[心得] Orianthi- Suffocated

看板WesternMusic作者 (自助旅行)時間15年前 (2009/11/21 17:08), 編輯推噓8(800)
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Orianthi 這位新人來頭不小,以前曾經是很多知名樂手 ex. Prince 的吉他手 MJ 去世之前本來打算辦的巡迴演唱會 "This is it" 就找她來當主吉他手 這邊有一段她被選入 MJ 吉他手的訪問.... " I don’t know exactly why he picked me, but he watched my YouTube videos and loved them,” Orianthi said “He had his choice of guitar players, but I came in and played the ‘Beat It’ solo for him. Afterward he was so happy he got up and grabbed my arm and started walking up and down the stage area with me. He said, ‘Can you play once for me?’ ” So Orianthi ripped out Eddie Van Halen’s wicked whammy and finger-tapping solo again. Jackson was just as impressed on the second take. "He hired me that night,” Orianthi said. “I wish he was still around. He made me believe in myself more, and I learned so much. Going into it, I thought it would be all about playing guitar solos. But the majority of it was playing chords and funky rhythms.” 這邊有一個 MJ 跟她一起綵排時的影片... (話說我以前一直以為那個吉他手是男的.....) Orianthi and Michael Jackson during the "This Is It" tour rehearsals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7oAteGa55g
所以 MJ 走了以後她就自己出來出專輯了 有人說她外型很像 Avril Lavigne,不過歌風差蠻多的 首張專輯 "Believe" 整張都很好聽!! very powerful 目前美國的主打是 "According To You" (不過幾乎沒在美國廣播中聽到過) 專輯裡面我最喜歡這一首 "Suffocated" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0dDb5aW84U
有KTV 的話大聲唱起來應該很痛快!! -- http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cuteone/18462278 Orianthi- Suffocated -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: currant 來自: (11/21 17:10) ※ 編輯: currant 來自: (11/21 17:22)

11/21 19:18, , 1F
11/21 19:18, 1F

11/21 19:26, , 2F
11/21 19:26, 2F

11/21 21:10, , 3F
知錢好像八卦版有討論過他吧 以前有出過專輯
11/21 21:10, 3F

11/21 21:33, , 4F
吉他飆得很爽快 ^^b
11/21 21:33, 4F

11/21 22:53, , 5F
11/21 22:53, 5F

11/23 10:25, , 6F
11/23 10:25, 6F

11/27 21:47, , 7F
這張專輯目前台灣已經發行囉 環球唱片
11/27 21:47, 7F

11/30 17:34, , 8F
我也超喜歡這首 打算買了 剛出
11/30 17:34, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1B1wugko (WesternMusic)
文章代碼(AID): #1B1wugko (WesternMusic)