[訃聞] Boyzone 成員史蒂芬 Stephen Gately 去世

看板WesternMusic作者 (小佛)時間15年前 (2009/10/11 12:24), 編輯推噓57(5707)
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昨日 (10日) 被發現身亡,享年33歲 史蒂芬目前正在西班牙馬略卡島度假。 Boyzone 發言人已證實史蒂芬的死訊 但目前由於死因不明,相關細節並未公布。 其餘團員 Ronan Keating、Keith Duffy、Shane Lynch 及 Mikey Graham 以及經紀人 Louis Walsh 將於明日飛往馬略卡島。 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/ireland/article6869799.ece Boyzone star Stephen Gately found dead Jamie McGinnes Boyzone singer Stephen Gately has been found dead at the age of 33, it was reported today. Gately was believed to have been holidaying in Majorca when he died yesterday, according to a newspaper. Boyzone manager Louis Walsh told the News of the World: "We're all absolutely devastated. I'm in complete shock. I was only with him on Monday at an awards ceremony. We don't know much about what's happened yet. "I only heard after The X Factor and we will rally around each other this week. He was a great man." All four remaining members of Boyzone - Ronan Keating, Keith Duffy, Shane Lynch and Mikey Graham - will be flying to Palma, Majorca tomorrow. Boyzone star Shane Lynch told the News of the World: "Me and the boys are flying out in the morning. We just need to get over to where he's passed and work out what we need to do." Ronan Keating, who is in Chicago, has been left devastated by the death of his close friend. A pal revealed to the newspaper: "Ronan is completely distraught. No-one saw this coming. "He loved Stephen like a brother, they were so close, it's absolutely floored him. "It's a massive shock to everyone and no one can take it in yet. "He was a man in the prime of his life, and this is a huge tragedy." Gay singer Gately's coming out ten years ago caused a sensation in the pop music world. He leaves a husband Andrew Cowles, who he married in a civil union in March, 2006. Gately also became a star of theatre, TV and radio, appearing in the West End as Joseph in and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and in the ITV show Dancing on Ice. Boyzone had 17 top five singles and four number one albums before splitting in 2000. They made a comeback tour in 2007, however their recent 19-date Better tour was deemed a flop as the band played to half-filled arenas. A spokesman for Boyzone confirmed the death but details are yet to emerge. --  ┌┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┐ ┌┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┐ ┼┼┼ ┼┼┼ ┼┼┼ o  r  a  n  g  e  p  e  k  o  e ┼┼┼  └┼┼       ┼┼┘  └┴┴┴┴┴┴┴ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/faustlin ┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┘ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: orangepekoe 來自: (10/11 12:24)

10/11 12:25, , 1F
10/11 12:25, 1F

10/11 12:27, , 2F
R.I.P. 好令人意外的消息
10/11 12:27, 2F

10/11 12:31, , 3F
真假 好突然阿@@
10/11 12:31, 3F

10/11 12:41, , 4F
10/11 12:41, 4F

10/11 13:15, , 5F
是年紀最小的那個嗎? 唉唉 RIP
10/11 13:15, 5F

10/11 13:20, , 6F
好震驚唷..前一陣子去餐廳吃飯還聽到Love me for a reason
10/11 13:20, 6F

10/11 13:27, , 7F
10/11 13:27, 7F

10/11 13:48, , 8F
R.I.P. 太震驚了!!!
10/11 13:48, 8F

10/11 14:00, , 9F
R.I.P. 我最愛的stephen...
10/11 14:00, 9F

10/11 14:03, , 10F
10/11 14:03, 10F

10/11 14:08, , 11F
10/11 14:08, 11F

10/11 14:08, , 12F
應該是得年33歲吧 @@
10/11 14:08, 12F

10/11 14:26, , 13F
10/11 14:26, 13F

10/11 14:26, , 14F
(驚!!) :|:|:| R.I.P....
10/11 14:26, 14F

10/11 14:41, , 15F
不敢相信~ Boyzone 裡最喜歡他當主唱的歌曲說 R.I.P.
10/11 14:41, 15F

10/11 14:45, , 16F
R.I.P. 好震驚…我小時候最喜歡他…Q______Q
10/11 14:45, 16F

10/11 14:50, , 17F
R.I.P. 最喜歡的就是他唱的Don't Stop Looking for Love
10/11 14:50, 17F

10/11 14:56, , 18F
好意外喔...........R.I.P. ><
10/11 14:56, 18F

10/11 15:08, , 19F
10/11 15:08, 19F

10/11 15:21, , 20F
我只能說傷心哪....R.I.P 怎麼也沒想會是他...
10/11 15:21, 20F

10/11 15:39, , 21F
10/11 15:39, 21F

10/11 15:39, , 22F
10/11 15:39, 22F

10/11 16:01, , 23F
大驚...........................R.I.P. ...
10/11 16:01, 23F

10/11 16:06, , 24F
@@ 真是shock
10/11 16:06, 24F

10/11 16:24, , 25F
10/11 16:24, 25F

10/11 16:37, , 26F
10/11 16:37, 26F

10/11 16:47, , 27F
R.I.P No matter what
10/11 16:47, 27F

10/11 17:02, , 28F
10/11 17:02, 28F

10/11 17:02, , 29F
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 怎麼會
10/11 17:02, 29F

10/11 17:09, , 30F
10/11 17:09, 30F

10/11 18:55, , 31F
10/11 18:55, 31F

10/11 18:55, , 32F
怎麼會這樣!!! R.I.P. Q口Q
10/11 18:55, 32F

10/11 18:58, , 33F
10/11 18:58, 33F

10/11 19:47, , 34F
10/11 19:47, 34F

10/11 20:36, , 35F
R.I.P. ....
10/11 20:36, 35F

10/11 20:45, , 36F

10/11 21:07, , 37F
10/11 21:07, 37F

10/11 21:08, , 38F
R.I.P 還記得去年他們上過哈林的節目 唉
10/11 21:08, 38F

10/11 21:22, , 39F
10/11 21:22, 39F

10/11 21:32, , 40F
10/11 21:32, 40F

10/11 21:37, , 41F
驚!!! 怎麼會這樣 今年怎麼了= =
10/11 21:37, 41F

10/11 21:42, , 42F
R.I.P 高中很喜歡他說
10/11 21:42, 42F

10/11 22:57, , 43F
><+ Goodbye, stephen...
10/11 22:57, 43F

10/11 23:26, , 44F
R.I.P. ....
10/11 23:26, 44F

10/11 23:34, , 45F
10/11 23:34, 45F

10/11 23:36, , 46F
10/11 23:36, 46F

10/11 23:51, , 47F
給某一樓 30歲以下才用得年 30-60用享年 60以上用享壽
10/11 23:51, 47F

10/11 23:51, , 48F
10/11 23:51, 48F

10/11 23:55, , 49F
他老公是Caught In The Act的團員嗎?
10/11 23:55, 49F

10/12 00:34, , 50F
不是caught in act的,那是過去式了
10/12 00:34, 50F

10/12 00:35, , 51F
10/12 00:35, 51F

10/12 00:44, , 52F
10/12 00:44, 52F

10/12 00:50, , 53F
...覺得好煩好痛苦 一直再失去自己好愛好愛的偶像....
10/12 00:50, 53F

10/12 11:19, , 54F
10/12 11:19, 54F

10/12 16:28, , 55F
10/12 16:28, 55F

10/12 16:46, , 56F
R.I.P QQ 嗚
10/12 16:46, 56F

10/12 20:07, , 57F
受教了 謝謝braveshsu
10/12 20:07, 57F

10/12 21:14, , 58F
R.I.P. .......我也很喜歡他Q___Q 他的歌聲很棒.....
10/12 21:14, 58F

10/12 21:48, , 59F
Rest In Peace
10/12 21:48, 59F

10/12 22:46, , 60F
10/12 22:46, 60F

10/13 00:58, , 61F
10/13 00:58, 61F

10/13 20:02, , 62F
10/13 20:02, 62F

10/13 23:51, , 63F
10/13 23:51, 63F

10/16 20:34, , 64F
10/16 20:34, 64F
文章代碼(AID): #1AqLtvfj (WesternMusic)
文章代碼(AID): #1AqLtvfj (WesternMusic)