[新聞] 3/28 Taylor Swift文章新增

看板WesternMusic作者 (阿呆藍)時間15年前 (2009/03/29 23:35), 編輯推噓0(000)
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"I'll be there in the back of your mind" Hey guys! I just saw Kellie's new video, and I love it! We wanted it to be a surprise that we were going to be in it together, so.. Surprise! I'm so happy this is her new single. We wrote this song in the back of a tour bus on the Brad Paisley tour two years ago, and it's so crazy to know that it has a music video now! The video is hilarious, and Kellie did a great job with it. So excited that she asked me to make a cameo. If you're thinking of requesting some songs on the radio, definitely make that song one of them. Please. :) I'll be seeing her soon, we've got my whole stage set up and have been rehearsing all day, every day. It's like camp. But better. And Grant is constantly sound checking his guitar. All the time. Like.. as in.. Never stops . Every minute. We all have headaches. But in all honesty, I'm in heaven right now. Constantly having meetings with the video crew and the lighting guys and the carpenters and the band and running through things over and over and over again.. And you all know that meticulous organization is like my thing. I love organization. And meetings to insure organization. And how if you put enough hours and effort in, all the little pieces come together. I'm so excited for opening night. I can't even wait. I'm gonna get back to work. Grant is still sound checking his guitar. Like he has been since we got here at 8AM. Just in case you were wondering. Love you guys! lovelovelove -T- 以下隨手翻翻: "I'll be there in the back of your mind" 我將會在你內心深處 嗨大家好! 我剛看完了凱莉的新影帶,而且我很喜歡它!我們希望我們一同出現在裡面是個驚喜, 所以...驚喜吧!我很高興這是她的新單曲。我們兩年前在布萊德派思里巡迴演唱 的觀光巴士後面寫下這首歌,而知道它現在有了音樂錄影帶真讓人感到欣喜若狂。這個影 片是滑稽好笑的, 而且凱莉也做得非常好。真高興她能邀請我去客串演出,如果你想要 在廣播點播歌曲,這當然是其中必點的一首,拜託了:) 我將會很快跟她再見面,我們已經將我的整個舞台設置好並且每天整日的排練。這就像在 紮營,但 是卻更好!Grant不斷地對他的吉他進行調音。一直地..就好像..陷入..不會停止 之中,無時無刻。我們都很頭痛。但是老實說,我現在彷彿是在天國中。不停地和攝影組 跟燈光人員開會,而且道具人員和樂隊一次又一次不停不停地排演,你知道,我這個人阿 ,做事就是喜歡規劃地仔仔細細的。我喜歡有條理,並開會確認編制。而且你要如何安排 足夠的時間和努力,讓所有的小片段拼湊在一起。我對開幕夜感到如此地興奮,我甚至已 經等不及了。 我要回去工作了。Grant仍然在對他的吉他調音。大概從早上八點我們到達這裡他就已經 這樣了。這只是順帶一提而已。 愛你們大家! lovelovelove -T- 附上 Kellie Pickler : Best Days of Your Life 的MV http://0rz.tw/ydl7s -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: vincentlan 來自: (03/29 23:58)
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