post-rock bands in Taiwan

看板WWR作者 (officium)時間15年前 (2009/09/18 01:53), 編輯推噓11(1100)
留言11則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
I'm sorry that my old laptop dead and I cannot type Chinese in my new one. Well, I just wonder, if I want to introduce some post-rock / indie-rock bands in Taiwan to my friends in the U.S. Which band/ album will you reoommend? And, does WWR provide international shipping? :P Thanks a lot!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/18 03:01, , 1F
Sugar Plum Ferry & APHASIA for sure
09/18 03:01, 1F

09/18 09:02, , 2F
8mm SKY . Penguin Bear Likes to Eat Chiken Ball
09/18 09:02, 2F

09/18 15:24, , 3F
09/18 15:24, 3F

09/18 20:43, , 4F
8mm sky - finders keepers
09/18 20:43, 4F

09/18 23:07, , 5F
Tin Pan Alley
09/18 23:07, 5F

09/19 01:41, , 6F
09/19 01:41, 6F

09/19 19:54, , 7F
大家英文都好好...聽音樂可以練英文 我英文差(畫圈圈)...
09/19 19:54, 7F

09/19 23:02, , 8F
09/19 23:02, 8F

09/20 19:15, , 9F
09/20 19:15, 9F

09/21 16:45, , 10F
09/21 16:45, 10F

09/22 11:11, , 11F
aphasia, nipples
09/22 11:11, 11F
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