[分享] YLAMPRODUCTIONS的Love Aviation

看板WesternMusic作者 (別鬧我囉!小朋友)時間14年前 (2010/08/30 00:22), 編輯推噓7(702)
留言9則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
這首歌是在學生的網誌聽到的,後來覺得很好聽, 所以就用Youtube找了一下,看了點閱次數感覺也 不是很多,可能不夠有名吧!還是我孤陋寡聞... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGrF5K7U7uU
他們的風格對有些人來說可能有些芭樂,但我還蠻 喜歡這樣溫柔和抒情的方式,讓人覺得很舒服,若 不喜歡的版友,還請小力鞭。 後來在網路上搜尋了一下,才發現原唱是香港人, 長的也蠻帥的,看起來很有性格。 http://www.facebook.com/ylamproductions 這是他的facebook 以下為該歌的歌詞: Woke up 4 o’clock this morning Didn’t sleep well but it’s time to get working I tell myself I gotta keep on moving (But it’s getting a little frustrating)   I got on my jet plane I’m gonna fly away from my sorrows today Keep them away But I can’t stop thinking of you I miss you What am I gonna do?   I took a look outside Can anybody tell me why? I see the sun is high and birds are flying in the sky But it seems it’s raining in me And it feels so cold I can hear the thunder shouting I can see a stormis coming   I’m a pilot flying through a storm now Took off and there’s no turning back now My planes on fire, the engines are dying Can anybody out there catch me I’m falling Was heading to my destination Now I’m in this terrible situation I can see it coming, crash-landing Oh this is my love aviation -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/30 11:51, , 1F
08/30 11:51, 1F

08/30 13:37, , 2F
好聽推~有Owl City的感覺~
08/30 13:37, 2F
※ 編輯: Hardtosay 來自: (08/30 15:29)

08/31 19:15, , 3F
08/31 19:15, 3F

08/31 19:49, , 4F

08/31 19:50, , 5F
08/31 19:50, 5F

08/31 22:20, , 6F
看到原PO在YLAM的塗鴉牆上留言 也想參一腳XD
08/31 22:20, 6F

08/31 23:23, , 7F
當然好阿 感覺他很喜歡台灣 他希望能來台灣工作
08/31 23:23, 7F

09/02 15:10, , 8F
好聽耶 推哦:)
09/02 15:10, 8F

09/04 07:30, , 9F
聽了原PO的推薦再找youtube 真的都好好聽
09/04 07:30, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1CUeamCs (WesternMusic)
文章代碼(AID): #1CUeamCs (WesternMusic)