[分享] Lifehouse-Whatever It Takes(含歌詞翻譯)

看板WesternMusic作者 (愛在櫻花翩翩時搬家囉~)時間16年前 (2008/07/13 15:07), 編輯推噓23(2306)
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這陣子常常可以在國外的廣播聽到 呵~~太多失戀的朋友想點播這首歌挽回前男/女朋友 勸大家 把握自己身邊的那個好男/女人 不要等失去了 才後悔 以為點播這首歌 就可以挽回她/他 未免也想得太簡單了吧?!! 花了幾分鐘的時間 幫這首歌翻譯 若翻的不好 請見諒喔!!! http://blog.pixnet.net/terisawu/post/19909203 A strangled smile fell from your face It kills me that I hurt you this way The worst part is that I didn't even know Now there's a million reasons for you to go But if you can find a reason to stay 妳臉上帶著憂傷的微笑 觸痛了曾經那樣傷害妳的我 最過份的是我當初竟然不知道 現在有成千上萬個理由讓妳離開我 是否可以找出一絲絲理由為我留下 I'll do whatever it takes To turn this around I know what's at stake I know that I've let you down And if you give me a chance Believe that I can change I'll keep us together whatever it takes 無論要付出多少代價 才能扭轉這一切 我知道這是一個賭注 我了解我讓妳失望了 但是如果妳願意給我一次機會 相信我 我會改變這一切 無論如何 我會讓妳留在我身邊 She said "If we're gonna make this work You gotta let me inside even though it hurts Don't hide the broken parts that I need to see" She said "Like it or not it's the way it's gotta be You gotta love yourself if you can ever love me" 她說..如果我們要復合的話 妳必須讓我再住進妳心裡 即使會有傷痛 不要再隱藏妳破碎的心 讓我看清楚 她說..不管我們是否喜歡 我們都應該這麼做 妳必須愛妳自己 就像妳曾經愛我那樣 I'll do whatever it takes To turn this around I know what's at stake I know that I've let you down And if you give me a chance And give me a break I'll keep us together, I know you deserve much better 無論要付出多少代價 才能扭轉這一切 我知道這是一個賭注 我了解我讓妳失望了 但是如果妳願意給我一次機會 相信我 我會改變這一切 我會盡我全力留住妳 因為我知道妳值得更好的愛 But remember the time I told you the way that I felt That I'd be lost without you and never find myself Let's hold onto each other above everything else Start over, start over 還記得我曾訴說對妳的感覺 如果沒有了妳 我將迷失方向 找不到自己 讓我們緊握彼此去對抗這一切 讓我們重新再來一次 I'll do whatever it takes To turn this around I know what's at stake I know I've let you down And if you give me a chance and believe that I can change I'll keep us together whatever it takes 無論要付出多少代價 才能扭轉這一切 我知道這是一個賭注 我了解我讓妳失望了 但是如果妳願意給我一次機會 相信我 我會改變這一切 無論如何 我會盡我全力讓妳留在我身邊 Translated by Terisa (詩詩) -- If you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking! http://blog.pixnet.net/terisawu <--專門介紹部落格小玩意 美味食譜 旅遊趣事 "愛在櫻花翩翩時"已經搬到痞客邦了喔!! 歡迎繼續支持喔!!(*≧ω≦*) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cuteterisa 來自: (07/13 15:08)

07/13 15:33, , 1F
推~這首好聽 另外我也很喜歡You and me這首
07/13 15:33, 1F

07/13 16:49, , 2F
推You and me!!!
07/13 16:49, 2F

07/13 17:08, , 3F
小詩詩 你可以去當詩人啦 XD
07/13 17:08, 3F

07/13 17:25, , 4F
挽回之歌另推Hoobstank - reason
07/13 17:25, 4F

07/13 21:37, , 5F
07/13 21:37, 5F

07/13 23:32, , 6F
推! 國外電台(977) 每天幾乎都播兩三次
07/13 23:32, 6F

07/14 02:48, , 7F
推lifehouse 這首真的好聽!!!
07/14 02:48, 7F

07/14 11:51, , 8F
07/14 11:51, 8F

07/14 12:59, , 9F
07/14 12:59, 9F

07/14 14:09, , 10F
07/14 14:09, 10F

07/14 14:45, , 11F
sick cycle carouse, blind, breathing, hanging by a moment
07/14 14:45, 11F

07/14 14:46, , 12F
首首經典阿 第三張專輯我反而沒這麼喜歡
07/14 14:46, 12F

07/14 14:47, , 13F
carousel才對 漏打一個l
07/14 14:47, 13F

07/15 10:14, , 14F
我也超愛no name face那一張 第三張就覺得還好
07/15 10:14, 14F

07/15 13:17, , 15F
呃 樓上板友們的第三張是指Lifehouse or Who We Are??
07/15 13:17, 15F

07/15 13:17, , 16F
07/15 13:17, 16F

07/15 14:54, , 17F
好像說錯了 第三張是Lifehouse, Who We Are那張我覺
07/15 14:54, 17F

07/15 14:54, , 18F
07/15 14:54, 18F

07/15 17:41, , 19F
說錯 應該是第四張我覺得還好 who we are
07/15 17:41, 19F

07/16 01:05, , 20F
07/16 01:05, 20F

07/17 01:02, , 21F
07/17 01:02, 21F

07/17 01:44, , 22F
推Lifehouse 主唱聲音很性感
07/17 01:44, 22F

07/17 17:06, , 23F
推詩詩 XD
07/17 17:06, 23F

07/17 20:09, , 24F
推 Jason Wade :D
07/17 20:09, 24F

07/18 17:48, , 25F
推>"< 第一張最喜歡+1
07/18 17:48, 25F

07/22 13:41, , 26F
07/22 13:41, 26F

07/25 17:25, , 27F
07/25 17:25, 27F

08/03 17:21, , 28F
喔喔....你的簽名檔! 在哪看過?! ker...closer! ^^b
08/03 17:21, 28F

11/10 21:54, , 29F
第一張Sick Cycle Carousel超棒!!不過最愛還是第3張~
11/10 21:54, 29F
文章代碼(AID): #18UQdCt1 (WesternMusic)
文章代碼(AID): #18UQdCt1 (WesternMusic)