[新聞] 凱莉克勞森刷新記錄登上單曲榜冠軍

看板WesternMusic作者 (恐怖時代。)時間15年前 (2009/01/29 02:56), 編輯推噓12(1209)
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瘋婆妮才剛剛創下的96-1紀錄馬上被小凱莉的97-1吸走了。 這也是她繼A Moment Like This之後的第二支冠軍單曲。 新專輯"All I Ever Wanted" 0317發行請大家多多支持。 http://ppt.cc/Hf@U Kelly Clarkson Breaks Record For Hot 100 Jump January 28, 2009 11:10 AM ET Silvio Pietroluongo, N.Y. Kelly Clarkson will make history on this week's Billboard Hot 100, to be posted tomorrow (Jan. 29) on Billboard.com, with the largest leap to No. 1 in the chart's 50-year history. Her new single, "My Life Would Suck Without You," is set to rocket 97-1 after selling 280,000 digital downloads in its first week of availability. The song is also faring well at radio, jumping 58-38 on the Hot 100 Airplay chart and 27-18 on the Mainstream Top 40 list. "My Life" introduces Clarkson's March 17 RCA album "All I Ever Wanted." This is the second time the artist has set the record for largest jump to No. 1. She took her "American Idol" victory song, "A Moment Like This," 52-1 on the chart dated October 5, 2002. That mark lasted nearly five years until Maroon 5 soared 64-1 with "Makes Me Wonder" in May 2007 and had been broken four more times since, most recently by Britney Spears' "Womanizer" (96-1). "My Life" is Clarkson's first No. 1 since her debut single, though she has placed six other songs in the top 10 during this time, including the No. 2-peaking "Since U Been Gone" in April 2005. "Never Again", the first single from her last set, the relatively poor performing "My December," opened at No. 8 on the Hot 100 in the May 5, 2007, issue, starting with 107,000 downloads, and spending a total of two weeks in the top 10. -- 不要再相互靠近,毀滅不會終止的。在你的未來,我想告訴你: 打破任何我讓你產生的想像,努力去愛一個人,但不要過分愛一個人, 適度地愛,也不能完全不愛,那種愛足夠讓你知道在現實裡怎樣做對他才是好的, 那種愛足夠讓你有動力竭盡所能善待對方。即使你因而不愛我了,但沒有關係, 我希望你現在和未來活得好,那就是努力去愛別人,雖然我可能無法完全免於悲傷。 --邱妙津《鱷魚手記》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: braveshsu:轉錄至看板 AmericanIdol 01/29 02:57

01/29 11:32, , 1F
無言= =
01/29 11:32, 1F

01/29 13:32, , 2F
第一次聽到這首就覺得有冠軍相 果然 真厲害
01/29 13:32, 2F

01/29 13:34, , 3F
有點出乎我意料囧,不過這首真的蠻耐聽的耶 :P
01/29 13:34, 3F

01/29 14:50, , 4F
01/29 14:50, 4F

01/29 15:17, , 5F
超強!!! 實至名歸!
01/29 15:17, 5F

01/29 16:06, , 6F
吼吼吼~~~ 凱莉克萊森 正式回歸!!! 太開心了~~~耶耶耶
01/29 16:06, 6F

01/29 17:24, , 7F
"Since U Been Gone"差一點就也#1了。
01/29 17:24, 7F

01/29 19:55, , 8F
01/29 19:55, 8F

01/29 22:35, , 9F
01/29 22:35, 9F

01/29 22:36, , 10F
不然Since you've...和Because of you應該都有機會吧
01/29 22:36, 10F

01/29 23:30, , 11F
胖凱第二張超心酸的 雖然狂賣但專輯和單曲都沒有冠軍過(哭
01/29 23:30, 11F

01/29 23:31, , 12F
我覺得 在榛果眼睛之後 還滿好聽的
01/29 23:31, 12F

01/30 02:21, , 13F
01/30 02:21, 13F

01/30 11:28, , 14F
胖凱!!!!! 把太熱妹打倒吧!!!!
01/30 11:28, 14F

01/30 17:17, , 15F
小老虎真是想打倒泰勒妹想瘋了XD 泰勒妹在單曲榜沒很威啦~
01/30 17:17, 15F

01/30 19:26, , 16F
我不喜歡她很媚的眼睛!!! 胖凱雖然肉多但很實在 XD
01/30 19:26, 16F

01/30 22:23, , 17F
她眼睛很魅但創作的歌一點都不魅啊XD 胖凱 繼續冠軍吧~
01/30 22:23, 17F

01/30 23:15, , 18F
胖凱這週在加拿大的Hot 100也是狂吸到#1哦~~~
01/30 23:15, 18F

01/30 23:16, , 19F
01/30 23:16, 19F

01/31 00:48, , 20F
01/31 00:48, 20F

01/31 12:04, , 21F
不過阿GA的撲克臉上升速度蠻快的 目前是#32 我比較愛這首
01/31 12:04, 21F
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