我重新翻了一遍Green Day的"Boulevard of Bro …

看板WesternMusic作者 (LOVE COLDPLAY)時間19年前 (2005/06/12 01:44), 編輯推噓8(801)
留言9則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
如題,在Green Day的最新專輯<American Idiot>裡, 我最喜歡的就是<Boulevard of Broken Dreams>,加上 平常自己也喜歡翻譯英文歌,所以理所當然,也試翻了這首 我喜歡的歌,當然,我還是有參考專輯歌詞中譯本中自己覺得 值得保留的部份,再加上自己的意思,重新譯了一遍,請喜歡 Green Day的朋友多多指教,若有甚麼需要改進之處,也請盡量 提供意見,作為我增進英文歌詞翻譯能力的參考,謝謝!...^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams"<夢碎大道> I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But it's home to me and I walk alone <我孤單地漫步於這似曾相識的路上, 不知何去何從,漫無目的,形單影隻地走著,> I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone <我寂寞地走在這空盪的夢碎大道上, 城市一片死寂,一路上只有自己孤單的身影與我為伴,> I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk a... <我寂寞地走著,走著,...........> My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 'Til then I walk alone <一路上只有自己孤單的身影與我為伴, 耳邊傳來的只有自己的微弱心跳, 有時我好希望哪天某人能拯救我的失落, 不然,我就只好永遠孤單地走著.......> Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah <噢......................................> I'm walking down the line That divides me somewhere in my mind On the border line Of the edge and where I walk alone <我走著走著,內心思緒紊亂,支離破碎, 我寂寞地走著走著,不知不覺,已走向了崩潰邊緣,> Read between the lines What's fucked up and everything's alright Check my vital signs To know I'm still alive and I walk alone <我走著走著,試圖回首過往的是是非非,但仍舊沒有答案, 我只好摸了摸脈搏,感覺自己仍活著,繼續孤單旅程,> I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk a... <我寂寞地走著,走著,...........> My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 'Til then I walk alone <一路上只有自己孤單的身影與我為伴, 耳邊傳來的只有自己微弱的心跳聲, 有時我好希望哪天某人能拯救我的落寞, 不然,我就只好永遠孤單地走著.......> Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah Ah-ah, Ah-ah <噢......................................> I walk alone I walk a... <我寂寞地走著,走著,...........> I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps And I'm the only one and I walk a... <我寂寞地走在這空盪的夢碎大道上, 城市一片死寂,一路上只有自己孤單的身影與我為伴,> My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 'Til then I walk alone... <一路上只有自己孤單的身影與我為伴, 耳邊傳來的只有自己微弱的心跳聲, 有時我好希望哪天某人能拯救我的落寞, 不然,我就只好永遠孤單地走著.......> -- "I am by nature a perfectionist, and I seem to have trouble allowing anything to go through in a half-perfect condition. So if I made any mistake it was in working too hard and in doing too much of it with my own hands." ---by Howard Hughes -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 06/12, , 1F
也來推這首ˋ(°▽ ° )ノˋ( ° ▽°)ノ 06/12, 1F 06/12, , 2F
謝謝,我猜你喜歡<艾拉妮絲莫莉塞特>吧?--^_^ 06/12, 2F 06/12, , 3F
可是後面那個e的關係沒辦法讓我申請那個ID啊>< 06/12, 3F 06/12, , 4F
所以就產生了少e的Alanis fan~ XD 06/12, 4F 06/12, , 5F
我喜歡她的<Thank you>....還是<Thanks>?--很好聽 06/12, 5F 06/12, , 6F
Thank U ^^ 06/12, 6F 06/12, , 7F
大推 這才叫翻譯 06/12, 7F 06/12, , 8F 06/12, 8F 06/12, , 9F
Thanks---*2----^_^ 06/12, 9F
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文章代碼(AID): #12goCEjP (WesternMusic)