[心得] Angus & Julia Stone

看板WesternMusic作者 (安琪)時間16年前 (2008/05/05 23:55), 編輯推噓0(000)
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來自澳洲的兄妹二重唱,兩人嗓音都極具特色。 有人這樣詮釋他們的vocal: "Her voice has a fractured feel like Jolie Holland; his has a smoke-on-the-beach drawl." 資深英國音樂評論家說道: "Most impressive, though, are the songs - simple but blindingly effective acoustic compositions, warm boy-girl harmonies and delicate, less-is-more arrangements. Resistance is surely futile." 我喜歡他們自然不造作的音樂風格,有些頹廢、有些慵懶... 非常適合在輕風徐徐的下午,拿著你最愛的latte和 caramel waffle細細品嚐, 慢慢進入另一個悠然世界。 推薦Paper Aeroplane I spilled the ink across the page trying to spell your name So I fold it up and i flick it out Paper Aeroplane It wont fly the seven seas to you Cause It didnt leave my room But it awaits the hands of someone else The garbage man Got to say mmm mmm mmm So he opens it up and reads it out to all his friends Amongst the crowd a heart will break and a heart will mend He walks on home tired from work The letter falls from his hand He reaches out only to catch the sky Its gone with the wind Got to say mmm mmm mmm I spilled the ink across the land Trying to spell your name UP and down there it goes Paper Aeroplane It hasnt flown the seven seas to you But its on its way It goes through the hands Then to someone else To find you girl Got to say mmm -- I'm angel, angel is me. http://www.wretch.cc/album/angel120908 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #187ou8_l (WesternMusic)