[推薦] Dirty Three - Cinder

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髒三樂團 灰燼 Dirty Three Cinder ________________________________________________________________________ 專輯試聽連結在下方 ● 成軍已經十五年的Avant-Garde純音樂大團Dirty Three,睽違三年全球發行橫越 濃厚『爵士』、『古典』、『歐洲民謠』、『世界音樂』的超級美麗大作,日本 、台灣紙盒限量版特別收錄,世界只有日本和台灣有的獨家曲目『June's A Calling』、『Lisa's Mountain』。是限量的只有首版有,喜歡Dirty Three的 樂迷千萬別錯過了。 ● 美國告示牌雜誌新人榜九週冠軍、獨立榜七週亞軍的紐約爵士民謠才女歌手Cat Power和八零年代英陸指標性傳奇大團the Mekons的Sally Timms,首度破天荒的 在一向只有純音樂的Dirty Three跨刀專輯獻唱。 十月十五號 全台發行 In -stores Oct, 15 ________________________________________________________________________ 在滾石雜誌的一篇訪問中,英國老牌樂團The Who的吉他手Pete Townshend說 ,看了那個叫髒三的樂團的演出,讓他中氾滿淚光。其實無疑的很多看過他 們的現場表演或是聽過他們音樂的人,無論是第一次來台為唱片巡迴的小型 宣傳,到上次來台在將近六萬人面前演出,也很難抹滅那種第一次的衝擊和 感動。 AMG ★★★★星佳評 "This is the Dirty Three as we have never heard them before. Their sound is unmistakable…. in all its wounded, pulsing beauty.................................................. ." 離上一張也是飽受世界樂評界好評的專輯She Has No Strings Apollo,睽違 三年Avant-Garde純音樂超級大團Dirty Three再一次帶來全新的,而且是 Dirty Three前所未有更為私密的感人詩篇Cinder (灰燼),這張由知名制作 人Casey Rice (Tortoise, Stereolab, Liz Phair, Joan of Arc , Gastr del Sol),帶來的二十一首長達近八十分鐘,號稱有史以來在音線上最豐富的 Dirty Three大作,第一次將以往在Dirty Three音樂見不到的樂器一往打盡, 多了比較多的深思和精緻的處理和無盡的衝擊,就像是抓住特別中國國樂式的 那種感覺,而像是organ、bouzouki、viola和mandolin這些東西幾乎原來根本 不會出現在Dirty3的唱片中,而他們運用時卻也完全沒有吃掉樂團原有的獨特 性,但是好像又多了好多到門似的。 美國Dusted Magazine完美評價 "The album's 19 tracks seem magically threaded together…With a solid emotional through-line and a few sonic surprises, Cinder is a musical novella, whose narrative compels you to its last luxurious line............................" 由美麗的歐洲民謠和濃厚的爵士小品『Ever Since』展開序幕,Warren Ellis 用 單純的撥旋和背景的提琴獨,漸漸的打開整張專輯感人私密的序幕。『She Passed Through』宛如夜晚沉思的小夜曲,再次柔情的展現堤琴像是用親口為 你道出髒三獨特式的原有的浪漫。蘇格蘭民族樂器Bagpipes為主軸的,民謠世 界曲風超級激昂的狂放大作『Doris』,而幾乎像是中國國樂風格,大型玹樂 編制的華麗樂章『Flutter』,Dirty3這次還首次嘗試了重新演奏了詮釋十八 世紀古典小提琴獨奏的曲目,和德國柏林前衛和古典樂界公認,難得一見的小 提琴獨奏奇才Felix Lajko重奏的『The Zither Player』,Warren和Felix的 提琴互飆,彷彿讓時光回到了他們萬馬奔騰草原時期他們世界大好評的超級經 典專輯Horse Stories。 英國Tasty Magazine "Over the years Dirty Three have certainly lost none of their passion and invention. I think it's fair to say that 'Cinder' is one of the most diverse and enjoyable albums of Dirty Three's career so far"............................................... 紐約爵士民謠才女歌手Cat Power帶來的大海嘯之歌『Great Waves』,以詩意 的歌詞和Dirty3獨特的音樂性,道出了去年南洋大海嘯的悽涼慘景。英陸80年 代最重要的大團之一the Mekons的女主唱Sally Timms的歌聲在為『Feral』更 以淡淡的柔情,勾勒出像是萬星點點的夢幻,而結尾樂章In Fall卻又以那麼 灑脫的方式完美的離開,而日版獨家曲目『June's A Calling』、『Lisa's Mountain』更反而意外成為幾乎超越專輯裡的曲目的超級佳作,像是鎖起這一 切美麗的最後一塊拼圖,讓整張專輯真的變得更無筆完整。只可惜只這一切完 整的有台灣和日本的樂迷聽得到。 Rolling Stone澳大利亞四星半超高評價 / 美國Filter Magazine 08.22.2005 "Album of the week" .................................................. 這並不是一張可以一首首歌分開聽的唱片,在那八十分中得聲音中,你不只可 以聽到,甚至可以見到你想像中巴黎的街頭浪漫,南洋的海邊的悽涼、南半球 的大草原的廣大、紐約的爵士小酒吧的思密,而在想像的時間和空間內找尋到 『愛』、『希望』、『分離』、『失去』、『重生』之間無盡的故事。這並不是 Dirty3的故事,而是你的故事,Whatever You Love, You Are。 Cinder會讓你覺得完全的臣服在他們永遠都是那麼,直覺敏銳的處理感情的音 樂默契,再度讓你融化,再度讓你感動。 文:Lisa Tang Music Australia Guide "With Cinder, The Dirty Three pull off the trick so many bands fail to nail: walking the line between familiarity and surprise, an established sound and new exploration". 美國Halo-17 "A must listen for fans of the band, and those looking for some instrumental rock that's slightly different................." * CINDER JAPANESE/TAIWANESE EDITION BONUS TRACK _______________________________________________________________________ 20. June's A Calling* 21. Lisa's Mountain* MUSIC 新曲試聽 ___________________________________________________________________ Flutter【曲名譯:展翼】 In Fall【曲名譯:在秋天】 MUSIC VIDEO 音樂錄影帶 ___________________________________________________________________ Great Waves (Window Media Player) Truckstop Media Production (2005) Director: Braden King Additional footage and photographs shot by Michael Ackerman, Matt Boyd and Jem Cohen. CINDER 2005 PRESS KIT 專輯發行世界傳媒新聞稿 ___________________________________________________________________ CINDER 2005 (PDF) http://www.toolshed.biz/appfiles/files/225/cinder_bio.pdf DIRTY THREE 05 PRESS PHOTO 樂團照片 ___________________________________________________________________ http://www.toolshed-media.com/images/dirty-three-02-print.jpg
ARTIST SITE 網站 ___________________________________________________________________ http://www.dirtythree.com/ LABEL WEB-SITE 廠牌網站 ___________________________________________________________________ TAIWAN: http://www.gamaamusic.com US: http://www.tgrec.com EUROPE: http://www.v2music.com AUSTRALIA: http://www.remotecontrolrecords.com UK: http://www.bellaunion.com JAPAN: http://www.bls-act.co.jp CINDER TOUR DATES CINDER 世界巡迴 ___________________________________________________________________ DIRTY THREE "CINDER" WORLD TOUR 05-06 (LEG ONE) UK ONE OFF SHOW UK "ALL TOMORROW'S PARTY" ONE OFF _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ October 5 London, The Barbican Theater (sold out) 6 London, Camden Barfly (sold out) 7 London, Camden Barfly (sold out) NORTH AMERICA "CINDER" RECORD PROMOTION MINI-TOUR 05 _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ October Sat 08 USA, Seattle, Neumo's Sun 09 USA, Portland, Aladdin Theater Tue 11 USA, San Francisco, Great American Music Hall Wed 12 USA, San Francisco, Great American Music Hall Thu 13 USA, Los Angeles, Knitting Factory Sat 15 USA, Chicago, Metro Sun 16 USA, Boston, Museum of Fine Art Mon 17 USA, New York, Bowery Ballroom [MORE NORTH AMERICA & CANADA DATES --- SPRING 2006] EUROPE "CINDER" EUROPEAN TOUR 05 _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ October Mon 31 France, Nantes, Barakason November Tue 01 Belgium, Brussels, AB Theater Wed 02 Holland, Utrecht, Ekko Theater Thu 03 Holland, Amsterdam, Paradiso Fri 04 Belgium, Antwerp, Petrol Theater Sun 06 Germany, Berlin, Mudd Hall Mon 07 Germany, Hamburg, Knust Wed 09 UK, Portsmouth, Wedgewood Rooms Thu 10 UK, Liverpool, Liverpool Academy Fri 11 UK, Stoke, Sugarmill Sat 12 Ireland, Dublin, Village concert hall Sun 13 UK, Manchester, Manchester Academy Mon 14 UK, Bristol, Fleece Tue 15 UK, Brighton, Komedia Wed 16 UK, London, Astoria Fri 18 UK, Nottingham, Rescue Rooms Sat 19 UK, Glasgow, ABC Theater Sun 20 UK, Newcastle, Newcastle Academy Mon 21 UK, Birmingham, Birmingham Academy Tue 22 UK, Leeds, Brudenell SC Thu 24 Spain, Bilbao, Antzokia Fri 25 Spain, Madrid, Aqualung Sat 26 Spain, Valencia, Republica Sun 27 Spain, Barcelona, Razzmatazz AUSTRALIA "CINDER" AUSTRALIA TOUR 05 (Australia) _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ December Sat 03 Australia, Sydney, Homebake Festival Main Stage (sold out) ASIA "CINDER" ASIAN & AUSTRALIA TOUR 06 (Japan, China & Hong Kong) _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ March Dates TBC Hong Kong, China, TBC Dates TBC Shanghai, China, TBC Dates TBC Beijing, China, TBC Dates TBC Tokyo, Japan, TBC Dates TBC Tokyo, Japan, TBC Dates TBC Osaka, Japan, TBC Dates TBC TBC, Japan, TBC Dates TBC Adelaide Australia, TBC Dates TBC Perth Australia, TBC Dates TBC Dunsborough, Australia, TBC Dates TBC Brisbane Australia, TBC Dates TBC Sydney Australia, TBC Dates TBC Sydney Australia, TBC Dates TBC Melbourne Australia, TBC Dates TBC Melbourne Australia, TBC -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: theleaf 來自: (10/09 20:13) ※ 編輯: theleaf 來自: (10/09 20:19) ※ 編輯: theleaf 來自: (10/09 20:21) ※ 編輯: theleaf 來自: (10/09 20:24) ※ 編輯: theleaf 來自: (10/09 20:30) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: theleaf 來自: (10/09 20:41)
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