laughing from the moment when the phone : rang and Jimmy de Brabant asked if they would be interested in the role. The : producer says today: ‘We did test shots and our decision was made : immediately: It was exactly the person we were looking for.’ The movie has : been shot to date in Geneva and in various places in Italy. On the film set : in Luxembourg, she sits at the Villa Rothschild in a makeshift dressing room, : waiting for her next scene. She takes her time for a quick chat. Natalia does : not need much makeup and her personality is, of course, girlish. Her eyes, : especially, seem to dominate the scene. : For Natalia Vodianova, being an actor is a new journey, as she says. She : continues to work as a model, to fulfill contracts. ’I am currently : overwhelmed by events,’ she confesses. And her three children? ’You have to : deal with a whole new situation. It was a decision I had to make. But I think : if they know where their mom is, they will cope well. My oldest, nine year : old son visited me for three days on the set in Luxembourg. ‘ : By the middle of the week, the Russian, who lives in Great Britain, and : Jonathan Rhys Meyers were in front of the camera. A few hours had passed : since the interview. For them, the shooting is almost over and the team will : leave the villa again to its fate. : In Luxembourg, Natalia felt at ease, even though, as she observed : regretfully, she had not seen much of the country and its people. ’I : expected to see Luxembourg, the snow and everything, so I am here, as in my : original home. It feels at home,’ she laughs." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/30 21:30, , 1F
好奇幻的角色 很漂亮~
12/30 21:30, 1F

12/30 22:37, , 2F
12/30 22:37, 2F

12/31 03:48, , 3F
看完Liya演的沙漠之花 應該算是model轉型中演得最好的
12/31 03:48, 3F

12/31 03:49, , 4F
很適合她的角色 感情戲很動人 演model時的鏡頭又超正
12/31 03:49, 4F
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