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http://0rz.tw/133SC Bob Dylan Wins Honorary Pulitzer Prize April 07, 2008, 6:05 PM ET Thanks to Bob Dylan, rock'n'roll has finally broken through the Pulitzer wall. Dylan, the most acclaimed and influential songwriter of the past half century, who more than anyone brought rock from the streets to the lecture hall, received an honorary Pulitzer Prize today (April 7), cited for his "profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power." It was the first time Pulitzer judges, who have long favored classical music, and, more recently, jazz, awarded an art form once dismissed as barbaric, even subversive. Long after most of his contemporaries either died, left the business or held on by the ties of nostalgia, Dylan continues to tour almost continuously and release highly regarded CDs, most recently 2006's "Modern Times." Fans, critics and academics have obsessed over his lyrics -- even digging through his garbage for clues -- since the mid-1960s, when such protest anthems as "Blowing in the Wind" made Dylan a poet and prophet for a rebellious generation. His songs include countless biblical references and he has claimed Chekhov, Walt Whitman and Jack Kerouac as influences. His memoir, "Chronicles, Volume One," received a National Book Critics Circle nomination in 2005 and is widely acknowledged as the rare celebrity book that can be treated as literature. According to publisher Simon & Schuster, Dylan is working on a second volume of memoirs. No release date has been set. -- 美中不足的是,抬望眼,總看見園中西隅, 剩下的那兩棵義大利柏樹中間,露出一塊楞楞的空白來, 缺口當中,映著湛湛青空,悠悠白雲, 那是一道女媧煉石也無法彌補的天裂。 --白先勇《樹猶如此》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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