[分享] 在下的(Downfall)歌詞中譯,請多指教,翻的不꘠…

看板WesternMusic作者 (笑看一切是是非非)時間19年前 (2005/11/13 10:08), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 matchbox20 看板] 作者: zomb12 (笑看一切是是非非) 看板: matchbox20 標題: 在下的(Downfall)歌詞中譯,請多指教,翻的不好請見諒...^_^ 時間: Sun Nov 13 10:07:50 2005 因為我太喜歡(Downfall)這首歌了,所以試翻了這首歌,大概有一半因素是 把自己對這首歌的感覺及聯想加進去而翻譯成中文的,或許有些字詞翻得不是那麼的 (字字精準到位),詮釋的方式也或許會與大家的認知有出入,這一點還請大家多多見諒 ......^_^ (Downfall) I wonder how you sleep I wonder what you think - of me If I could go back Would you have ever been with me (不知妳為何仍能安然入眠? 不知妳怎能擺脫我影子? 倘若時光能倒流, 妳是否仍能在我身旁守候?) I want you to be uneased I want you to remember I want you to believe in me I want you on my side Come on And lay it down (我要妳坐立難安, 我要妳永生難忘, 相信我, 我要妳永遠離不開我, 來吧!讓我們一起步向愛的深淵,無法自拔!) I've always been with you Here and now Give all that's within you Be my savior And I'll be your downfall (不論時空如何轉移,我將永遠守候著妳, 為你付出所有,給妳慰藉, 拯救我!我將成為妳永難自拔的愛情深淵!) Here we go again Ashamed of being broken in We're getting off track And I want to get you back again (讓我們重新開始,別再走向決裂, 這一切,毫無軌跡常理可循, 我要妳回到我身邊,永不放手!) I want you to trouble me I wanted you to linger I want you to agree with me I want so much, so bad Come on And lay it down (我要妳成為我的甜蜜負擔, 我要妳離不開我的情網, 我要徹底征服妳, 我要的太多了,噢,多麼無可救藥的無賴啊! 來吧!讓我們一起走向愛的深淵,無法自拔!) I've always been with you Here and now Give all that's within you Be my savior And I'll be your downfall (不論時空如何轉移,我將永遠守候著妳, 為你付出所有,給妳慰藉, 拯救我!我將成為妳永無法自拔的愛情深淵!) You be my savior (妳,是我的唯一救星!) Only love can save us now Love save me now Only love can save us now I'll be your downfall Our love can save us now Love save me now (惟有愛才能拯救我和妳, 我將成為妳永難自拔的愛情深淵!) Lay it down I've always been with you, here and now With all that's within you Be my savior And I'll be your downfall (來吧,不論時空如何轉移,我將永遠守候著妳, 為你付出所有,給妳慰藉, 拯救我!我將成為妳永難自拔的愛情深淵!) Now I'm back on my own Yeah my are heavy, made of stone And I'll make you go where I go Well they're here, can I take you home And I'm coming home, on my back Kissing me, your lips painted black I'll be your downfall Let me be your downfall, baby (現在,我獨自回到妳身邊, 帶著硬如鐵石,永難撼動的無比決心, 我將要帶著妳共闖天涯, 再也沒有任何困難可以阻擋, 是的,我要回到妳身邊, 緊緊地吻我吧,我要妳窒息! 讓我成為妳永難脫身,無可自拔的愛情深淵吧, 寶貝!) -- "I am by nature a perfectionist, and I seem to have trouble allowing anything to go through in a half-perfect condition. So if I made any mistake it was in working too hard and in doing too much of it with my own hands." ---by Howard Hughes -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- "I am by nature a perfectionist, and I seem to have trouble allowing anything to go through in a half-perfect condition. So if I made any mistake it was in working too hard and in doing too much of it with my own hands." ---by Howard Hughes -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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