[閒聊] 3/20 Taylor Swift文章新增Houston Rodeo and a giant

看板WesternMusic作者 (阿呆藍)時間15年前 (2009/03/20 18:13), 編輯推噓2(200)
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19號她有新增幾張照片 http://0rz.tw/QQK6m "Austin and Taylor, I want a picture of you two together in front of the planes..." Just like when we were four. http://0rz.tw/msI7U I couldn't get the clasp of the necklace closed apparently. And decided to look moody while attempting. Snap. There you have it. http://0rz.tw/8R6xF ================================================= 以下為20號新增文章 Houston Rodeo and a giant stage. Hey! I'm wiped out. I've been in the studio all day ( I know, I know.. We JUST put out a new album. I think I have a problem, I cannot stop writing songs.) It's so much fun knowing that you can take your time, because you have like a year and a half to make something you're really proud of. I love recording a few songs, waiting a few months, recording a few more.. Instead of devoting a few weeks to "record the album" and then it's just done. I like dragging it out, that way you can be meticulous about every detail. Daydream about different ways to put the songs together, and then take them apart. I'm pretty obsessed with the whole process. So needless to say, it was good to be back in the studio with my redheaded producer who I missed terribly. Tomorrow I play the Houston Rodeo for the first time in my life. I've heard about it since I was born because my mom's from Houston. They're telling me really crazy things about the ticket sales so far, and I'm kind of in shock about how many of your beautiful faces I'm going to be seeing tomorrow. :) I'm really excited about it, and I'd love to see you there! When we get back from Texas, I go straight into tour rehearsals for the Fearless tour. (!!!!) I can't believe this is actually.. really... happening. They've set my stage up in this giant, massive warehouse and apparently it's really something. Considering that the stage was originally inspired from a drawing I made a few years ago, I'll be the most excited person in the room when we go over and see it for the first time. Then we start the hard part: Putting the show together. Again, I know I say thank you every 4 seconds, but.. guys.. Thanks for all of this. Wish me luck. See you in Houston :) lovelovelove -T- 以下為不負責任隨手翻翻: 休士頓牛仔秀和巨型舞台 嘿! 我累垮了,我已經待在工作室裡一整天 (我瞭,我瞭…我們只是在進行新的專輯。我想我有個問題,那就是我無法停止寫歌) 這有太多的樂趣讓你可以慢慢花費時間在其中, 因為你可以有一年或半年去創作一些讓你感到真正驕傲的事物。 我喜歡錄下一些歌,然後等過幾個月後,再錄更多的…. 而不同於一次花費數周專心於”錄製整張專輯”,而專輯就這樣完成了的作法。 我喜歡慢慢來,而這種方式讓你可以精細於每個細節, 就如幻想著以不同的方式來讓歌曲匯集,而後再把他們拆開構析。 我相當沉浸於整個過程之中。 因此不用說,能和我想念的紅髮的製作人回到工作室是非常令人愉快的。 明天將是我生平第一次在休士頓牛仔秀上表演。 因為我母親是休士頓人所以我從小就聽到關於那裏的事。 他們已經跟我說目前門票的瘋狂銷售狀況, 我感到非常驚訝並想著明天我到底可以看見多少位你們美麗的臉龐:) 對此我真的感到非常興奮,而我真的非常期望能看見你們在那裏! 當我們從德州回來時,我直接去為無懼的愛巡迴演唱進行排練。 我簡直不敢相信這是真的…真的…發生了 他們在一個巨大的倉庫裡幫我架設我的舞台,很明顯地這真的很了不起! 回想這個舞台的靈感來源是我幾年前所繪製的, 因此等到我們過去第一次看到以後,我將會是在場最興奮的人! 緊接著我們將進行最困難的部分:把所有的表演整合在一起 再次地, 我知道我每隔四秒(不停地)就說感謝你們 而…各位…真的感謝你們所作的這一切 祝我順利。那我們休士頓見!:) lovelovelove ============================= 嗚嗚我也想看她的巡迴表演 不知道泰勒妹構思的舞台是長怎樣 想想如果你設計的東西 有天被實現了出來 那是多美好的事啊 也難怪她那麼興奮... 最後 快來台灣開演唱會拉吼~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: vincentlan:轉錄至看板 CountryMusic 03/20 18:14

03/20 19:08, , 1F
03/20 19:08, 1F

03/21 11:28, , 2F
03/21 11:28, 2F
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文章代碼(AID): #19msnEQT (WesternMusic)