[心得] Adele:: Cold Shoulder

看板WesternMusic作者 (西里)時間15年前 (2009/04/09 15:46), 編輯推噓9(903)
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_____________________________________ 附MV完整版:http://tinyurl.com/cussrc _____________________________________ 這首歌出來好久了 最近又浮上心頭 Adele算是近年經典女歌手吧 第一次在ICRT聽見她的主打【Chasing Pavement】  驚為天人!!! 廣播的世界是無從知道臉的 直到【Cold Shoulder】出來 我才上youtube看看她的模樣 然後好失望... 光聽聲音給我的想像是長相凶狠的黑人女歌手 慵懶的唱出心碎又輕蔑的曲調 但她完全不是這樣 Adele居然是個豐腴又孤僻啊 照理說豐腴應該會相對讓人感到溫暖 但她無論從什麼方面來看 都有種難以親近的氣質 因此我說她孤僻 應該合情合理 (到現在還是無法看著她的臉聽她的歌...) 後來是怎麼Cold Shoulder會超越Chasing Pavement在我心中的喜好度 關鍵是背景音樂 Cold Shoulder像是零星的雨滴恣意的打在心上 有著和Cozy in the Rocket異曲同工的氣質 越是不在乎 樂音裡的哀愁分子便會相對放大 能釋放出一些憤恨 一絲無奈 不若Chasing Pavement的一曲訴衷腸那樣 掙扎和痛苦都表現的很直接 換句話說 就是個神秘的態度 人總是習慣性的被未知所吸引 像壞人遇到冷靜的受害者會益發惱怒 進而想要破壞、摧毀來得到合乎情理的尖叫、崩潰 聽音樂也是如此 反反覆覆的按下播放 無非是想找到她一點點的在乎  在弔胃口的領域 Cold Shoulder可說是輕易勝出 (以上是單指音樂不包含歌詞啊) 放上歡樂有勁的remix版 落差好大  Adele的嗓音力量也很大 好像一直有人在遠方吹小喇叭 心會時不時的抽動 慢慢被牽走 以下附上歌詞↓ You say it's all in my head And the things I think just don't make sense So where you been then? Don't go all coy Don't turn it round on me like it's my fault See I can see that look in your eyes The one that shoots me each and every time You grace me with your cold shoulder Whenever you look at me I wish I was her       有夠酸的 You shower me with words made of knives        非常寫實  Whenever you look at me I wish I was her These days when I see you You make it look like see-through Do tell me why you waste our time When your heart ain't admitting you're not satisfied 這句好難跟 You know I know just how you feel I'm starting to find myself feeling that way too When you grace me with your cold shoulder Whenever you look at me I wish I was her You shower me with words made of knives Whenever you look at me I wish I was her Time and time again, I play the role of fool (Just for you) Even in the daylight when you (?) (I see you) Try to look for things I hear but our eyes never find 'Though I do know how you play You grace me with your cold shoulder Whenever you look at me I wish I was her You shower me with words made of knives Whenever you look at me I wish I was her You grace me with your cold shoulder Whenever you look at me I wish I was her You shower me with words made of knives Whenever you look at me I wish I was her 淺顯易懂 在句尾聲韻的部分 安排的挺好 很適合Adele的唱腔 與其說她想挽回男人的愛 我更覺得她會拿刀插在他心上 漂亮! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/09 18:49, , 1F
04/09 18:49, 1F

04/09 18:50, , 2F
胖已經很慘了 施主這又是何苦呢 XD
04/09 18:50, 2F

04/09 19:25, , 3F
04/09 19:25, 3F

04/09 19:34, , 4F
沒有不喜歡她胖啦>< 只是和聲音落差太大了
04/09 19:34, 4F

04/09 21:18, , 5F
04/09 21:18, 5F

04/09 22:15, , 6F
04/09 22:15, 6F

04/10 00:44, , 7F
蛤 她沒有孤僻啊 她很多現場表演和歌迷的互動都不錯
04/10 00:44, 7F

04/10 00:44, , 8F
而且我也很愛Adele 非常精彩的新人
04/10 00:44, 8F

04/10 01:11, , 9F
推這首歌的Basement Jaxx Classic Remix。^^b
04/10 01:11, 9F

04/10 02:28, , 10F
推上這版!!!很好聽 =D
04/10 02:28, 10F

04/10 18:27, , 11F
個人最喜歡的曲子是Hometown Glory
04/10 18:27, 11F

08/15 16:41, , 12F
沒有明星氣質!???她可是DIVA 唱起歌來沒人會把眼神移開!
08/15 16:41, 12F
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文章代碼(AID): #19tQVTNo (WesternMusic)