[轉貼] 西洋老歌欣賞第006集--River

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西洋老歌欣賞第006集--River http://0rz.net/211uZ 節目長度:25分 格式:wma 愛情像不歸河上的旅人, 隨波而去, 她一去不返, 隨著大江東去…. 人們說你將要離開, 你帶走的是陽光, 不要急著向我道別, 只要記著紅河谷…. 不論你到何處, 我都跟隨你, 我們追著同一道彩虹, 一起等待月河…. The river of no return Marilyn Monroe There is a river called the river of no return Sometimes it?s peaceful and sometimes wild and free Love is a traveler on the river of no return Swept on forever to be lost in the storm sea Wailaree, I can hear the river call, Where the roar in waters fall Wailaree, I can hear my lover call come to me I lost my love on the river and forever my heart will yearn Gone, gone, forever, down the river of no return Wailaree, wailaree, she?ll never return to me Red river valley Elvis Presley For this valley they say you leaving. You shall miss you bright eyes and sweet smile. For you take with you are up the sunshine. There?s bright in our path way a while, For a longtime I down and I wake you. For the sweet words you never would say. Now alas, all my fond hopes are vanished? For they say that you are going away. Then come sit by my side if you love me. Do no hasten to bid me adieu. Just remember the Red River Valley. And the cowboy that?s loved you so true. Moon river Ldaura Simo Moon River wider than a mile I?m cross in you in style some day Old dream maker you heart breaker Where you?re off to see the world There?s such a lot of world to see We?re after the same rainbows end Wait in round the bend, my Huck le berry friend Moon River and me 在這首樂曲中, 節目也接近尾聲, 那些美好的、愛的記憶, 又充滿在我們心中, 祝福您, 擁有光明希望的每一天。 (from希望之聲廣播電台) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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