[閒聊] 胖凱轟泰勒絲護 American Idol

看板WesternMusic作者 (R費)時間14年前 (2010/02/05 12:15), 編輯推噓29(29022)
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標題殺人 XD 但胖凱真的很愛開砲耶~~ XDDD 話說這禮拜葛來美的泰勒絲表演被批的很慘, 於是 Big Machine(泰勒絲的唱片公司)老闆出面護航 “”She is the voice of this generation. She speaks directly to [her fans], and they speak directly back to her. This is not American Idol. This is not a competition of getting up and seeing who can sing the highest note. This is about a true artist and writer and communicator. It’s not about that technically perfect performance.” “Maybe,” he went on, “she’s not the best technical singer, but she’s probably the best emotional singer because everybody else who gets up there and is technically perfect, people don’t seem to want more of it.” 大意是說泰勒絲當然不是最有技巧的演唱者, 她唱歌注重的是把感情宣洩出來,是一種說故事的方式。 這世界不是只有 Ameircan Idol, 不是每個人都在比誰可以唱到最高音。 看到人家批評 AI, 胖凱忍不住就跳出來開戰 XD http://iamkelly.wordpress.com/2010/02/04/scott-borchetta/ “Wow …..Dear Scott Borchetta, I understand defending your artist obviously because I have done the same in the past for artists I like, including Taylor, so you might see why its upsetting to read you attacking American Idol for producing simply vocalists that hit ‘the high notes’. Thank you for that ‘Captain Obvious’ sense of humor because you know what, we not only hit the high notes, you forgot to mention we generally hit the ‘right’ notes as well. Every artist has a bad performance or two and that is understandable, but throwing blame will not make the situation at hand any better. 我能理解你為自己的藝人護航,我也會幫我喜歡的歌手說話,包括絲絲。 但我們 American Idol不只會唱高音,還會唱準的音。(好酸 >////<) 每個藝人都有好壞的表現,牽拖有的沒有很白目。 I have been criticized left and right for having shaky performances before (and they were shaky) and what my manager or label executives say to me and the public is “I’ll kick butt next time” or “every performance isn’t going to be perfect” ……I bring this up because you should take a lesson from these people and instead of lashing out at other artists (that in your ‘ humble’ opinion lack true artistry), you should simply take a breath and realize that sometimes things won’t go according to plan or work out and that ’s okay. 我也曾經有唱的很爛的現場, 但我的經紀人對我跟大眾是這麼說的: "她下次會更好!"   "不可能每場演出都是完美的" 有時候就是要接受事實! Sincerely, One of those contestants from American Idol who only made it because of her high notes” 最後這署名超酸的 XD 胖凱好酷! -- It's the hunger, hunger for an alternative and the refusal to accept a life of unhappiness. Sarah Pierce, Little Children -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Rfed 來自: (02/05 12:16)

02/05 12:19, , 1F
02/05 12:19, 1F

02/05 12:31, , 2F
當晚找stevie nicks來合唱真是錯誤的決定,最後唱
02/05 12:31, 2F

02/05 12:31, , 3F
you belong with me時,老大姊完全是格格不入
02/05 12:31, 3F

02/05 12:44, , 4F
02/05 12:44, 4F

02/05 13:07, , 5F
胖凱超酷加一 泰勒現場超爛老闆還牽拖
02/05 13:07, 5F

02/05 13:36, , 6F
這次表演找錯人 就這樣
02/05 13:36, 6F

02/05 13:39, , 7F
02/05 13:39, 7F

02/05 13:52, , 8F
02/05 13:52, 8F

02/05 13:55, , 9F
如果沒找Stevie Nicks也就罷了...反正她也不是第一次砸鍋XD
02/05 13:55, 9F

02/05 13:55, , 10F
02/05 13:55, 10F

02/05 13:56, , 11F
02/05 13:56, 11F

02/05 13:56, , 12F
02/05 13:56, 12F

02/05 13:57, , 13F
(也許不見得是喜歡,但起碼沒有討厭吧我想.. ^^;)
02/05 13:57, 13F

02/05 14:07, , 14F
走調是這個嗎http://tinyurl.com/ygna3df 其實還好啊
02/05 14:07, 14F

02/05 14:07, , 15F
02/05 14:07, 15F

02/05 14:19, , 16F
老闆護航可以 但是牽拖到別人 的確不好Q_Q
02/05 14:19, 16F

02/05 14:29, , 17F
泰勒妹也有live表現不錯的時候 但就不是每場都很穩
02/05 14:29, 17F

02/05 14:31, , 18F
看過泰勒很多live 大型典禮的多不穩可能因為緊張吧
02/05 14:31, 18F

02/05 14:55, , 19F
"我們AI不只會唱高音,還會唱準的音" XDDDDD
02/05 14:55, 19F

02/05 14:56, , 20F
胖凱唱泰勒妹的White Horse很好聽 http://bit.ly/4HGDue
02/05 14:56, 20F

02/05 15:50, , 21F
02/05 15:50, 21F

02/05 17:39, , 22F
老闆大概是在批評Carrie吧 他也是AI出來的 可是這次卻給
02/05 17:39, 22F

02/05 17:40, , 23F
了T得獎 就像各位講的一樣 葛萊美砸自己招牌 所以才會牽
02/05 17:40, 23F

02/05 17:41, , 24F
脫AI只會飆高 胖凱超殺 五月我來溜~
02/05 17:41, 24F

02/05 17:50, , 25F
02/05 17:50, 25F

02/05 17:59, , 26F
02/05 17:59, 26F

02/05 18:00, , 27F
泰勒最可怕的還是前年CMA的Love story...
02/05 18:00, 27F

02/05 18:22, , 28F
02/05 18:22, 28F

02/05 18:27, , 29F
02/05 18:27, 29F

02/05 19:17, , 30F
演唱會是星期四 外縣市到不了 〒△〒
02/05 19:17, 30F

02/05 20:06, , 31F
胖凱超強XDD 我也很喜歡Carrie~~這張好聽!!!!!
02/05 20:06, 31F

02/05 22:04, , 32F
02/05 22:04, 32F

02/05 22:04, , 33F
木下真的是大器和小品都能唱,Play On裡面就有不少小品都
02/05 22:04, 33F

02/05 22:05, , 34F
02/05 22:05, 34F

02/05 22:05, , 35F
02/05 22:05, 35F

02/06 16:07, , 36F
不過 不得不說 是泰勒妹 讓我接觸到 鄉村音樂這一塊
02/06 16:07, 36F

02/06 16:10, , 37F
02/06 16:10, 37F

02/06 16:42, , 38F
02/06 16:42, 38F

02/06 16:44, , 39F
02/06 16:44, 39F

02/06 16:52, , 40F
02/06 16:52, 40F

02/06 16:52, , 41F
02/06 16:52, 41F

02/06 18:16, , 42F
02/06 18:16, 42F

02/06 19:32, , 43F
02/06 19:32, 43F

02/06 19:47, , 44F
哇塞 第一首副歌走音...
02/06 19:47, 44F

02/06 19:48, , 45F
也... 我聽了發現 從頭到尾她的音沒什麼準的...
02/06 19:48, 45F

02/06 19:48, , 46F
你可以聽一下旁邊的合音 就知道...
02/06 19:48, 46F

02/08 14:48, , 47F
02/08 14:48, 47F

02/08 16:53, , 48F
胖凱就是Kelly Clarkson啊!!XD
02/08 16:53, 48F

02/08 16:53, , 49F
02/08 16:53, 49F

02/10 10:13, , 50F
02/10 10:13, 50F

02/10 22:34, , 51F
02/10 22:34, 51F
文章代碼(AID): #1BQvjyF3 (WesternMusic)
文章代碼(AID): #1BQvjyF3 (WesternMusic)