[閒聊] The Offspring - Why don't You Get A Job

看板WesternMusic作者 (臉人)時間14年前 (2010/07/23 17:53), 編輯推噓3(302)
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網誌版 http://faceman.pixnet.net/blog/post/10690702 收錄在1998年專輯《Americana》 The Offspring不管是歌詞還是曲風都很有趣,大多還有諷刺意味 其實這種人現實生活中滿多的 希望大家都不會遇到囉 XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vmbm-3dOKlE&feature=player_embedded
Why Don't You Get A Job My friend‘s got a girlfriend 我朋友最近交了一個女友 Man he hates that bitch 不過他超討厭那個婊子 He tells me every day 他每天都在跟我抱怨 He says "man I really gotta lose my chick in the worst kind of way" 說: 我真的要用最惡劣的方法甩掉她了 She sits on her ass 她一屁股坐下來 He works his hands to the bone 他卻要努力工作 To give her money every payday 然後在發薪日把薪水交給她 But she wants more dinero just to stay at home 即使如此她還要更多更多的錢只為了舒服的待在家裡 Well my friend you gotta say 喔我的朋友,你早就應該這樣跟她說了 I won't pay, I won't pay ya, no way 我不要再付錢了,想都別想 Why don't you get a job 妳怎麼不自己去賺 Say no way, say no way, no way 這次我不可能再付一毛錢了 Why don't you get a job 妳怎麼不自己去賺 I guess all his money, well it isn't enough to keep her bill collectors at bay 我猜他所有的薪水都不夠用來支付她的帳單 I guess all his money, well it isn't enough cause that girl‘s got expensive taste 我猜他所有的薪水都不能滿足她,因為她只想過奢華的生活 I won't pay, I won't pay ya, no way 我不要再付錢了,想都別想 Why don't you get a job 妳怎麼不自己去賺 Say no way, say no way, no way 這次我不可能再付一毛錢了 Why don't you get a job 妳怎麼不自己去賺 Well I guess it ain't easy doing nothing at all 我覺得什麼都不做應該也是滿辛苦的 But hey man free rides just don't come along every day 但要知道不是每天都有這麼好康的事情發生 Let me tell you about my other friend now 讓我告訴你另外一個朋友的故事吧 My friend's got a boyfriend, man she hates that dick 我朋友最近交了一個男友,但是他超討厭那個賤人 She tells me every day 她每天都在跟我抱怨 He wants more dinero just to stay at home 他想要更多更多的錢只為了舒服的待在家裡 Well my friend you gotta say 喔我的朋友,你早就應該這樣跟她說了 -- 《SEXY》Rolling Stone評選的27張性感雜誌封面 http://faceman.pixnet.net/blog/post/8051018 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/23 19:54, , 1F
07/23 19:54, 1F
騎車聽後裔會越騎越快吧 XD

07/24 02:14, , 2F
還有Pretty fly for a white guy!
07/24 02:14, 2F
Pretty fly是我接觸到後裔的第一首歌!!

07/24 02:29, , 3F
Youtube鄉民留言"My parents linked this to me" XDDDD
07/24 02:29, 3F

07/24 02:54, , 4F
07/24 02:54, 4F

07/24 02:55, , 5F
另外推 The kids aren't alright
07/24 02:55, 5F
推~~Americana都很不錯 ※ 編輯: faceman 來自: (07/25 16:22)
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