[轉貼] 西洋老歌欣賞第001集-世界末日vs愛的故事

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[轉貼]西洋老歌欣賞第001集-世界末日vs愛的故事 節目長度:25分 格式:wma http://0rz.net/191r5 Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree      I?m coming home, I?ve done my time   Now I?ve got to know what is and isn?t mine   If you received my letter telling you I?d soon be free   Then you?ll know just what to do   If you still want me  If you still want me   Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon ?round the old oak tree   It?s been three long years   Do you still want me? (still want me)   If I don?t see a ribbon ?round the old oak tree   I?ll stay on the bus   Forget about us   Put the blame on me   If I don?t see a yellow ribbon ?round the old oak tree   Bus driver, please look for me   ?Cause I couldn?t bear to see what I might see   I?m really still in prison   And my love, she holds the key   A simple yellow ribbon?s what I need to set me free   I wrote and told her please   Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon ?round the old oak tree   It?s been three long years   Do you still want me? (still want me)   If I don?t see a ribbon ?round the old oak tree   I?ll stay on the bus   Forget about us   Put the blame on me   If I don?t see a yellow ribbon ?round the old oak tree   Now the whole damned bus is cheering   And I can?t believe I see   A hundred yellow ribbons ?round the old oak tree   I?m coming home   (Tie a ribbon ?round the old oak tree) 聽眾朋友, 聽著這首曲子, 讓憶湘想到: 獨裁政府的不當人權鎮壓, 應當受到譴責, 更應即刻停止任意監禁、剝奪宗教及信仰自由等殘害人群的罪行. The end of the world  世界末日 Skeeter Davis Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Don?t they know it?s the end of the world? ?Cause you don?t love me anymore. Why do the birds go on singing? Why do the stars glow above? Don?t they know it?s the end of the world? It ended when I lost your love I wake up in the morning And I wonder why everything?s the same as it was I can?t understand, no I can?t understand How life goes on the way it does Why does my heart go on beating? Why do these eyes of mine cry? Don?t they know it?s the end of the world? It ended when you said goodbye 在這個忙碌的有效率的世界里, 不一定找得到幸福的空間, 如果我們能從自己心中厘 清生活的本質, 從真和善出發, 也許就離真正的快樂不遠了呢! Love Story 愛的故事 Where do I begin to tell the story of how great a love can be The sweet love story that is older than the sea. The simple truth about the love she brings to me. Where do I start? With her first hello she gave a meaning to this empty world of mine, There?d never be another love, another time. She came into my life and made the living fine. She fills my heart. She fills my heart. She fills my special things with angel songs with wild imaginings. She fills my soul with so much love that anywhere I go, I?m never lonely with her along who could be lonely? I reach for her hand it?s always there. How long does it last, can love be measured by the hours in a day? I have no answers now but this much I can say. I know I?ll need her till the stars all burn away. And she?ll be there. 那些美好的、愛的記憶, 又充滿在我們心中, 祝福您, 擁有光明希望的每一天。 以上節目由憶湘為您企劃制作, 謝謝您的收聽,期待下一次的空中相聚。 (from 希望之聲) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: goldenhill 來自: (05/29 22:24)
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