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看板WesternMusic作者 (Saints & Sinners。)時間16年前 (2008/07/01 03:22), 編輯推噓1(104)
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連結可看影片 http://0rz.tw/c04mH Jay-Z Covers Oasis, Wins Over Doubters At Glastonbury 六月 30, 2008 , 10:45 AM ET Golnar Motevalli, Reuters The tents are packed up and most of the 140,000 music lovers have made their weary way home, but memories of this year's Glastonbury festival, and its headline act Jay-Z, are likely to linger. The choice of the U.S. rapper to perform on the main stage at a festival best known for its guitar-based rock acts was widely criticized, and Oasis' Noel Gallagher riled the musician by saying the organizers were wrong to pick him. Jay-Z's response was emphatic. He opened his show with a film using Gallagher's now infamous comments and a montage of clips parodying him, before launching into an acoustic rendition of one of Oasis's biggest hits, "Wonderwall." Most fans and critics were impressed. "His performance will go down in Glastonbury history," wrote the Independent in a review of the festival. Rather than being booed off stage as some predicted, "both audience and artist rose to the occasion and turned in a moment of real, euphoric, pop-culture history," added the Times. The Guardian concluded: "It's brilliantly staged, utterly thrilling and it makes Gallagher look a bit of a berk." The Daily Mirror tabloid, however, described his performance as dull. "I felt seriously short-changed as I walked away from this performance," it said. -- 美中不足的是,抬望眼,總看見園中西隅, 剩下的那兩棵義大利柏樹中間,露出一塊楞楞的空白來, 缺口當中,映著湛湛青空,悠悠白雲, 那是一道女媧煉石也無法彌補的天裂。 --白先勇《樹猶如此》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: braveshsu:轉錄至看板 Brit-pop 07/01 03:23

07/01 08:11, , 1F

07/01 08:13, , 2F
個人覺得沒有好到能"Wins Over Doubters" 以現場表演來說 光
07/01 08:13, 2F

07/01 08:15, , 3F
是唱歌一直沒對到MIC就不及格了 但是接在後面的99 problems就
07/01 08:15, 3F

07/01 08:15, , 4F
07/01 08:15, 4F

07/02 01:25, , 5F
07/02 01:25, 5F
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