[情報] Natalie Cole 發新作

看板WesternMusic作者 (哈哈哈 XD)時間18年前 (2006/07/29 02:57), 編輯推噓3(300)
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雖然娜塔莉阿姨自90年代起所發行的專輯多以爵士樂風為主 不過80年代末時也是以 R&B/Contemporary 風格東山再起的 新專輯「Leavin'」是娜塔莉阿姨加盟爵士大廠 Verve 暌違四年的第二張專輯 不同於前一張全然的爵士風格,新專輯為揉合流行/節奏藍調/搖滾元素之作 為續1999年「Snowfall On The Sahara」後再度偏向流行取向的作品。 新曲「5 Minutes Away」由本人及 Dallas Austin、鍵盤手 Chanz Parkman 譜寫 當然喜好以個人風格翻唱過往經典歌曲的娜塔莉阿姨這次也不會忘了這點 XD 標題曲「Leavin'」翻唱鄉村/搖滾創作女歌手 Shelby Lynne 的作品 另外專輯中也翻唱了 Isley Brothers、Etta James、Aretha Franklin、 Neil Young、Fiona Apple、Kate Bush 以及 Sting 等人的作品 這張專輯將於 9/26 發行。 http://0rz.net/aa1FA Cole Covers Fiona, Sting On New CD July 26, 2006, 3:10 PM ET Clover Hope, N.Y. Natalie Cole will on Sept. 26 release her 20th studio album "Leavin'" (Verve), her first disc in nearly four years to feature new material. The 12-track set contains covers of songs by Neil Young, Fiona Apple, Kate Bush and Sting, among others. Described as a blend of classic R&B, pop and rock, "Leavin'" will be preceded by a hip-hop-flavored remake of Aretha Franklin's 1972 hit "Day Dreaming." "[The album] has given me the opportunity to explore the greatness in the songs of some of our most talented and gifted songwriters," says Cole. "It was a lot of fun to be able to put our spin on these songs and I thoroughly enjoyed interpreting them." The title track is a Shelby Lynne cover, while other cuts include "Don't Say Goodnight," originally by the Isley Brothers, "Lovin' Arms" (Etta James) and the original track "5 Minutes Away," written by Cole, Dallas Austin and keyboardist Chanz Parkman. Cole will support the new offering with a theater tour in the fall. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: orangepekoe 來自: (07/29 02:57)

07/29 09:00, , 1F
借轉 Lilith 版, 謝謝.
07/29 09:00, 1F
Architect:轉錄至看板 Lilith 07/29 09:00

07/29 18:46, , 2F
07/29 18:46, 2F

08/02 00:20, , 3F
natalie is one of my all time fav...
08/02 00:20, 3F
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