[GG ] Gossip Girl 207 字幕中英翻譯

看板YAseries作者 (偽.強者)時間16年前 (2008/10/22 13:08), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1 00:00:00,700 --> 00:00:01,130 人人論壇翻譯 maxisam校對 "八卦天后"在此 gossip girl here, 2 00:00:01,700 --> 00:00:02,900 這是您瞭解曼哈頓名流們 Your one and only source Into the scandalous... 3 00:00:02,900 --> 00:00:04,100 緋聞的唯一管道 ...lives of manhattan's elite. 4 00:00:04,430 --> 00:00:06,720 八卦天后說的沒錯 gossip girl was right. 5 00:00:06,720 --> 00:00:07,100 我是同性戀 I'm gay. 6 00:00:07,130 --> 00:00:09,260 咱媽每次帶人回家 只要那人對她說"我愛你" Every time mom brought home someone who said, "i love you," 7 00:00:09,300 --> 00:00:11,250 -他們後來就一定會結婚的 -我不覺得自己有什麼可恥的 - They would end up married. - I'm not ashamed of who I am. 8 00:00:11,250 --> 00:00:12,300 我可能隱藏過一些舊事 I may have concealed things 9 00:00:12,330 --> 00:00:13,420 但現在不會了 In the past, but not anymore. 10 00:00:13,420 --> 00:00:15,400 壞消息是你女朋友凱薩琳 The bad news is that your girlfriend catherine is 11 00:00:15,430 --> 00:00:18,430 是個滿口謊話的婊子 她和她的繼子上了床 A lying, manipulating whore who's sleeping with her stepson. 12 00:00:18,460 --> 00:00:20,930 好消息是我說服他們兩個離開了 The good news is that I convinced them both To leave town. 13 00:00:20,930 --> 00:00:23,200 你這麼關係無聊的漢弗瑞幹嘛 一個無名小卒 What do you care about humdrum humphrey anyway? he's nothing. 14 00:00:23,230 --> 00:00:25,860 -事實上我覺得他很不錯 -唯一 - I actually think he's pretty cool. - the only person 15 00:00:25,900 --> 00:00:28,760 一個比你朋友少的人就是丹·漢弗瑞了 With fewer friends than you is dan humphrey, and that's 16 00:00:28,800 --> 00:00:31,830 那是因為他是人類 你永遠都不是 Because he's something you'll never be--a human being. 17 00:00:31,860 --> 00:00:34,430 我是誰 And who am i? 18 00:00:34,460 --> 00:00:37,900 我永遠不會說的 That's a secret I'll never tell. 19 00:00:37,930 --> 00:00:39,900 你知道你愛我 You know you love me. 20 00:00:39,930 --> 00:00:42,860 八卦天后 X.o.x.o., gossip girl. 21 00:00:46,030 --> 00:00:48,830 紐約的秋天與眾不同 There's nothing quite like autumn in new york, 22 00:00:48,860 --> 00:00:51,300 並不僅僅是因為樹葉變顏色了 But it's not only the leaves that change. 23 00:00:51,330 --> 00:00:54,800 這種天氣容易使人亮出本色來 Something in the air brings out the true colors in everyone. 24 00:00:54,830 --> 00:00:56,900 你們幹嘛這麼安靜 Why are you all so quiet? 25 00:00:56,930 --> 00:00:58,500 早上好 Good morning. 26 00:01:00,230 --> 00:01:02,830 -巴特你這麼早就回來了 -我最近一輪會議 - Bart, you're back early. - my last round of meetings 27 00:01:02,860 --> 00:01:05,630 完得比預期的早 就趕快回家了 Wrapped up sooner than expected. rushing home to the family. 28 00:01:05,660 --> 00:01:07,360 你能在家待幾天 How long's this layover? 29 00:01:07,400 --> 00:01:10,300 莉莉沒告訴你麼 我要在家待上好一陣子了 Didn't lily tell you? I'm here for the long haul. 30 00:01:10,330 --> 00:01:12,300 正好趕上咱們的喬遷派對 And just in time for our housewarming party 31 00:01:12,330 --> 00:01:15,330 -明天晚上 -我想問一下 - Tomorrow night. - um, I've been meaning to ask you. 32 00:01:15,360 --> 00:01:17,360 -我們能不能帶朋友過來 -當然可以親愛的 - Uh, can we bring friends? - of course, dear. 33 00:01:17,400 --> 00:01:21,000 瑟琳娜 你看到我放你屋裏的小西服了麼 Oh, um, did you get the little suit that I laid out for you, 34 00:01:21,030 --> 00:01:23,000 給我的 Serena? that was for me? 35 00:01:23,030 --> 00:01:25,060 我還以為是給管家的新制服呢 I thought the housekeepers got new uniforms. 36 00:01:25,100 --> 00:01:28,060 是保守了點 但很經典啊 Yeah, it's conservative, yes, but classic. 37 00:01:28,100 --> 00:01:31,360 巴特從巴黎用私人飛機帶回來的 Bart brought it from paris. it had its own seat on his plane. 38 00:01:31,400 --> 00:01:33,930 -巴特給我買了套西服 -新的手錶 - Bart bought me a suit? - new watch. 39 00:01:33,960 --> 00:01:37,400 給我的是現金 直接存到我某個海外帳戶裏去了 Cash--direct deposit into one of my offshore accounts. 40 00:01:39,530 --> 00:01:41,500 既然我們大家都在這 Now that we are all here, 41 00:01:41,530 --> 00:01:43,760 莉莉和我有些事情要和你們商量 Lily and I have something we want to discuss. 42 00:01:43,800 --> 00:01:46,430 明天的派對是我們這一家首次在公眾面前出現 As tomorrow's party marks our debut as a family, 43 00:01:46,460 --> 00:01:49,100 我們討論過這真正意味著什麼 We've been talking about what that actually means. 44 00:01:49,130 --> 00:01:51,200 你死了我分到的錢少了 Less money for me when you die? 45 00:01:51,230 --> 00:01:54,130 我們考慮實施一些新的規範 We were thinking more along the lines of some guidelines. 46 00:01:54,160 --> 00:01:56,430 規範麼 要幹嘛 Guidelines? for what? 47 00:01:56,460 --> 00:01:59,500 為了我們生活在一起 我是說 我們要在同一屋簷下生活了 For life together. I mean, now that we're all here, 48 00:01:59,530 --> 00:02:02,860 -制定些規則很好啊 -比如說呢 - Having some rules would be nice. - like what? 49 00:02:02,900 --> 00:02:04,470 比如每週五 我們要一家人吃飯 Like every friday, we dine as a family. 50 00:02:04,470 --> 00:02:06,100 你不覺得週一更 Uh, don't you think monday would be-- 51 00:02:06,130 --> 00:02:09,600 -週末的宵禁定在淩晨一點 -東部時間還是大西洋時間 -A weekend curfew of 1:00 a.m. -is that eastern or pacific? 52 00:02:09,630 --> 00:02:12,200 -上學的日子不能晚歸 -什麼 -And no going out on school nights. -what? 53 00:02:12,230 --> 00:02:14,360 -開玩笑吧 -好了 -Are you serious? -all right, all right. 54 00:02:14,400 --> 00:02:16,630 -媽媽 這些打哪來的啊 -巴特和我 -Mom, where is this coming from? -bart and me. 55 00:02:16,630 --> 00:02:18,300 共同決定的 We made the decision together. 56 00:02:18,330 --> 00:02:19,890 我們都覺得這麼做是對的 We are in complete agreement on this matter. 57 00:02:19,890 --> 00:02:21,460 當然了 yeah, I'm sure. 58 00:02:28,460 --> 00:02:32,160 藥櫃 床頭櫃 抽屜組 Medicine cabinet, bedside table, underwear drawer? 59 00:02:32,200 --> 00:02:34,730 這有點過了 瓦內薩 還有點恐怖 It's borderline solicitation, v., and--and, uh, creepy. 60 00:02:34,760 --> 00:02:37,190 如果你真的讀了宣傳單就不覺得恐怖了 It wouldn't be creepy if you'd actually read the flyer. 61 00:02:37,190 --> 00:02:38,130 你的使命是 You're on a mission 62 00:02:38,160 --> 00:02:40,500 保護達基·舒爾茲著名的地下酒吧 To save dutch schultz's favorite speakeasy. 63 00:02:40,530 --> 00:02:42,500 但你是為誰保護呢 擁有者不是已經死了麼 But what are you protesting? the--the owner died, didn't he? 64 00:02:42,530 --> 00:02:45,430 他是死了 所以整個建築公開拍賣 He did, which is why the whole building's up for auction. 65 00:02:45,460 --> 00:02:47,830 如果我們不能阻止的話 過不了多久 And if we don't stop the sale, it won't be long before 66 00:02:47,860 --> 00:02:49,480 就會有缺德的開發商把它變成pain quotidien連鎖餐廳 Some evil developer turns it into a pain quotidien. 67 00:02:49,480 --> 00:02:51,100 我喜歡pain quotidien oh, I like le pain-- 68 00:02:51,130 --> 00:02:52,880 我們在情願它能成為地標建築 Okay, we're doing a petition for landmark status... 69 00:02:52,880 --> 00:02:54,630 你簽了 uh,Which you signed 70 00:02:54,660 --> 00:02:57,260 咱爸簽了 咱媽簽了 And dad signed and mom signed... 71 00:02:57,300 --> 00:03:00,460 -埃莉諾·霍道夫也簽了 -我和你一起去學校 -And--and eleanor waldorf. -how about I come to school with you 72 00:03:00,500 --> 00:03:01,830 發傳單給那些內疚的富家子弟如何 And hand out flyers to the guilty rich? 73 00:03:01,830 --> 00:03:03,160 即使真有會內疚的 well, if there is such a thing, 74 00:03:03,300 --> 00:03:04,650 也不會出現在我們學校 I d--i don't think there's any in my school. 75 00:03:05,650 --> 00:03:07,160 沒准他們的爸媽會呢 Well, maybe one of their mommies or daddies 76 00:03:07,200 --> 00:03:09,860 尋找贖罪的機會 Is looking for their next cause. hmm. 77 00:03:09,900 --> 00:03:11,250 那是誰的包啊 是個足球啊 Whose bag is that? that's a soccer ball. 78 00:03:11,250 --> 00:03:13,230 是的 明顯聖裘德有一半隊員 Oh, yeah, apparently, half the soccer team at st jude's 79 00:03:13,260 --> 00:03:16,800 都因為跟lauren goldenberg親熱得傳染病 (傳染性單核球過多症) Got mono from making out with lauren goldenberg... ew. 80 00:03:16,830 --> 00:03:21,100 所以我猜他們只能叫我試試了 So i-i guess their only other option was to ask me to try out. 81 00:03:21,130 --> 00:03:23,360 等下 他們找的你 Wait. they asked you? 82 00:03:23,400 --> 00:03:25,800 是啊 內特找的我 我現在是替補 Yeah, well, nate did. I'm now an alternate. 83 00:03:25,830 --> 00:03:27,800 我真的要遲到了 I'm also really, really late. 84 00:03:27,830 --> 00:03:29,600 你跟我走麼 Uh, you with me? 85 00:03:29,630 --> 00:03:31,500 好 Yeah. 86 00:03:31,530 --> 00:03:34,400 祝你們好運 找到善良的富人 Well, uh, good luck with the guiltless rich. 87 00:03:34,430 --> 00:03:36,980 接下來還有什麼 沒寫完作業不能看電視麼 What's next, no tv until after you finish your homework? 88 00:03:36,980 --> 00:03:38,600 瑟琳娜 不過是幾條規矩 They're just a few rules, serena. 89 00:03:38,630 --> 00:03:40,600 誰還用電視看電視啊 Who watches tv on a tv anymore anyway? 90 00:03:40,630 --> 00:03:43,100 艾瑞克 不僅僅是規矩 是咱媽的問題 It's not about the rules, eric. it's about mom. 91 00:03:43,130 --> 00:03:45,600 只有咱們三個的時候 沒事發生 When it's just the three of us, it's fine, 92 00:03:45,630 --> 00:03:47,600 當她一有新的男人 她就太讓步 But anytime she gets a new guy, she step fords out 93 00:03:47,630 --> 00:03:49,010 就讓那個男的做所有決定 And lets him make all the decisions. 94 00:03:49,010 --> 00:03:50,600 我不覺得是這樣的 I don't think that's what's happening. 95 00:03:50,630 --> 00:03:52,600 記不記得上次我們不得不搬到夏蒙尼 Remember when we had to move to chamonix 96 00:03:52,630 --> 00:03:54,110 是因為德國佬克勞斯想整年都能滑雪 Because german klaus wanted to ski all year round? 97 00:03:54,110 --> 00:03:55,600 沒有這麼糟吧 that wasn't so bad. 98 00:03:55,630 --> 00:03:57,100 那保羅呢 But what about paolo-- 99 00:03:57,130 --> 00:03:59,230 生食主義者 全家都得做大腸水療 The raw food diet? family colonics? 100 00:03:59,260 --> 00:04:02,230 Orameer呢 我轉信伊斯蘭教感覺真好呀 Orameer? I know I enjoyed our brief conversion to islam. 101 00:04:02,260 --> 00:04:03,180 我知道你想說的了 I see what you mean. 102 00:04:03,180 --> 00:04:05,900 媽媽不能讓這些男人替她選擇她自己的生活 Look, mom can't let these guys choose her life for her 103 00:04:05,930 --> 00:04:07,900 因為他們無權干預我們的生活 Because they shouldn't be able to choose ours. 104 00:04:07,930 --> 00:04:09,900 這次可能不一樣 It seems different this time. 105 00:04:09,930 --> 00:04:11,400 為了能讓Bart融入這個家 She seems pretty serious 106 00:04:11,430 --> 00:04:14,400 她看起來很認真的 About making the whole family thing work with bart. 107 00:04:14,430 --> 00:04:16,430 -我們至少應該試一下對吧 -好吧 -We could at least try, right? -fine. 108 00:04:16,460 --> 00:04:18,430 但接下來他就要發號施令了 But the second he starts to call the shots, 109 00:04:18,460 --> 00:04:20,930 摘下手套 露出尖甲 These gloves come off and the nails come out. 110 00:04:20,960 --> 00:04:22,510 我剛剛把成語接錯了 是吧 ? I just mixed metaphors, didn't i? 111 00:04:22,510 --> 00:04:24,060 嗯 不過 接起來還挺像樣的 yeah, but it kind of worked. 112 00:04:26,960 --> 00:04:29,930 -教練對你的試用很滿意呢 -真的麼 -And the coach is really impressed with your tryouts. -really? 113 00:04:29,960 --> 00:04:31,180 多謝你能來替補 Yeah. thanks for subbing in. 114 00:04:31,180 --> 00:04:33,560 等你看到我踢球再言謝也不遲 Well, save your thanks until after you see me play. 115 00:04:33,600 --> 00:04:36,360 漢弗瑞 真不想見到你 -It's gonna be-- -humphrey, never a pleasure. 116 00:04:36,400 --> 00:04:38,120 很好 我們有共同點了 Oh, good. we agree on something. 117 00:04:38,120 --> 00:04:41,300 阿齊布林德 是時候結束這段男孩情誼了吧 Archibald, isn't it about time you ended this bromance? 118 00:04:41,330 --> 00:04:43,560 在耶魯發生的事情留在耶魯 What happens at yale stays at yale. 119 00:04:43,600 --> 00:04:45,300 咱們走 Hey, man. let's go. 120 00:04:47,460 --> 00:04:51,100 可憐的恰克 沒有朋友分享的人生是什麼樣的呢 Poor chuck. what is life without a friend to share it? 121 00:04:51,130 --> 00:04:54,300 看起來你剛剛被丹·漢弗瑞搶走了朋友啊 Oh, it looks like you just lost yours to dan humphrey. 122 00:04:54,330 --> 00:04:58,060 誰在乎呢 我更想談談你的初夜是被誰偷走的 Who cares? I'd rather talk about who you lost yours to anyway. 123 00:04:59,500 --> 00:05:02,130 我已經遠離你的污穢很久了 Been there, done that, been decontaminated. 124 00:05:02,160 --> 00:05:03,640 我們都知道你還會回來找我的 We both know you'll do it again. 125 00:05:03,640 --> 00:05:05,130 只是時間問題罷了 it's just a question of when. 126 00:05:05,160 --> 00:05:07,400 答案是永遠也不會 The answer is never. 127 00:05:07,430 --> 00:05:08,930 我們兩個分不開的霍道夫 We're inevitable, waldorf. 128 00:05:08,960 --> 00:05:11,760 雖然你對我的身體可能有些退化的 Despite whatever vestigial attraction 129 00:05:11,800 --> 00:05:14,860 吸引力 我的大腦清楚得很 My body may feel for you, my brain knows better. 130 00:05:14,900 --> 00:05:17,300 你也應該清楚 走啦 And yours should, too. I gotta go. 131 00:05:17,330 --> 00:05:18,750 我要去懲戒聽證會啦 I've got a disciplinary hearing. 132 00:05:18,750 --> 00:05:20,900 我知道你問題多多 但聽證會麼 Well, I knew you were trouble, but a hearing? 133 00:05:20,930 --> 00:05:21,900 了不得 Impressive. 134 00:05:21,930 --> 00:05:23,930 不是給我的 Oh, it's not for me. 135 00:05:26,100 --> 00:05:29,930 凱爾西呀凱爾西 我們得告訴你多少次 Kelsey, kelsey, kelsey, how many times must we tell you? 136 00:05:29,960 --> 00:05:32,600 你進到我們的組織裏 As one of the girls of the steps, 137 00:05:32,630 --> 00:05:34,140 你得表現出Constance的高貴 You represent constance royalty. 138 00:05:34,140 --> 00:05:35,660 所以沒什麼好驚訝的 so it should come as no surprise 139 00:05:35,700 --> 00:05:38,330 那麼多在你之前女孩已經被開除 That many girls before you have gotten the ax 140 00:05:38,360 --> 00:05:40,660 是因為他們的品味很惡劣 When their choices reflected poorly on us. 141 00:05:40,700 --> 00:05:43,500 -我沒意識到 -穿緊身褲麼 -I didn't realize-- -that tights are not pants? 142 00:05:43,530 --> 00:05:45,700 布雷爾 你有一分鐘時間麼 Honestly. blair, you got a minute? 143 00:05:45,730 --> 00:05:47,800 計時60秒 60 seconds. clock it. 144 00:05:47,830 --> 00:05:49,800 你拿著那些傳單幹嘛呢 What are you doing here with those? 145 00:05:49,830 --> 00:05:51,800 你不是應該在打工麼 Shouldn't you be at whole foods? 146 00:05:51,830 --> 00:05:54,630 我實在不想說我接下來要說的話 As much as I hate these words coming out of my mouth, 147 00:05:54,660 --> 00:05:56,230 但我需要你幫忙 I could really use your help with this. 148 00:05:56,230 --> 00:05:57,800 拯救拆除行動 oh, saving a teardown. 149 00:05:57,830 --> 00:06:01,200 慈善事業的對象是疾病或者瀕臨滅絕的物種 Charity is for diseases and endangered species. 150 00:06:01,230 --> 00:06:04,200 房地產不是慈善事業的對象 至少在紐約不是 Real estate is not on the list, at least not in new york. 151 00:06:04,230 --> 00:06:07,330 我能讓你幫我 你知道麼 I can make you help me, you know? 152 00:06:07,360 --> 00:06:08,860 開玩笑吧 Oh, it makes jokes, too. 153 00:06:08,900 --> 00:06:11,360 每個人都知道你和馬庫斯分手了 Everyone knows that you and marcus broke up, 154 00:06:11,400 --> 00:06:14,130 不過沒人知道為什麼 But no one knows why. 155 00:06:14,160 --> 00:06:16,700 你不會幹這麼下賤的事吧 Even you wouldn't stoop that low. 156 00:06:16,730 --> 00:06:19,730 你很擅長勒索的嘛 Blackmail seems to work so well for you, 157 00:06:19,760 --> 00:06:21,730 我也想試試 So maybe I'm missing out. 158 00:06:21,760 --> 00:06:24,800 現在我們確認了 我可以指使你 Now that we've established that I own you, 159 00:06:24,830 --> 00:06:27,300 你有六個小時的時間完成一千份簽名 You have six hours to get a thousand signatures 160 00:06:27,330 --> 00:06:30,700 確保都是合法的 玩的開心點 And make sure they're legible. have fun. 161 00:06:41,000 --> 00:06:43,630 看啊 是誰嚴格遵守規矩 Well, well. look who's playing by the rules, 162 00:06:43,660 --> 00:06:45,310 而且今天還不是周一到周五的晚上 And it's not even a school night. 163 00:06:45,310 --> 00:06:46,960 艾瑞克說服了我 你呢 eric convinced me. what about you? 164 00:06:47,000 --> 00:06:50,300 我正要去別人家解放一下呢 I'm on my way out to a house call. 165 00:06:50,330 --> 00:06:52,260 噁心 Ugh. gross. 166 00:06:52,300 --> 00:06:54,760 不管怎麼說 只要你一點前回來就行 Well, as long as you're home by 1:00. 167 00:06:54,800 --> 00:06:56,660 天真的瑟琳娜 Naive serena. 168 00:06:56,700 --> 00:06:58,160 你不知道 Don't you know 169 00:06:58,200 --> 00:07:01,100 巴特和莉莉的規矩不是給我定的麼 Bart and lily's list of rules doesn't apply to me? 170 00:07:01,130 --> 00:07:03,730 -你說什麼呢 -根據我的情報 -What are you talking about? -according to my sources, 171 00:07:03,760 --> 00:07:06,230 我爸之所以早回來 The real reason my father flew back early 172 00:07:06,260 --> 00:07:09,530 是為了接待幾個從中西部來的總裁 Is to court some executives in town from the midwest. 173 00:07:09,560 --> 00:07:11,830 唯一的問題是 那些人不和 The only problem is, they won't do business 174 00:07:11,860 --> 00:07:15,030 不重視家庭的人做生意 With anyone who doesn't share their family values, 175 00:07:15,060 --> 00:07:17,230 所以巴特是為了確保我們 So bart is making sure we do... 176 00:07:17,260 --> 00:07:19,060 表現得像一家人 或者 看起來像 Or appear to. 177 00:07:19,100 --> 00:07:22,800 等等 這些都是為了他能做成一筆買賣麼 Wait. all this just so he can close a deal? 178 00:07:22,830 --> 00:07:25,800 我盡力保持低調 I do my best work off the radar, 179 00:07:25,830 --> 00:07:27,800 但是當你和那個出名的poppy liftons But while you're on "page six" 180 00:07:27,830 --> 00:07:29,860 出現在八卦板面上 With the poppy liftons of the world, 181 00:07:29,900 --> 00:07:32,530 你對巴特的生意是個更大的威脅 You're the bigger threat to bart's business. 182 00:07:32,560 --> 00:07:34,130 晚安了 妹妹 Night, sis. 183 00:07:34,160 --> 00:07:37,330 希望你的書可以讓你神魂顛倒啊 I hope your book is captivating. 184 00:07:50,360 --> 00:07:51,860 嗨 巴特 Hi, bart. 185 00:07:51,900 --> 00:07:55,200 家庭聚餐你沒來 下次吧 We missed you at family dinner. maybe next time. 186 00:07:55,230 --> 00:07:58,600 你是想去哪 還穿那樣 Where do you think you're going, and in that dress? 187 00:07:58,630 --> 00:08:00,690 我們幾個女孩子想先喝一杯 Oh, the girls and I thought we'd hit up 1oak, 188 00:08:00,690 --> 00:08:02,760 然後去挑首飾 then maybe bijoux, 189 00:08:02,800 --> 00:08:05,760 之後就不知道啦 狗仔隊出沒的地方吧 And I don't know--anywhere we can find some paparazzi. 190 00:08:05,800 --> 00:08:08,500 我今天很有心情秀一下 I'm in the mood for a little show tonight. 191 00:08:14,160 --> 00:08:17,460 我忘記穿內衣了 Oh, I forgot to put on underwear. 192 00:08:23,660 --> 00:08:25,630 我們和解了不是麼 Waving a white flag, are we? 193 00:08:25,660 --> 00:08:27,800 不算是 Not exactly. 194 00:08:27,830 --> 00:08:30,300 我有個建議 I have a proposition for you. 195 00:08:30,330 --> 00:08:32,310 我肯定同意 I'll say yes. 196 00:08:32,310 --> 00:08:34,300 那個小惡魔瓦內薩攪得我頭疼 that little troll vanessa is working my last nerve. 197 00:08:34,330 --> 00:08:36,340 這倒是不在我預期之內 Not what I expected. 198 00:08:36,340 --> 00:08:38,360 後來我意識到這對我們兩個都有利 and then I realized this could benefit both of us. 199 00:08:38,400 --> 00:08:40,900 講到"小惡魔"前我都還很有興趣 You had me until "troll." 200 00:08:40,930 --> 00:08:43,900 丹偷走了你最好的朋友 你也能反過來偷他的 Dan stole your best friend. now you can steal his. 201 00:08:43,930 --> 00:08:45,860 誘惑 和 毀滅 Seduce and destroy. 202 00:08:45,900 --> 00:08:48,960 -對我有什麼好處 -挑戰不可能的刺激 -What's in it for me? -the thrill of the impossible. 203 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:52,660 比起厭惡我來 vanessa更厭惡的人只剩下你了 The only person vanessa loathes more than me is you. 204 00:08:52,700 --> 00:08:56,460 後不見來者 It would be one for the ages. 205 00:09:00,660 --> 00:09:03,260 也許是你不能 Maybe you're not up for it. 206 00:09:03,300 --> 00:09:07,360 如果記憶沒錯 你好像有點功能障礙 If memory serves, you've had some mechanical problems. 207 00:09:10,300 --> 00:09:12,500 我就把她想像成你吧 I'll just imagine she's you. 208 00:09:12,530 --> 00:09:15,500 就在這一刻 This just in... 209 00:09:15,530 --> 00:09:18,130 布雷爾·霍道夫和恰克·拜斯 Blair waldorf and chuck bass 210 00:09:18,160 --> 00:09:22,600 開始了他們玷汙寂寞男孩最好的朋友的計畫 Placing a wager on the takedown of lonely boy's b.f.f. 211 00:09:24,930 --> 00:09:27,500 我們以前聽過這樣的故事吧 We think we've heard this story before, 212 00:09:27,530 --> 00:09:33,560 結局肯定是無一倖免 And we're pretty sure it ended up with everyone dead. 213 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:45,760 你覺得莉莉對於昨天晚上 So what did lily have to say 214 00:09:45,800 --> 00:09:47,530 你打破宵禁會怎麼說 About last night's curfew flaunting? 215 00:09:47,530 --> 00:09:50,160 所以我才在她逮到我之前就溜出來了 Mm, I kind of snuck out before she could corner me. 216 00:09:50,200 --> 00:09:52,200 他們應該多管教下那個真正需要管教的傢伙 Let them discipline the sibling that actually deserves it. 217 00:09:52,200 --> 00:09:54,200 你是說恰克麼 you mean chuck? 218 00:09:55,860 --> 00:09:57,960 -怎麼了 -你笑了 -What? -you smiled. 219 00:09:58,000 --> 00:10:00,960 我才沒有 我恨恰克 別讓我倒胃口 No, I didn't. I hate chuck. don't make me lose my appetite. 220 00:10:01,000 --> 00:10:03,560 那不是艾瑞克麼 Oh, hey. is that eric? 221 00:10:03,600 --> 00:10:05,730 拉里薩說你會在這 Hey, uh, larissa said you'd be here. 222 00:10:05,760 --> 00:10:09,230 是啊 這是誰呀 Hey. and we are? who is this? 223 00:10:09,260 --> 00:10:11,360 喬納森 這是我姐姐瑟琳娜 Jonathan, this is my sister, serena, 224 00:10:11,400 --> 00:10:13,530 和她的朋友布雷爾·霍道夫 And her friend, blair waldorf. 225 00:10:13,560 --> 00:10:16,100 這是喬納森 我的男朋友 This is jonathan, my boyfriend. 226 00:10:16,130 --> 00:10:18,460 -很高興見到你們 -艾瑞克 不錯嘛 -It's nice to meet you both. -nice work, e. 227 00:10:18,500 --> 00:10:20,760 天啊 真高興見到你 Oh, my gosh. hi. so nice to meet you. 228 00:10:20,800 --> 00:10:22,760 兩位請坐 Sit down, both of you. 229 00:10:22,800 --> 00:10:24,000 我邀請他參加今天晚上的聚會 I invited him to the party tonight, 230 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:25,510 但我覺得你應該先見見他 But I thought you should meet him first. 231 00:10:26,000 --> 00:10:28,030 前兩天我見過恰克了 yeah, I met chuck the other day. 232 00:10:28,060 --> 00:10:30,030 恰克麼 聽到了麼布雷爾 Chuck. wow. hear that, blair? 233 00:10:30,060 --> 00:10:31,130 恰克 Chuck. 234 00:10:31,160 --> 00:10:33,600 別理他 她喝醉了 Ignore her. she's dehydrated. 235 00:10:33,630 --> 00:10:35,830 -我是不是錯過什麼了 -沒有 -Did I miss something? -no, but we did-- 236 00:10:35,860 --> 00:10:38,730 你倆是怎麼認識的 都告訴我們吧 The story of how you two met. we want to know everything. 237 00:10:38,730 --> 00:10:40,260 然後球就沖我飛來 So then the ball came to me, 238 00:10:40,300 --> 00:10:43,230 於是我就傳給那傢伙 然後 然後 你知道 And so I kicked it to this guy, and then--and then, you know, 239 00:10:43,260 --> 00:10:45,230 他傳給另一個傢伙 那傢伙又傳給別人 He kicked it to another guy, an he kicked it to another guy 240 00:10:45,260 --> 00:10:47,330 於是他就射門得分了 And then that guy scored, 241 00:10:47,360 --> 00:10:49,500 所以 你看 基本上這就是一個助攻 So, you know, it was basically an assist. wow. 242 00:10:49,530 --> 00:10:50,960 是啊 很神奇 太讓人吃驚了 Yeah, it was awesome. it was pretty amazing. 243 00:10:50,960 --> 00:10:52,500 你們打成一片還真是讓人奇怪 Oh, it's so weird that you're on a team now. 244 00:10:52,530 --> 00:10:55,010 我是說 很快你就會有真正的男的朋友了 I mean, pretty soon you're gonna have actual guy friends. 245 00:10:55,010 --> 00:10:56,300 你在說什麼呢 What are you talking about? 246 00:10:56,330 --> 00:10:57,810 我有很多男的朋友的 I have plenty of guy friends. 247 00:10:57,810 --> 00:10:59,300 丹 我知道你現在是足球先生 dan, I know that you're mr. soccer now, 248 00:10:59,330 --> 00:11:02,830 但你我都知道你更喜歡和女生們在一起 But you and I both know you prefer to hang out with girls. 249 00:11:02,860 --> 00:11:05,730 瓦內薩 瑟琳娜 很久很久以前 Vanessa, serena, once upon a time. 250 00:11:05,760 --> 00:11:06,980 這沒什麼好感到羞恥的 It's nothing to be ashamed of. 251 00:11:06,980 --> 00:11:08,200 除了是你說的都不是事實 except that it's completely untrue. 252 00:11:08,230 --> 00:11:10,110 -好吧 -爸爸 你能和珍妮說明一下嗎 -Okay. -dad, will you please tell jenny that... 253 00:11:10,110 --> 00:11:12,000 我真有男友的 ...that I have guy friends? 254 00:11:12,030 --> 00:11:15,000 -他當然有了 我就是... -不 你不算 -Of course he does. I'm his-- -no, not including you. 255 00:11:15,030 --> 00:11:17,030 -塞德里克? -玩偶也不算 -Or Cedric? -not including dolls. 256 00:11:17,060 --> 00:11:19,930 好吧 好好看著 Okay, watch and learn. 257 00:11:19,960 --> 00:11:22,560 內特 夥計 我是漢弗瑞 丹 Nate. hey, man. hey, it's humphrey. dan. 258 00:11:22,600 --> 00:11:24,560 是啊 很好 好 聽著 Yeah, good. good. hey, listen. 259 00:11:24,600 --> 00:11:27,560 你待會想踢球嗎 Uh, you want to hook up for some soccer later? 260 00:11:27,600 --> 00:11:30,860 你在 你在 你在公園附近對吧 You're--you're-- you're by the park, right? 261 00:11:30,900 --> 00:11:35,000 中午 不錯 好的 夥計 我喜歡 再見 Noon, yeah. sweet, bro. all right. I love it. bye. 262 00:11:35,030 --> 00:11:37,730 很明顯 我們待會要去踢球了 Apparently, uh, we're gonna play soccer later. 263 00:11:37,760 --> 00:11:40,160 沒什麼大不了的 Uh-huh. no big. 264 00:11:40,200 --> 00:11:42,500 -塞德里克也應邀了吧 -珍妮 - Is cedric invited? - jenny. 265 00:11:42,530 --> 00:11:44,730 別這樣 Hmm. come on. 266 00:11:44,760 --> 00:11:47,600 -謝謝你 爸爸 -你知道那樣會弄髒塞德里克的 -Thank you, dad. -you know, cedric would get dirty. 267 00:11:47,630 --> 00:11:50,860 那樣丹還得給他洗澡 And then dan would have to bathe him. 268 00:11:50,900 --> 00:11:52,930 好吧 我們待會見 All right, I'll see you two later. 269 00:11:52,960 --> 00:11:55,960 我的朋友還等著我呢 I got my boy waiting for me. 270 00:11:59,730 --> 00:12:02,600 結果還不錯 V 我有種不錯的預感 Great turnout, v. I got a good feeling. 271 00:12:02,630 --> 00:12:04,100 但願如此 Let's hope so, horace. 272 00:12:04,130 --> 00:12:06,760 放高利貸的人來了 Here come the sharks. 273 00:12:15,430 --> 00:12:18,430 -你究竟在幹什麼 -這還用問嗎 -What the hell are you doing? -you mean you have to ask? 274 00:12:18,460 --> 00:12:21,100 因為你我才來的 謝謝你 I'm here because of you. thank you for introducing me 275 00:12:21,130 --> 00:12:23,600 -把這麼獨特的商機介紹給我 -才不是 To this unique business opportunity. no. unh-unh. 276 00:12:23,600 --> 00:12:25,200 我才不會讓你買下這地方 You are not buying this place 277 00:12:25,230 --> 00:12:27,830 然後開個什麼雅痞聯合酒吧 To turn it into another yuppie fusion bar. 278 00:12:27,860 --> 00:12:30,300 給你的參考資訊, 自從我買了Victrola脫衣酒吧 For your information, since I bought victrola, 279 00:12:30,330 --> 00:12:33,600 拜斯企業已經進入了復古式娛樂圈 Bass industries has expanded into vintage entertainment. 280 00:12:33,630 --> 00:12:34,730 我們很想和你合作 We're willing to work with you. 281 00:12:34,730 --> 00:12:36,930 多謝 但我們已經在為它申請里程碑名號了 Thanks, but we're already petitioning for landmark status. 282 00:12:36,960 --> 00:12:39,800 你既然在這 為何不辦個烘烤義賣呢 Why don't you have a bake sale while you're at it? 283 00:12:39,830 --> 00:12:42,630 在現實中 我們是你們唯一的希望 In the real world, we are your only hope. 284 00:12:42,660 --> 00:12:45,330 接受我們的開價 我們保證讓這地方回到 Endorse our bid, and we promise to return this place 285 00:12:45,360 --> 00:12:47,330 它這骯髒的樣子 To all its sweet sordidness. 286 00:12:47,360 --> 00:12:50,500 聽起來不錯 可惜的是 我很瞭解你 It sounds perfect. just one problem--i know you. 287 00:12:50,530 --> 00:12:53,600 -或者你只是以為自己瞭解? -滾開 闊少爺 -Or do you only think you do? -hey, get outta here, rich boy! 288 00:12:53,630 --> 00:12:57,960 我不知道套裝還能變得更難看的 Ooh! wow. I didn't think that suit could get any worse. 289 00:12:58,000 --> 00:13:00,130 我錯了 I was wrong. 290 00:13:11,500 --> 00:13:13,960 我想那是 瑟琳娜 等等 I think that's-- oh, serena, wait a minute. 291 00:13:14,000 --> 00:13:15,800 能讓我們單獨談會嗎 謝謝 Would you excuse us, please? thank you. 292 00:13:15,800 --> 00:13:17,600 要怎麼懲罰我呢 so what's my punishment? 293 00:13:17,630 --> 00:13:20,500 -別這麼孩子氣 -為什麼 你都當我還是個孩子 Don't be childish. why not? you're treating me like one. 294 00:13:20,530 --> 00:13:21,650 宵禁不正是給小孩子規定的嗎 Isn't that who curfews are for? 295 00:13:21,650 --> 00:13:23,700 那麼你當然不會辜負我們的期望了 Well, you're certainly living up to our expectations. 296 00:13:23,730 --> 00:13:25,200 聽巴特說 According to bart, 297 00:13:25,230 --> 00:13:27,200 昨晚你出去了 還打扮得像個脫衣舞娘 You went out looking like a stripper last night. 298 00:13:27,230 --> 00:13:30,700 如果你不滿我們的規定 說出來不就行了 If you have a problem with our rules, then just say so, 299 00:13:30,730 --> 00:13:32,830 -別這樣挑釁我們 -不是對你 是對他 But to simply defy us... not you, him. 300 00:13:32,860 --> 00:13:37,230 -我和巴特是夫妻 -但他不是我們的父親 Bart and I are husband and wife. but he's not our father. 301 00:13:37,260 --> 00:13:39,230 媽媽 你想想 Come on, mom. 302 00:13:39,260 --> 00:13:41,430 去年一切還都好好的 Things were so good last year. 303 00:13:41,460 --> 00:13:43,800 我們幾乎就像是真正的一家子 We were almost like a real family. 304 00:13:43,830 --> 00:13:45,300 為什麼要改變呢 Why change that? 305 00:13:45,330 --> 00:13:46,800 瑟琳娜 你把事情 Serena, you're making this 306 00:13:46,830 --> 00:13:48,860 搞得太複雜了 Much more complicated than it really is, 307 00:13:48,900 --> 00:13:51,130 根據你昨晚的行為 And going by your actions last night, 308 00:13:51,160 --> 00:13:54,500 我真的認為做點約束會對你有好處 I clearly think that you could benefit from a little structure. 309 00:13:54,530 --> 00:13:57,360 如果你真是這麼想的 我會聽你的話 If I thought this was actually you talking, I might listen. 310 00:13:57,400 --> 00:13:59,360 如果你總是如此行事 If this is how you're acting now, 311 00:13:59,400 --> 00:14:01,560 幾年前我就該多做些規定了 I should have insisted on more structure years ago. 312 00:14:01,600 --> 00:14:03,830 你是說 大概是 前三任丈夫的時候嗎 You mean, like, three husbands ago? 313 00:14:07,260 --> 00:14:09,160 這麼說就太刻薄了 That was unkind. 314 00:14:09,200 --> 00:14:11,630 我現在真的沒心情談家庭問題 I'm not really in a family mood. 315 00:14:11,660 --> 00:14:14,460 今晚的小晚會我想我不去了 I think I'm gonna pass on tonight's little soiree. 316 00:14:59,500 --> 00:15:00,930 內特 Nate? 317 00:15:12,200 --> 00:15:15,200 你好 夥計 Hey, man. 318 00:15:15,230 --> 00:15:17,830 對 沒錯 我們要在公園見面 Oh, right, yeah, yeah, we're meeting in the park. 319 00:15:17,860 --> 00:15:19,160 是啊 Yeah. 320 00:15:19,200 --> 00:15:21,530 不 不 不 我只是 我有點事 No, no, no. I just-- I got--i got tied up. 321 00:15:21,560 --> 00:15:23,530 好的 10點見 Yeah, I'll see you in ten. 322 00:15:23,560 --> 00:15:24,930 好的 Okay. 323 00:15:31,830 --> 00:15:34,060 不管誰說過 你不能擁有一切 Whoever said, "you can't have it all," 324 00:15:34,100 --> 00:15:36,630 一定很瞭解阿齊布林德一家 Must have known the archibalds. 325 00:15:36,660 --> 00:15:39,230 看起來可憐的小內特 Looks like poor little nate is... 326 00:15:39,260 --> 00:15:41,730 哎呀 變窮了 Yuck. poor. 327 00:15:44,500 --> 00:15:46,960 布雷爾小姐 有個恰克先生要見你 A mr. chuck to see you, miss blair. 328 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:48,800 多洛塔 是誰啊 Dorota, who? 329 00:15:48,830 --> 00:15:50,930 請原諒 你不是... Excuse me. don't you-- 330 00:15:50,960 --> 00:15:53,800 -交易取消了 -什麼 你說什麼呢 Deal's off. what? what are you talking about? 331 00:15:53,830 --> 00:15:56,800 我不幹了 我不知道我在想什麼 I'm out. I don't know what I was thinking about, 332 00:15:56,830 --> 00:15:58,330 假裝去買什麼破舊的酒吧 Pretending to buy some broken-down bar. 333 00:15:58,330 --> 00:15:59,800 但你答應去勾引瓦內薩的 But you promised to seduce vanessa. 334 00:15:59,830 --> 00:16:01,660 必須得擊垮她啊 She needs to be destroyed. 335 00:16:01,700 --> 00:16:03,800 那是你自己的問題 漢弗瑞可不值得 She's your problem. humphrey doesn't worth this. 336 00:16:03,830 --> 00:16:06,330 偉大的恰克·拜斯就這樣打退堂鼓了? The great chuck bass is just gonna give up? 337 00:16:06,360 --> 00:16:09,330 不不 收穫如果不值得付出 無需感到羞恥 No, no, no. there's no shame if the prize isn't worth it. 338 00:16:09,360 --> 00:16:11,800 你可以繼續你自己那骯髒的勾當 You can do your own dirty work. 339 00:16:11,830 --> 00:16:14,030 對我來說那沒什麼價值 There's not enough in it for me. 340 00:16:14,060 --> 00:16:16,030 如果我出個好價錢呢 But what if I made it worth it? 341 00:16:16,060 --> 00:16:19,400 -你說什麼呢 -我想你知道的 What are you talking about? I think you know. 342 00:16:19,430 --> 00:16:21,800 你不是說真的吧 You're not serious. 343 00:16:23,760 --> 00:16:26,060 天啊 My, my. 344 00:16:26,100 --> 00:16:28,500 那個女孩可真的是惹毛你了 That girl has gotten under your skin. 345 00:16:28,530 --> 00:16:32,230 拜斯 問題是 拜斯 你會嗎 The question is, bass, will you? 346 00:16:32,260 --> 00:16:37,960 你都不擔心如果我成功了呢 Aren't you the least bit worried I'll succeed? 347 00:16:41,230 --> 00:16:44,300 你同意這協議嗎 Do we have an agreement? 348 00:16:44,330 --> 00:16:47,200 小心點 B Careful, b. 349 00:16:47,230 --> 00:16:49,400 和魔鬼做交易要注意的是... One thing about making a deal with the devil... 350 00:16:49,430 --> 00:16:53,300 協定達成了 Oh, we have a deal. 351 00:16:53,330 --> 00:16:56,130 他總是會贏的 He always comes to collect. 352 00:16:59,800 --> 00:17:01,760 你走了以後 After you left, 353 00:17:01,800 --> 00:17:03,900 你的律師來給我們看了你的提案 Your lawyer came back and showed us your proposal, 354 00:17:03,930 --> 00:17:06,560 裏面的確提到了保持原樣 Which did indeed include keeping everything as is 355 00:17:06,590 --> 00:17:09,860 -和為里程碑遊說 -所以我說的是事實吧 -And lobbying for landmark status. -so I was telling the truth. 356 00:17:09,900 --> 00:17:12,360 我想你被潑冰鎮飲料大概是 I'm sure you've done something in your lifetime 357 00:17:12,390 --> 00:17:15,260 你這一生中做的某件錯事的報應吧 To deserve getting beaned by an iced beverage. 358 00:17:15,290 --> 00:17:18,590 難道你可能瞭解我的全部嗎 Isn't it possible there are parts of me you don't know? 359 00:17:18,630 --> 00:17:20,590 也許吧 只是不太可能 Possible, just extremely unlikely. 360 00:17:20,630 --> 00:17:22,590 你來這有事嗎 You have a reason for coming here? 361 00:17:22,630 --> 00:17:24,590 如果是來侮辱我的 If it was to insult me, 362 00:17:24,630 --> 00:17:26,090 有個網站你可以去 There's a web site you can go to. 363 00:17:26,090 --> 00:17:28,060 旅館的經理想見你 The manager of the inn wants to meet you. 364 00:17:28,100 --> 00:17:30,960 如果他簽名了 我們會支持你 If he signs off, you have our support. 365 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:33,130 但這並不代表我信任你 But it still doesn't mean I trust you. 366 00:17:33,160 --> 00:17:34,660 現在 當然不會 Of course not... now. 367 00:17:38,290 --> 00:17:41,130 我最好去換身特別的衣服 I best go put on something special. 368 00:17:46,290 --> 00:17:49,290 我不知道以她那最長16個月的記錄來看 I don't know how she expects me to take this family seriously 369 00:17:49,330 --> 00:17:50,860 她要怎麼期待我會認真認為這是一個家庭 When her record stands at 16 months. 370 00:17:50,860 --> 00:17:52,390 那是第幾任丈夫啊 which husband was that? 371 00:17:52,430 --> 00:17:53,730 克勞斯 Klaus. 372 00:17:53,760 --> 00:17:56,730 是那個穿著木鞋的人嗎 吉普 Is that the one who wore the wooden shoes? zip. 373 00:17:56,760 --> 00:17:59,230 不 那是丹麥的克勞斯 C打頭 No, that was danish claus, with a "c." 374 00:17:59,260 --> 00:18:02,460 這個是德國的克勞斯 是K打頭 This is german klaus, with a "k." 375 00:18:02,490 --> 00:18:05,460 -等等 我忘了 她都嫁過嗎 -不 只有德國克勞斯 -Wait, I forget. did she marry both? -no, just german klaus, 376 00:18:05,490 --> 00:18:08,460 -但她和丹麥的克勞斯約會時間更久 -你媽媽 -But she did date danish claus longer. -oh, your mother. 377 00:18:08,490 --> 00:18:10,460 還記得以前你和艾瑞克還在上學的時候 Remember how she always used to just jet off 378 00:18:10,490 --> 00:18:12,460 還記得她以前總是招呼都不打就飛往 To mustique or ibiza without warning 379 00:18:12,490 --> 00:18:15,430 -瑪斯蒂克島或是伊比沙島嗎 -當我們帶著 -While you and eric were still in school? -eleanor always knew 380 00:18:15,460 --> 00:18:17,060 過夜的衣物來你家時埃莉諾總是會知道 When we showed up with our overnight bags. 381 00:18:17,060 --> 00:18:18,660 莉莉又交了新男友了 lily had a new boyfriend. 382 00:18:18,690 --> 00:18:20,690 我們試著輪流著來你家和阿齊布林德家 We tried alternating between you and the archibalds 383 00:18:20,730 --> 00:18:23,460 -所以你們不會知道這情況有多糟 -我們知道 So you guys never knew how bad it really was. we knew. 384 00:18:23,490 --> 00:18:26,460 但是巴特是最爛的 他有控制欲又很虛偽 But bart is the worst. he's controlling and a hypocrite. 385 00:18:26,490 --> 00:18:28,630 她表現得像是重視家庭的人 He acts like he's family friendly 386 00:18:28,660 --> 00:18:31,130 同時他約過曼哈頓近一半的模特 When he's dated half the models in manhattan. 387 00:18:31,160 --> 00:18:34,130 B 你看起來真漂亮 這裙子是哪來的 B., you look gorgeous. where did you get that dress? 388 00:18:34,160 --> 00:18:35,430 這條嗎 Oh, this? 389 00:18:35,460 --> 00:18:37,430 只是 恰克給的 Just... chuck. 390 00:18:37,460 --> 00:18:40,830 -恰克什麼時候給你的 -我們去歐洲的時候 When did chuck give you a dress? when we were going to europe. 391 00:18:40,860 --> 00:18:43,100 你今晚要穿著它嗎 And you're wearing it tonight? 392 00:18:43,130 --> 00:18:47,130 只是覺得不穿是種浪費 就這樣 It's just that it would be a shame to waste it. that's all. uh-huh. 393 00:18:47,160 --> 00:18:49,130 你瞧 你得教教我那個 那個 You know, you gotta teach me that--that, uh, 394 00:18:49,160 --> 00:18:51,130 那個用膝蓋頂球的動作 That bouncing-off-the-knees thing, 395 00:18:51,160 --> 00:18:54,160 因為我試過 但打碎了我爸的吉布森雞尾酒 -'cause I tried it once, -but I broke my dad's gibson. 396 00:18:54,200 --> 00:18:55,680 看到你父親哭一定害怕吧 It's very scarring to see your father cry. 397 00:18:55,680 --> 00:18:57,160 其實我不太清楚 well, I actually wouldn't know. 398 00:18:57,200 --> 00:18:59,630 我父親是個不擅長表露情感的人 My father--not too big on showing emotion. mm. 399 00:18:59,660 --> 00:19:01,630 我想你應該不會去 Hey, so I'm guessing you're not going 400 00:19:01,660 --> 00:19:03,630 拜斯和范德·伍德森家的新居落成聚會吧 To the bass/van der woodsen housewarming party, 401 00:19:03,660 --> 00:19:05,290 -你去嗎 今晚 -不 Are you, tonight? no, no. 402 00:19:05,330 --> 00:19:06,810 尤其是 Um, well, especially since this is... 403 00:19:06,810 --> 00:19:08,290 第一次聽到這玩藝兒 ...the first I'm hearing of it. 404 00:19:08,330 --> 00:19:10,030 那個 你和瑟琳娜 怎麼樣 Oh, so... you and serena are, like... 405 00:19:10,030 --> 00:19:11,730 應該就是不完美的結束了吧 well, to say things ended badly 406 00:19:11,760 --> 00:19:13,960 最好還是少說點吧 你去嗎 Would be an understatement. you going? 407 00:19:14,000 --> 00:19:15,960 我想我還是就呆在家裏吧 Uh, nah. I think I'm just gonna stay at home, 408 00:19:16,000 --> 00:19:19,290 -就是冷靜下來 看一部電影什麼的 -也好 聽起來不錯 -Chill out, watch a movie, you know? -yeah, that sounds good. 409 00:19:19,330 --> 00:19:21,830 其實我應該約你過來的 Well, I'd actually invite you over, 410 00:19:21,860 --> 00:19:24,460 但那房子現在一團糟 But the house is, like, a total mess. oh, yeah. no. 411 00:19:24,490 --> 00:19:25,830 管家請了一個多星期的假 所以 Housekeeper has the week off, so... 412 00:19:25,830 --> 00:19:28,030 你媽媽在嗎 我並不是說她來做清潔工作 Is your mom there? I mean, not that she cleans things. 413 00:19:28,060 --> 00:19:30,420 我不太清楚你父親走之後你家會 You know, i-i-i don't know... all that stuff with your dad... 414 00:19:30,420 --> 00:19:31,030 我知道 其實 yeah. No, it's, uh... 415 00:19:31,060 --> 00:19:33,430 我媽媽現在呆在漢普頓 My mom's staying out in the hamptons... okay. 416 00:19:33,460 --> 00:19:36,230 我告訴她們我呆在恰克家 So I told her I was staying at chuck's just so she doesn't 417 00:19:36,260 --> 00:19:37,730 這樣她就不會擔心我的事了 你知道了嗎 Worry about stuff, you know? 418 00:19:37,760 --> 00:19:41,590 我去拿點東西喝 你要來點嗎 I'm gonna get a drink, actually. you want something? 419 00:19:41,630 --> 00:19:44,060 好啊 謝謝 Yeah. sure. thanks. cool. 420 00:19:50,060 --> 00:19:51,530 怎麼樣 What is it? 421 00:19:51,560 --> 00:19:53,490 沒什麼 我喜歡這裏 Nothing. I like it. 422 00:19:53,530 --> 00:19:55,900 這就是那個傢伙了嗎 This our guy? 423 00:19:55,930 --> 00:19:58,060 -賀瑞斯·羅傑斯 這是恰克·拜斯 -很高興 Horace rogers, meet chuck bass. pleasure. 424 00:19:58,100 --> 00:20:00,230 來吧 兄弟 Man, come here. 425 00:20:00,260 --> 00:20:01,930 瞧這行頭 Look at that outfit. 426 00:20:01,960 --> 00:20:05,690 不知道還有比今天早上來的那傢伙穿得更糟糕的了 Didn't know it could be worse than the one this morning. 427 00:20:07,560 --> 00:20:09,030 開玩笑 Kidding. 428 00:20:09,060 --> 00:20:12,290 我知道這是savile row做的 喬·甘迺迪教我的 I know savile row when I see it. joe kennedy taught me. 429 00:20:12,330 --> 00:20:15,290 -你認識喬·甘迺迪 -他以前經常來 You knew joe kennedy? used to come here all the time. 430 00:20:15,330 --> 00:20:17,530 在街那邊有一個女兒 Had a girl up the street. 431 00:20:17,560 --> 00:20:19,560 當時我9歲 在外面賣報紙 I was 9 years old, selling papers out front. 432 00:20:19,590 --> 00:20:21,060 據說 Rumor has it 433 00:20:21,100 --> 00:20:23,690 禁酒令時期他就常在這兒喝酒 He kept this place in booze during prohibition. 434 00:20:23,730 --> 00:20:25,760 你很喜歡老喬嗎 So you like old joe? 435 00:20:25,800 --> 00:20:28,800 走私商販 花花公子 百萬富翁 Rumrunner, womanizer, millionaire. 436 00:20:28,830 --> 00:20:30,800 他是和我一個類型的人 He was my kind of guy. 437 00:20:30,830 --> 00:20:34,630 那個時代 他們都經常來這兒 They all used to come here back in the day-- 438 00:20:34,660 --> 00:20:38,060 匪徒 好戰分子 音樂家們 Gangsters, fighters, musicians. 439 00:20:38,100 --> 00:20:41,590 毫無疑問 都是些危險人物 Dangerous folks, no doubt. 440 00:20:41,630 --> 00:20:44,000 但他們都有自己的風格 But they had style. 441 00:20:44,030 --> 00:20:46,490 感覺告訴我你正適合這兒 Something tells me you'd fit right in. 442 00:20:46,530 --> 00:20:49,430 那可能是我聽過最好聽的話了 That's possibly the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. 443 00:20:53,030 --> 00:20:55,760 你確定他住在那兒嗎 Well, are you sure he's living there? 444 00:20:55,800 --> 00:20:58,000 正確地說應該是蜷居 Uh, squatting, I think, would be the correct term. 445 00:20:58,030 --> 00:20:59,490 那兒 There's just, like, 446 00:20:59,530 --> 00:21:01,930 有一個睡袋和一些brooks brothers的襯衫 A sleeping bag and a bunch of brooks brothers shirts. 447 00:21:01,960 --> 00:21:03,440 他為什麼不去和恰克呆在一起 Why isn't he staying with chuck? 448 00:21:03,440 --> 00:21:04,930 很明顯 丹 他覺得丟臉 well, obviously, dan, he's embarrassed. 449 00:21:04,960 --> 00:21:06,930 這樣吧 今晚請他過來吃晚飯 Okay, look, invite him over for dinner tonight. 450 00:21:06,960 --> 00:21:08,960 爸爸在做辣椒醬 他一到這兒 Dad's making chili. and then once he's here, 451 00:21:09,000 --> 00:21:10,160 我們就說服他留下來 好嗎 We can convince him to stay. okay. 452 00:21:10,160 --> 00:21:11,960 別和爸爸提到這個 Uh, don't--don't mention anything to dad, though, 453 00:21:12,000 --> 00:21:14,590 因為他可能會把他銬在沙發上 'cause he'll probably, like, handcuff him to the couch 454 00:21:14,630 --> 00:21:17,100 或者說什麼蠢話 我們一會兒見 Or say something stupid. I'll see ya. 455 00:21:17,130 --> 00:21:19,590 那是 那是珍妮 That was, uh, that was jenny. oh. 456 00:21:19,630 --> 00:21:22,290 事實上我爸爸正在做他一年一次的辣椒 And it turns out my dad's making his once-a-year chili, 457 00:21:22,330 --> 00:21:24,860 我是一定要參加還得帶一個人 And attendance is mandatory for me and whoever I'm with. 458 00:21:24,900 --> 00:21:26,960 抱歉 真的很抱歉 但今年是你了 I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry. but this year, that's you. 459 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:29,800 我想我沒有選擇的餘地了 對吧 Wow. well, I guess I don't have a choice then, do i? 460 00:21:29,830 --> 00:21:31,290 你確實沒有 You don't. 461 00:21:31,330 --> 00:21:33,530 -我們也會玩紙牌的 -紙牌 Uh, scattegories will be involved. scattegories? 462 00:21:33,560 --> 00:21:35,760 做好準備 還有一段時間 Be prepared. it's been a while. 463 00:21:39,200 --> 00:21:42,330 你好 喬那森 你來看艾瑞克嗎 他不在 Hey, jonathan. you visiting eric? uh, he's not here. 464 00:21:42,360 --> 00:21:44,390 我只是落下了幾本書 今晚玩得開心啊 I was just dropping off some books. have fun tonight. 465 00:21:44,390 --> 00:21:45,330 晚上你不來嗎 Uh, you're not coming? 466 00:21:45,360 --> 00:21:47,290 不來了 艾瑞克和你們的繼父說了 No. eric talked to your stepfather, 467 00:21:47,330 --> 00:21:49,290 很明顯這是個家庭聚會 And apparently it's family only. 468 00:21:49,330 --> 00:21:53,000 -等等 巴特這樣說嗎 -沒什麼大不了 一會兒見 Wait, bart said that? it's no big deal. I'll see you later. 469 00:22:05,590 --> 00:22:09,000 你贏得了賀瑞斯的信任 Well, you won horace over. 470 00:22:09,030 --> 00:22:11,490 他相信我 He trusts me. 471 00:22:11,530 --> 00:22:13,490 你真的認真了 是吧 You're really serious, aren't you? 472 00:22:13,530 --> 00:22:15,560 你會拯救這個地方 You're gonna save this place. 473 00:22:19,490 --> 00:22:21,690 對 我想是的 Yeah. I guess I am. 474 00:22:21,730 --> 00:22:23,690 我知道會有奇跡發生 I knew it'd take a miracle, 475 00:22:23,730 --> 00:22:26,160 但我從沒想過會是恰克·拜斯 But I never thought it would be chuck bass. 476 00:22:26,200 --> 00:22:28,360 我從前誤解你了 I was wrong about you, 477 00:22:28,390 --> 00:22:31,030 對不起 And I'm sorry. 478 00:22:31,060 --> 00:22:32,900 謝謝 這意味著太多了 Thanks. means a lot. 479 00:22:34,200 --> 00:22:35,760 瓦內薩 其實有些事情 Vanessa, there's something... 480 00:22:40,200 --> 00:22:43,760 我在去J姐妹家的路上 進展如何 481 00:22:45,260 --> 00:22:47,230 作為一場交易的話 At the conclusion of a deal, 482 00:22:47,260 --> 00:22:49,430 我想我們應該慶祝一下 I like to celebrate. 483 00:22:49,460 --> 00:22:51,860 今晚我家有一個新居落成聚會 My parents are having a housewarming tonight. 484 00:22:51,900 --> 00:22:54,100 我希望你能來 I'd like you to come. yeah, okay. 485 00:22:54,130 --> 00:22:56,260 好 我會在8點鐘派車來接你 Good. I'll send the car at 8:00. 486 00:23:09,400 --> 00:23:10,860 裏查德·菲力浦 這是 Richard phillips, this is 487 00:23:10,900 --> 00:23:12,100 來自流行雜誌的艾莉爾·福克斯曼和 Ariel foxman and honor 488 00:23:12,100 --> 00:23:13,100 昂娜·玻蒂爾 brodie from "in style." 489 00:23:13,130 --> 00:23:16,430 這兒的一切都要歸功於他們 Everything here that you see is thanks to them. 490 00:23:16,460 --> 00:23:18,730 這幅美極了的畫例外 Except for this gorgeous painting, 491 00:23:18,760 --> 00:23:21,100 它是裏查德畫的 Which richard did. 492 00:23:26,400 --> 00:23:28,600 請原諒我們失陪一會兒 Um, would you just excuse us for one second? 493 00:23:28,630 --> 00:23:31,600 莉莉 讓我去吧 失陪 I'll take care of it, lily. excuse me. 494 00:23:33,930 --> 00:23:35,260 瑟琳娜 Serena? 495 00:23:36,930 --> 00:23:39,260 這套衣服你穿著真漂亮 The suit looks lovely on you. 496 00:23:39,300 --> 00:23:41,930 很高興你能改變主意來參加這個聚會 And I'm glad you changed your mind and decided to join us. 497 00:23:41,960 --> 00:23:43,440 我能不能向其他人介紹你 Can I introduce you to some people? 498 00:23:43,440 --> 00:23:44,930 不用了 我在等一些朋友 no, I'm waiting on some friends. 499 00:23:44,960 --> 00:23:47,900 -我們可以帶朋友一起來 對吧 -當然 We are allowed to bring friends, right? sure. 500 00:23:47,930 --> 00:23:49,460 巴特 只是好奇問問 Bart, just curious. 501 00:23:49,500 --> 00:23:52,730 媽媽知道你不讓艾瑞克帶他男朋友來嗎 Does mom know you told eric he couldn't bring his boyfriend? 502 00:23:52,760 --> 00:23:54,730 我告訴過艾瑞克沒有這回事 I told eric no such thing. 503 00:23:54,760 --> 00:23:57,130 我們談過了 這事由他自己決定 We discussed it. the decision was his. 504 00:23:57,160 --> 00:24:00,460 真的嗎 一個是15歲的小孩 一個是億萬富翁 Really? the 15 year old and the billionaire? 505 00:24:00,500 --> 00:24:02,900 聽起來像是平等的談判 Sounds like a discussion between equals. 506 00:24:02,930 --> 00:24:04,900 凱薩琳 我希望過段時間 Serena, I hope that over time 507 00:24:04,930 --> 00:24:07,430 你就能知道我為這個家做的是最好的 You'll see that I want what's best for this family. 508 00:24:07,460 --> 00:24:11,130 同時 我建議你和你弟弟聊聊 In the meantime, I suggest you talk with your brother. 509 00:24:12,830 --> 00:24:14,300 恰克 晚上好啊 Good evening, chuck. 510 00:24:14,330 --> 00:24:15,600 布雷爾 Blair. 511 00:24:15,630 --> 00:24:17,760 我可以聽聽進度報告嗎 Do I get a progress report? 512 00:24:17,800 --> 00:24:19,430 瓦內薩還以為 Does vanessa still think 513 00:24:19,460 --> 00:24:21,600 你會買下那個酒吧嗎 You're buying that beer hall of hers? 514 00:24:21,630 --> 00:24:23,930 我準備買下來 是一筆不錯的投資 I am buying it. it's a good investment. 515 00:24:23,960 --> 00:24:25,430 你開玩笑的吧 You're kidding. 516 00:24:28,900 --> 00:24:31,830 隨便 但是你還是會毀了她 對吧 ? Fine. but you're still gonna crush her, right? 517 00:24:31,860 --> 00:24:33,830 我們有言在先的 記得嗎 We made a deal, remember? 518 00:24:33,860 --> 00:24:35,960 沒錯 失陪了 Yes. excuse me. 519 00:24:39,760 --> 00:24:41,900 真是個新居落成聚會 Some housewarming. 520 00:24:41,930 --> 00:24:44,430 幸好我沒有帶一鍋砂鍋菜來 Good thing I didn't bring a casserole. 521 00:24:44,460 --> 00:24:46,960 -介意我給你拿杯喝的嗎 -恰克 Can I get you a drink? chuck. 522 00:24:47,000 --> 00:24:51,160 我現在有話和你談談 I'd like to speak with you now. 523 00:24:51,200 --> 00:24:52,860 我很快就會回來的 I'll be back in a moment. 524 00:25:04,900 --> 00:25:07,400 珍妮 我還是無法相信 So, jenny, I still can't believe 525 00:25:07,430 --> 00:25:10,300 你離開康斯坦斯去做設計師 You dropped out of constance to become a designer. 526 00:25:10,330 --> 00:25:12,400 能有我爸爸的支持真的是難以置信 Um, it's incredible how supportive my dad's been. 527 00:25:12,430 --> 00:25:14,280 她說難以置信意思是很難想像 By "incredible," she means "difficult to believe." 528 00:25:14,280 --> 00:25:16,130 內特 你怎麼樣呢 what about you, nate? 529 00:25:16,160 --> 00:25:17,290 家裏一切都好嗎 今年對你家過得很艱難啊 How's everything at home? I know it's been a tough year. 530 00:25:17,290 --> 00:25:18,430 確實 yeah, it has, 531 00:25:18,460 --> 00:25:19,690 但 你是知道 我們會支持過去的 But, you know, we're getting by. 532 00:25:19,690 --> 00:25:20,930 現在你家就你和你媽媽了嗎 it's just you and your mom now? 533 00:25:20,960 --> 00:25:23,500 你們知道嗎 我看過內特用膝蓋頂足球 Uh, you know, I've seen nate do that knee bounce thing 534 00:25:23,530 --> 00:25:26,430 真是太神奇了 With the soccer ball, and it's--it's amazing. 535 00:25:26,460 --> 00:25:29,530 其實我媽媽現在在漢普頓那邊 Well, my mom's actually out at our hamptons house, 536 00:25:29,560 --> 00:25:32,060 但我還要上學 所有我還要呆在這邊 But I still have school, so I gotta--i gotta stick around. 537 00:25:32,100 --> 00:25:34,330 所以你現在一個人住嗎 那樣不會寂寞嗎 You staying by yourself? isn't that kind of lonely 538 00:25:34,360 --> 00:25:36,830 有點 但 我是在這兒長大的 Well, yeah, but, I mean... I grew up there. 539 00:25:36,860 --> 00:25:39,460 這兒是我所有回憶的地方 You know, it's where all the memories are. 540 00:25:41,460 --> 00:25:43,440 你知道這關係到什麼嗎 Do you know what this is about? 541 00:25:43,440 --> 00:25:45,430 來讓我看看莉莉的廚房嗎 to show me lily's poliform kitchen? 542 00:25:45,460 --> 00:25:47,930 我喜歡這個門做成這樣 I love what it does with the doors. 543 00:25:47,960 --> 00:25:49,930 你真以為我不會發現 Did you really think I wasn't gonna find out 544 00:25:49,960 --> 00:25:52,960 我的公司要在布魯克林買下一個酒吧嗎 -這也不是一個秘密 -My company was buying a bar in brooklyn? -it wasn't a secret. 545 00:25:53,000 --> 00:25:55,960 我只想確定我讓每件事情都很適當 I just wanted to make sure I had everything in place. 546 00:25:56,000 --> 00:25:58,730 -你看了方案了嗎 -我為什麼要看那東西呢 Did you read the proposal? why would I do that? 547 00:25:58,760 --> 00:26:00,730 因為那裏的減稅率很高 Because... the tax break wi be huge. 548 00:26:00,760 --> 00:26:03,060 拯救一個地標會給我們帶來驚人的公關效益 Saving a landmark buys us amazing p.r., 549 00:26:03,100 --> 00:26:04,560 對社區釋出善意 Engenders goodwill in the community, 550 00:26:04,600 --> 00:26:06,560 為以後的投資之路做好準備 Paving the way for future investment. 551 00:26:06,600 --> 00:26:08,560 另外 那個地方不錯 Plus, it's a great place. 552 00:26:08,600 --> 00:26:11,560 爸爸 就讓我帶你去參觀那兒吧 Look, father, let me take you there and show you around. 553 00:26:11,600 --> 00:26:14,230 -我保證你會相信 -我所相信的就是 I'll make you a believer, I promise. what I believe 554 00:26:14,260 --> 00:26:16,730 你背離了我的信任也浪費了我的時間 Is that you've betrayed my trust and wasted my time. 555 00:26:16,760 --> 00:26:19,500 這對拜斯家的產業是一個很好的轉變的機會 This is a good move for bass indusies. 556 00:26:19,530 --> 00:26:21,010 -我支持它 -是嗎 恰克·拜斯支持它 I stand behind it. really? chuck bass stands behind it. 557 00:26:21,010 --> 00:26:22,500 有什麼值得你這樣做 what's that worth? 558 00:26:22,530 --> 00:26:25,600 我給了他們我的承諾 他們都依靠著我 I gave people my word. they're counting on me. 559 00:26:25,630 --> 00:26:28,300 很幸運 讓別人失望是你的拿手絕活 Well, luckily, letting people down is your forte. 560 00:26:32,930 --> 00:26:34,760 兄弟 Oh, man. 561 00:26:34,800 --> 00:26:37,230 真是好時光啊 但 我恐怕要走了 This has been great. bu look, I should go. 562 00:26:37,260 --> 00:26:40,260 那牌呢 不打了嗎 Look, i, uh, I'm tired, so... what about scattegories? 563 00:26:40,300 --> 00:26:42,960 真不敢相信 我竟然用紙牌來誘惑你 Oh, I can't believe I just used scattegories as an enticement. 564 00:26:43,000 --> 00:26:45,100 好吧 下次吧 Well, next time. 565 00:26:45,130 --> 00:26:46,900 我是說 現在在都這麼晚了 W--uh, I mean, it's late. 566 00:26:46,930 --> 00:26:48,430 你確定你不想在沙發上多躺一會兒嗎 You sure you just don't wanna crash on the couch? 567 00:26:48,430 --> 00:26:49,930 不用了 nah. no, it's cool. 568 00:26:49,960 --> 00:26:51,930 瞧 內特 我 Look, uh, nate, i... 569 00:26:51,960 --> 00:26:54,630 我知道你現在在家裏的生活狀況 I, uh, i-i know about how you're living... at home. 570 00:26:54,660 --> 00:26:57,400 -抱歉 你說什麼 -這只是一個誤會 Excuse me. what? it was a mistake. 571 00:26:57,430 --> 00:27:00,630 我本來想我們今天會在你家裏見面的 I just thought we were supposed to meet at your place today. 572 00:27:00,660 --> 00:27:02,180 但我看到那個通告了 But I saw the notice. 573 00:27:02,180 --> 00:27:03,700 等等 你闖到我家裏了 wait, so you--so you broke into my home? 574 00:27:03,730 --> 00:27:05,700 其實 我是說 Well, no. I mean, there w-- 575 00:27:05,730 --> 00:27:07,700 那並不是真正意義上的闖入 There wasn't really much to break into. 576 00:27:07,730 --> 00:27:09,010 只是我和珍妮想去幫你 It's just, you know, j-jenny and I wanted to help you. 577 00:27:09,010 --> 00:27:10,300 珍妮也知道了 jenny knows, too? 578 00:27:10,330 --> 00:27:12,360 所以我突然成漢弗瑞家主要施捨對象了嗎 Oh, so suddenly I'm the humphrey family's favorite charity, huh? 579 00:27:12,360 --> 00:27:13,300 不 不 並不是那樣的 No, no, it's not like that. 580 00:27:13,330 --> 00:27:15,300 瞧啊 你告訴你父親 No, look, you tell your dad 581 00:27:15,330 --> 00:27:17,530 -我就說謝謝 然後我就走 -內特 I said thank you, and then I had to leave. nate-- 582 00:27:17,560 --> 00:27:21,460 丹 我們只不過在耶魯在一起聊過天 一塊玩過一次足球而已 Dan, we hang out at yale, we played soccer once. so what? 583 00:27:21,500 --> 00:27:23,360 也算不了什麼 不要再管那麼多 Just stay out of it. 584 00:27:25,360 --> 00:27:28,800 我無意聽到你們後面的談話了 I overheard the end of that conversation. 585 00:27:28,830 --> 00:27:31,130 很抱歉 And I'm sorry. 586 00:27:31,160 --> 00:27:33,830 我並不瞭解你父親 I don't know your dad, 587 00:27:33,860 --> 00:27:35,630 但從 But from... 588 00:27:35,660 --> 00:27:39,160 今天我所看到的 你應該得到更多 What I saw today, you deserve better. 589 00:27:44,360 --> 00:27:46,300 你是這樣說 You say that... 590 00:27:46,330 --> 00:27:49,700 但是你也並不真正瞭解我 But you don't really know me. 591 00:27:49,730 --> 00:27:53,060 從另一方面看 我爸爸有著一輩子的經驗 My father, on the other hand, has a lifetime of experience. 592 00:27:53,100 --> 00:27:55,030 有的地方他說的對 The man makes some good points. 593 00:28:00,260 --> 00:28:01,430 留下 Stay. 594 00:28:02,730 --> 00:28:03,960 好嗎 Please. 595 00:28:15,800 --> 00:28:18,030 巴特說我可以帶喬那森來 Bart told me I could bring jonathan. 596 00:28:18,060 --> 00:28:20,100 但他說會有媒體在這兒 But he told me there would be press here, 597 00:28:20,130 --> 00:28:23,020 然後 我真的想要在全國性的雜誌上出櫃嗎 ? And do I really want to come out in a national magazine? 598 00:28:23,020 --> 00:28:24,860 他只是關心他自己的形象 He's worried about his own image. 599 00:28:24,900 --> 00:28:27,860 我不這麼認為 我覺得他在試圖保護我 I don't think so. I think he's trying to protect me. 600 00:28:27,900 --> 00:28:30,200 -你為什麼這樣針對他呢 -我不知道 Why--why are you so against him? I don't know. 601 00:28:30,230 --> 00:28:32,130 瑟琳娜 艾瑞克 打擾一個 你們介意 Excuse me. serena, eric, would you guys mind 602 00:28:32,160 --> 00:28:34,060 我們的記者問你們幾個問題嗎 If our reporter asked you a few questions? 603 00:28:34,100 --> 00:28:35,930 -說實話 -沒問題 Honestly? sure. 604 00:28:35,960 --> 00:28:38,700 你們的媽媽說這個家庭親密無間 So your mom told me how close-knit your family is. 605 00:28:38,730 --> 00:28:41,360 有沒有什麼特別的回憶 Is there a particular memory that stands out? 606 00:28:41,400 --> 00:28:43,630 -像個生日派對或耶誕節之類的 -她怎麼說的 A birthday or christmas? she said what? 607 00:28:43,660 --> 00:28:46,700 -只是 -打擾了 我找瑟琳娜有點事 -Just that-- um, -excuse me. I just need to--to borrow serena. 608 00:28:46,730 --> 00:28:48,130 你說這個家親密無間嗎 You said we were a close-knit family? 609 00:28:48,130 --> 00:28:49,530 我很快就會讓她回來的 I'll bring her right back, 610 00:28:49,560 --> 00:28:51,600 然後我會詳細地告訴你們我們開心的時光 And I'll tell you all about the wonderful time 611 00:28:51,630 --> 00:28:53,480 像我們一起在摩加迪沙 真的很有意思 That we had in mustique. it was such fun. 612 00:28:53,480 --> 00:28:55,200 你是說你和康斯坦丁嗎 Don't you mean you and constantine? 613 00:28:55,230 --> 00:28:57,760 你忘了嗎 每次都一樣 Or did you forget, the same way 614 00:28:57,800 --> 00:28:59,020 你每次離開我和艾瑞克時 You forget to say good-bye to me 615 00:28:59,020 --> 00:29:00,240 都忘了說再見 and eric every time you left? 616 00:29:00,240 --> 00:29:01,200 瑟琳娜 別這樣 Serena, don't do this. 617 00:29:01,230 --> 00:29:03,690 就算你對巴特不滿也不能破壞這個聚會啊 If you have issues with bart, fine, but don't sabotage this. 618 00:29:03,690 --> 00:29:05,060 什麼 我什麼也沒做啊 What? i-i'm not doing anything. 619 00:29:05,100 --> 00:29:06,900 我還以為我們在分享 I thought we were just sharing memories 620 00:29:06,930 --> 00:29:09,200 我們是一個多麼親密的家庭的回憶呢 Of a--what a close family we are. 621 00:29:09,230 --> 00:29:11,800 我記得有一次 那時我11歲 I remember this one time, um, when I was 11. 622 00:29:11,830 --> 00:29:14,400 我和艾瑞克想要一個白色的耶誕節 Eric and I wanted a white christmas. 623 00:29:14,430 --> 00:29:16,900 很幸運 媽媽的丈夫是一個狂暴的隱君子 Luckily, mom's husband was a raging cokehead, 624 00:29:16,930 --> 00:29:19,730 -當時他就抽大麻搞得到處都是灰 -天啊 So he left blow everywhere. oh, my god. 625 00:29:19,760 --> 00:29:22,830 並不是到處 只是一些光滑發光的表面 It wasn't everywhere--just on the smooth, shiny surfaces. 626 00:29:22,860 --> 00:29:25,160 是那個開頭是 K 的德國人克勞斯 Was that, um, german klaus with a "k," 627 00:29:25,200 --> 00:29:27,160 還是那個以 C 開關的丹麥人克勞斯 Or was it danish claus with a "c"? 628 00:29:27,200 --> 00:29:29,160 我都不記得她事實上和哪一個結婚了 I can't ever remember which ones she actually married 629 00:29:29,200 --> 00:29:30,930 或者她決定和誰在一起 Or which she just decided 630 00:29:30,960 --> 00:29:33,330 都比她的孩子們要重要 Were more important than her children. 631 00:29:33,360 --> 00:29:35,660 你知道嗎 我錯了 You know what? I was--i was wrong. 632 00:29:35,700 --> 00:29:38,160 這根本就不是因為巴特 其實是你 It's not bart at all. it's you. 633 00:29:38,200 --> 00:29:41,300 看起來拜斯家的喬遷聚會 Looks like the bass housewarming party 634 00:29:41,330 --> 00:29:43,130 變得更冷了 Just got a little colder. 635 00:29:43,160 --> 00:29:46,830 看來薩琳娜回憶美好往事之路讓她這樣走出了大門 Serena's walk down memory lane has her heading out the door. 636 00:29:58,860 --> 00:30:00,830 打賭取消了 Bet's off. 637 00:30:00,860 --> 00:30:03,460 但遊戲還沒有結束 But the game's not over. 638 00:30:03,500 --> 00:30:05,460 因為無聊 所以我叫停了 I'm calling it on account of boredom. 639 00:30:05,500 --> 00:30:07,630 你是對的 瓦內薩不值一玩 You were right. vanessa's not worth playing with. 640 00:30:07,660 --> 00:30:11,030 可能是 也可能不是 你為什麼改變看法了呢 Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. why the sudden change of heart? 641 00:30:11,060 --> 00:30:13,900 就像我剛說的 這一切都很無聊 Like I said, the whole thing is dull. 642 00:30:13,930 --> 00:30:16,860 追著瓦內薩不放有失我們的身份 Pursuing vanessa is beneath us both. 643 00:30:16,900 --> 00:30:19,100 你以為我會拿出殺手? You think I'm going in for the kill. 644 00:30:19,130 --> 00:30:21,000 你在擔心你會必須要做 You're worried you're gonna 645 00:30:21,030 --> 00:30:23,400 你所承諾的事 Have to go through with what you promised. 646 00:30:23,430 --> 00:30:25,600 我才不為那個擔心呢 I'm not worried... about... that. 647 00:30:25,630 --> 00:30:27,560 那是為什麼呢 Well, then what? 648 00:30:27,600 --> 00:30:29,460 什麼也沒有 Then... nothing. 649 00:30:29,500 --> 00:30:32,330 就忘了它吧 Just... forget it. 650 00:30:38,430 --> 00:30:41,400 真不敢相信瑟琳娜在這麼多人面前這樣做 I can't believe serena did that in front of everyone-- 651 00:30:41,430 --> 00:30:43,660 那麼多記者 所有人的都在 That reporter, all of these people. 652 00:30:43,700 --> 00:30:47,400 艾瑞克 我親愛的 你一直都是最誠實的 Eric, my darling, you are always honest with me. 653 00:30:47,430 --> 00:30:49,400 這不是事實 對吧 It isn't true, is it? 654 00:30:49,430 --> 00:30:52,560 我知道瑟琳娜說的很不是時候 I know serena's timing sucked, 655 00:30:52,600 --> 00:30:55,560 只是 這些年一直是她照顧我最多的 But she did pretty mh raise me all those years. 656 00:30:55,600 --> 00:30:57,930 你一直都不在這兒 你知道嗎 Oh... you just weren't here, you know? 657 00:30:57,960 --> 00:30:59,600 我沒有那麼壞吧 I wasn't that bad. 658 00:30:59,630 --> 00:31:02,930 我們設定你的來電鈴聲就是" 不辭而別" Our ringtone for you was "since u been gone." 659 00:31:02,960 --> 00:31:04,530 那個看門的人 Ighs) vanya the doorman 660 00:31:04,560 --> 00:31:06,730 就經常在我們我離校申請上簽字 Used to sign our permission slips from school. 661 00:31:06,760 --> 00:31:10,130 我的生活中發生了許多事情 Well, there was a lot going on in my life. 662 00:31:10,160 --> 00:31:13,360 我一直做到最好 就像我現在做的一樣 And I did the best I could, just like I'm doing now. 663 00:31:13,400 --> 00:31:15,360 但現在就像 Yeah, but now it's like 664 00:31:15,400 --> 00:31:18,500 你想我們在一瞬間接受你所安排的一切 You want us to go from zero to brady in 60 seconds. 665 00:31:18,530 --> 00:31:20,160 我們還沒有準備好 We're not there yet. 666 00:31:20,200 --> 00:31:22,560 我就知道 我只是想如果 Oh, I know, but I just thought if-- 667 00:31:22,600 --> 00:31:26,060 我們不會因為這樣告訴別人我們是一家人而就是了 You don't become a family just by telling people you are. 668 00:31:26,100 --> 00:31:30,230 只有我們想成為一家人才行 You become a family because you want to be one. 669 00:31:32,100 --> 00:31:35,800 我想我的碳化了 I--mm. I think mine's carbonated. 670 00:31:35,830 --> 00:31:37,160 你的怎麼樣 Yours? 671 00:31:43,830 --> 00:31:45,460 你還是很沮喪啊 You're still upset. 672 00:31:45,500 --> 00:31:48,460 像是我之前說的 我想幫他 但是他卻不需要 Well, like I said, I tried to help him, and then he bailed. 673 00:31:48,500 --> 00:31:50,930 所以 如果他不想要我的幫助 So, you know, if he doesn't want my help, 674 00:31:50,960 --> 00:31:52,600 這也沒關係 Then that's--that's fine. 675 00:31:52,630 --> 00:31:55,600 作為一個摯友就是要提供他所需要的東西 And being a friend means giving someone something they need 676 00:31:55,630 --> 00:31:58,100 就算他們沒有跟你提出來 但你還是做了 Even when they can't ask for it, which you did. 677 00:31:58,130 --> 00:32:01,100 -嗯 我那樣做了 -這也說明你沒有拋棄他 Right. i-i did that. so... it also means not giving up on them 678 00:32:01,130 --> 00:32:03,430 就算他說了不需要 When they say "no, thank you." 679 00:32:03,460 --> 00:32:05,430 我沒那麼做 我也不想那樣做 I didn't do that, and I'm not doing that. 680 00:32:05,460 --> 00:32:08,360 他想獨自闖蕩 他自己選的 He wants to be alone. it's his choice. 681 00:32:08,400 --> 00:32:09,020 祝他好運吧 Good luck to him. 682 00:32:09,020 --> 00:32:11,360 從你告訴我的來看 這很糟糕 Well, from what you told me, this thing is pretty intense. 683 00:32:11,400 --> 00:32:14,000 我不清楚他是不是還有另一個人 I don't know if he has anyone else in his life 684 00:32:14,030 --> 00:32:16,700 現在正照顧著他 Looking out for him right now. 685 00:32:16,730 --> 00:32:19,660 你如果真的想成為他的朋友 你就要這樣做 You really wanna be his friend, you need to be that person 686 00:32:19,700 --> 00:32:21,660 我記得我我的包和衣服是放在一起的 I know I left my bag with my coat. 687 00:32:21,700 --> 00:32:24,230 -你能在查一下嗎 -不需要了 Uld you just check again? no need. 688 00:32:24,260 --> 00:32:27,230 別告訴我你會錯拿了我的包吧 Don't tell me you took my purse by mistake. 689 00:32:27,260 --> 00:32:28,900 很困難 Hardly. 690 00:32:28,930 --> 00:32:31,400 但我想要的可不是你的包 But then it wasn't your bag I was after. 691 00:32:31,430 --> 00:32:33,060 這可是常識 Don't you know 692 00:32:33,100 --> 00:32:35,530 貴重物品千萬不要沒人看管 Never to leave anything that valuable unattended? 693 00:32:35,560 --> 00:32:38,320 我擅自增大了你的手機記憶空間 Oh, and I took the liberty of increasing your storage space. 694 00:32:38,320 --> 00:32:39,160 你幹了什麼 What did you do? 695 00:32:39,200 --> 00:32:41,160 馬庫斯和凱薩琳終於可以 Marcus and catherine are free 696 00:32:41,200 --> 00:32:43,530 平安的自由過著他們噁心的小生活 我也是 To live their sick little lives in peace, as am i. 697 00:32:43,560 --> 00:32:47,560 現在抓不住我的把柄了吧 你完蛋了 Now that you have nothing on me, you're done here. 698 00:32:47,600 --> 00:32:49,360 除了一件事 Except one more thing. 699 00:32:49,400 --> 00:32:51,800 你可能覺得你真正認識了恰克 You may think you've discovered the hidden chuck, 700 00:32:51,830 --> 00:32:53,400 但你應該明白 But you should know 701 00:32:53,430 --> 00:32:55,900 他無論如何不會對你有任何感覺的 He has no real feelings for you whatsoever. 702 00:32:55,930 --> 00:32:58,060 這只是我們之間的一個小賭注 It was all a little bet we made 703 00:32:58,100 --> 00:33:01,360 想看看你有多容易會上鉤 To see just how gullible you could be. 704 00:33:01,400 --> 00:33:03,230 我不信你 I don't believe you. 705 00:33:03,260 --> 00:33:05,830 真的很簡單 It was simple, really. 706 00:33:05,860 --> 00:33:09,100 恰克想要整Dan 而我就想整你 Chuck wanted to get dan, and I wanted to get you. 707 00:33:09,130 --> 00:33:11,330 那你是說恰克要他爸爸把 So are you telling me that chuck had his dad's company 708 00:33:11,360 --> 00:33:13,330 布魯克林酒吧收購下來 Make an offer on the brooklyn inn 709 00:33:13,360 --> 00:33:15,660 為了就是要報復Dan ? In order to get back at dan? 710 00:33:15,700 --> 00:33:18,430 這是不是有點太複雜了 就算是對你們來說 Isn't that a little convoluted, even for the two of you? 711 00:33:18,460 --> 00:33:20,430 房地產只是前戲 Real estate was just foreplay. 712 00:33:20,460 --> 00:33:23,090 誘惑然後羞辱你才是最終目的 Seducing and humiliating you was the ultimate goal. 713 00:33:23,090 --> 00:33:24,660 恰克從來沒有泡過我 Chuck didn't hit on me once. 714 00:33:24,700 --> 00:33:26,700 也許讓你無法容忍的事 Maybe what's really going on here is that you can't stand 715 00:33:26,730 --> 00:33:30,510 是當他不靠近你的時候 他實際上是一個好人吧 That he might actually be a good person when he's not around you. 716 00:33:30,510 --> 00:33:31,600 我可不信這些 I seriously doubt that. 717 00:33:31,630 --> 00:33:33,430 布雷爾 你在幹嘛 What are you doing, blair? 718 00:33:33,460 --> 00:33:35,430 做個好收尾 Tying up some loose ends, 719 00:33:35,460 --> 00:33:38,300 我正告訴瓦內薩她在你眼裡你不算啥 Telling vanessa that she doesn't mean anything to you. 720 00:33:38,330 --> 00:33:40,860 我們就像在下棋 We were just playing chess, 721 00:33:40,900 --> 00:33:43,860 她只是你找到女王途中 And she was another piece that you needed to knock over 722 00:33:43,900 --> 00:33:47,930 要吃掉的一個小卒子 不是嗎 On your way to take the queen. do you disagree? 723 00:33:47,960 --> 00:33:50,900 我猜 我明白了 Guess i-i should've known. 724 00:33:57,130 --> 00:34:00,100 好小夥 剛才他媽的到底是什麼回事 Good boy. what the hell was the point of that? 725 00:34:00,130 --> 00:34:02,260 你可能還沒去勾引她 Well, you may not have seduced her, 726 00:34:02,300 --> 00:34:05,300 -她就好像覺得被我羞辱了一番 -你說什麼了 But she seems pretty humiliated to me. what are you saying? 727 00:34:05,330 --> 00:34:07,260 我說 I'm saying... 728 00:34:07,300 --> 00:34:09,630 我輸了 你贏了 I lost, you won. 729 00:34:09,660 --> 00:34:11,730 我一小時後在我的房間裏等你 I'll be waiting in my room in one hour. 730 00:34:11,760 --> 00:34:14,300 來取你的獎勵吧 Come claim your prize. 731 00:34:14,330 --> 00:34:16,400 可憐的恰克·拜斯 Poor chuck bass. 732 00:34:16,430 --> 00:34:19,500 是你打的賭 現在你還得圓你的謊了 You made your bet. now you have to lie in it. 733 00:34:24,000 --> 00:34:26,860 丹 是你嗎 Dan, is that you? 734 00:34:28,400 --> 00:34:31,560 -你在跟我說話 -這就你一個人 Are you talkin' to me? you're the only person here. 735 00:34:31,600 --> 00:34:34,060 是 但是 以前從沒停下來過 Right, but that's, uh, never stopped you before. 736 00:34:34,090 --> 00:34:36,060 這是我應得的 I deserve that. 737 00:34:36,090 --> 00:34:38,400 我還沒有開始啊 I haven't started yet. 738 00:34:38,430 --> 00:34:41,560 讓暴風雨來的更猛烈些吧 我今晚不能再糟了 Fine. sit, pile it on. my night couldn't get any worse. 739 00:34:51,430 --> 00:34:55,530 來讓我難堪的是吧 ? 信了你那堆胡說八道 Coming to rub my nose in it? falling for your line of bull... 740 00:34:55,560 --> 00:34:57,560 跟瓦內薩談過了 Talk to vanessa already? 741 00:34:57,600 --> 00:34:59,960 我知道你沒有任何理由相信我 Look, I know you have no reason to trust me. 742 00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:03,190 你也不可能給我一個這樣的理由 And you ain't gonna be able to give me one, either, 743 00:35:03,230 --> 00:35:04,710 所以你最好是走開 So you might as well go. 744 00:35:04,710 --> 00:35:06,190 我不管你是怎麼看我的 look, I don't care what you think about me. 745 00:35:06,230 --> 00:35:08,560 但我不會放棄的 我要挽救這個地方 But I'm not giving up. I'm gonna save this place. 746 00:35:08,600 --> 00:35:10,400 小崽子 你先救救你自己吧 Try saving yourself first, kid. 747 00:35:10,430 --> 00:35:13,930 我覺得我看人很准的 但是我錯看你了 I like to think I know people, but I was wrong about you. 748 00:35:28,060 --> 00:35:30,900 你在內特家這裏幹嘛 So what are you doing at nate's anyway? 749 00:35:30,930 --> 00:35:32,930 內特跟我是朋友 Well, uh, nate and I are friends. 750 00:35:32,960 --> 00:35:35,260 至少 我認為我們這樣的 你呢 At least, I hope we are. what about you? 751 00:35:35,300 --> 00:35:40,630 我得從家裏出來走走 跟別人說說話 I just had to get out of my house, talk to someone. 752 00:35:40,660 --> 00:35:44,730 布雷爾一直很忙 恰克正在做 恰克 Blair was busy. chuck is... chuck. 753 00:35:46,530 --> 00:35:49,560 唯一一個我想說話的人 The only person I really wanted to talk to, 754 00:35:49,600 --> 00:35:51,630 有又再也不能夠了 I can't anymore. 755 00:35:51,660 --> 00:35:53,600 所以我來這裏了 So I came here. 756 00:35:53,630 --> 00:35:55,560 假裝我是內特 Pretend I'm nate. 757 00:35:57,260 --> 00:35:59,300 -什麼 -假裝 What? pretend m-- 758 00:35:59,330 --> 00:36:02,600 他假裝過我 所以這樣才公平嘛 Well, look, he pretended to be me, so it's only fair. 759 00:36:02,630 --> 00:36:03,900 真的 Really? 760 00:36:06,300 --> 00:36:08,730 我媽媽主持一個大聚會 My mom hosted this big party. 761 00:36:08,760 --> 00:36:11,730 本應該是跟我的新家庭有關的 It as supposed to be about our new family. 762 00:36:11,760 --> 00:36:14,400 但是變成了 一個 公開的表演 But it turns out, of course, it was for publicity. 763 00:36:14,430 --> 00:36:17,130 我當著大家的面掃了她的興 So i-i blew up at her in front of everyone. 764 00:36:17,160 --> 00:36:18,800 一直以來 And this whole time, 765 00:36:18,830 --> 00:36:21,630 我認為巴特是問題的所在 I was thinking that bart was the problem, 766 00:36:21,660 --> 00:36:23,660 但是我才意識到都是她的問題 But i-i realized it's all her. 767 00:36:23,700 --> 00:36:26,660 你總是想像你媽媽表現的很完美 You ever think that your mom acts like she's perfect 768 00:36:26,700 --> 00:36:28,300 因為她 Because she's... 769 00:36:28,330 --> 00:36:30,630 她已經離完美遠到讓 She's... too ashamed to acknowledge 770 00:36:30,660 --> 00:36:34,000 她自己覺得太羞愧而不想去承認 How far from it she's really been? 771 00:36:34,030 --> 00:36:37,830 我以為你是要假扮nate I thought you were pretending to be nate. 772 00:36:37,860 --> 00:36:39,400 開玩笑的 Kidding. 773 00:36:42,000 --> 00:36:43,360 對不起 I'm sorry. 774 00:36:43,400 --> 00:36:46,030 你不認為我說的對吧 You--do you not think I'm right? 775 00:36:46,060 --> 00:36:48,560 不 我想說 我對發生的一切都很抱歉 No, I'm--i mean, I'm sorry about everything. 776 00:36:52,130 --> 00:36:53,760 我也是 I am, too. 777 00:36:57,730 --> 00:37:00,730 他們肯定在我睡著的時候給我植入了追蹤晶片 They must have had me chipped while I was sleeping. 778 00:37:03,660 --> 00:37:05,130 你好 拜斯先生 Hi, mr. bass. 779 00:37:05,160 --> 00:37:07,830 你好 丹 是艾瑞克說你可能在這的 Hello, daniel. eric said you might be here. 780 00:37:07,860 --> 00:37:10,360 我想帶你回家 瑟琳娜 I'd like to take you home, serena. 781 00:37:10,400 --> 00:37:11,900 我是應該走了 I should probably go, 782 00:37:11,930 --> 00:37:15,330 試試你那些定律 Test out some of... those theories of yours, 783 00:37:15,360 --> 00:37:17,330 看他們能不能成立 See if they hold up. 784 00:37:17,360 --> 00:37:19,460 我很高興你是內特的朋友 I'm really glad you're nate's friend. 785 00:37:19,500 --> 00:37:21,960 他現在的確需要你這樣的 He really needs someone like you right now. 786 00:37:46,900 --> 00:37:49,330 大家哪里去了 Hey. where is everyone? 787 00:37:51,030 --> 00:37:53,500 你離開後聚會就變味了 The party wasn't the same after you left. 788 00:37:53,530 --> 00:37:56,000 事實上 我認為就算你在這 Actually, I think it might've even stopped 789 00:37:56,030 --> 00:37:58,330 也應該停止下來 While you were still here. 790 00:38:01,900 --> 00:38:04,000 我應該跟你道歉 I owe you an apology. 791 00:38:04,030 --> 00:38:07,000 不 我才是那個說了他們不該聽的人 No, I'm the one who said things they shouldn't have. 792 00:38:07,030 --> 00:38:10,530 不是關於那個的 有關我不在這裏的17年的日子 No, not about that, about the 17 years that I wasn't here. 793 00:38:10,560 --> 00:38:13,530 我生活中的確把這個男人排在你們之前 And I did put the men in my life before you guys. 794 00:38:13,560 --> 00:38:16,160 也不是都很差啦 Well, it wasn't all bad. 795 00:38:16,190 --> 00:38:19,130 有一段跟克勞斯的日子還不錯啊 There was a brief period between klauses. 796 00:38:19,160 --> 00:38:21,860 別忘了那些跟薩科奇在一起的週末 Don't forget that, uh, weekend with sarkozy 797 00:38:21,900 --> 00:38:24,860 當他帶我們去歐洲的迪士尼公園時 When he made us go to euro disney. oh! 798 00:38:24,900 --> 00:38:26,700 我真的抱歉讓你在 I'm sorry I embarrassed you 799 00:38:26,730 --> 00:38:28,700 全國性的雜誌面前尷尬了 In front of a national magazine. 800 00:38:28,730 --> 00:38:30,700 我也很抱歉我之前的那些表現 And I'm sorry I acted the way I did. 801 00:38:30,730 --> 00:38:32,360 就收道歉 Apology accepted. 802 00:38:32,400 --> 00:38:34,760 我們家就是我們家 Well, our family is our family. 803 00:38:34,800 --> 00:38:36,760 我們就是這個樣子 That's just who we are. 804 00:38:36,800 --> 00:38:39,960 我不想管誰想去瞭解它 也不去管 And I shouldn't care who knows about it, and I don't. 805 00:38:40,000 --> 00:38:44,060 就跟季節一樣 人們也有能力去改變 Just like the seasons, people have the ability to change. 806 00:38:44,090 --> 00:38:46,230 不是經常發生 It doesn't happen very often, 807 00:38:46,260 --> 00:38:47,960 但是它發生了 But when it does, 808 00:38:48,000 --> 00:38:49,960 一般都很有效 It's almost always right. 809 00:38:50,000 --> 00:38:53,560 -你把那些採訪報導攔住了吧 是不 -我早就出手了 You killed the story, didn't you? I already put out the hit. 810 00:38:55,700 --> 00:38:57,660 這些變化有時候非得 Sometimes it takes what's broken 811 00:38:57,700 --> 00:38:59,700 不打不相識啊 Becoming whole again. 812 00:39:05,460 --> 00:39:07,330 -怎麼啦 -變化有時候表現在 What happened? sometimes it takes 813 00:39:07,360 --> 00:39:10,230 打開大門讓新朋友們進來 Opening up to new people and letting them in. 814 00:39:10,260 --> 00:39:13,130 希望你不介意 我們有個房客 Hope you don't mind, but we've, uh, we've got a lodger. 815 00:39:13,160 --> 00:39:15,830 -我要把沙發鋪張床 -我去拿霜淇淋 So I'll make up the sofa? I'll get the ice cream. 816 00:39:15,860 --> 00:39:17,660 我去拿吉他 And I'll get the guitar 817 00:39:17,700 --> 00:39:21,090 還有八零年代經典歌的吉他譜 我很懷戀威猛樂隊啊 And the "songs of the '80s" fakebook. I'm thinking wham! 818 00:39:21,130 --> 00:39:24,060 差點忘了 就當你家一樣啊 Uh, almost forgot-- make yourself at home. 819 00:39:33,160 --> 00:39:36,130 但大多數時候 變化只發生在一方 But most times, it takes just one person 820 00:39:36,160 --> 00:39:39,060 那個真正害怕去表現美夢成真的人 Who is truly afraid to show what they feel 821 00:39:39,090 --> 00:39:42,800 Getting an opportunity they never thought possible. 822 00:39:49,400 --> 00:39:51,360 怎麼花了這麼長時間 What took you so long? 823 00:39:51,400 --> 00:39:53,460 如果你覺得那很長 If you thought that was long, 824 00:39:53,500 --> 00:39:55,960 那你完全不知道你現在的處境 You have no idea what you're in for. 825 00:40:27,160 --> 00:40:28,460 說吧 Say it. 826 00:40:28,500 --> 00:40:30,500 說什麼 我什麼都說 Say what? I'll say anything. 827 00:40:33,160 --> 00:40:35,900 說你想要我說的那三個字 Say those three words you wanted me to say. 828 00:40:38,800 --> 00:40:40,260 你開玩笑嗎 ? "are you kidding?" 829 00:40:40,300 --> 00:40:43,160 不全對 Not quite. 830 00:40:43,190 --> 00:40:46,000 八個字母 三個音節 Eight letters. three syllables. 831 00:40:46,030 --> 00:40:48,000 說了 我就屬於你了 Say them, and I'm yours. 832 00:40:48,030 --> 00:40:49,630 但我已經屬於你了啊 But I'm already yours, 833 00:40:49,660 --> 00:40:51,160 而你老是用這些話攪了氣氛 And you're ruining the mood with all this talk. 834 00:40:51,160 --> 00:40:52,660 你說不出口 you can't say it. 835 00:40:54,030 --> 00:40:57,400 -你只是需要從我這得到 -我準備好上壘了 You wanted it from me. I'm prepared to settle. 836 00:41:00,560 --> 00:41:02,930 可能我還沒有 Maybe I'm not. 837 00:41:06,060 --> 00:41:07,360 恰克·拜斯 Chuck bass, 838 00:41:07,400 --> 00:41:09,430 我 I... 839 00:41:09,460 --> 00:41:12,260 永遠不會對你說那三個字 Will never say those words to you. 840 00:41:12,300 --> 00:41:14,760 那你永遠也得不到我 Then you will never have me. 841 00:41:18,800 --> 00:41:22,560 這是因為有瓦內薩嗎 那只是個遊戲 恰克 Is this because of vanessa? it was a game, chuck. 842 00:41:22,600 --> 00:41:23,560 就這樣 That's it. 843 00:41:23,600 --> 00:41:26,260 可能我還想要提高賭注 Maybe I want to raise the stakes. 844 00:41:26,300 --> 00:41:28,560 你準備好玩這場遊戲了嗎 Are you ready to play that game? 845 00:41:28,600 --> 00:41:31,400 我追你的時間夠長了 I chased you for long enough. 846 00:41:31,430 --> 00:41:33,400 現在該你追我了 Now it's time you chased me. 847 00:41:36,060 --> 00:41:39,800 有些東西永遠不會改變 And some things never change. 848 00:41:39,830 --> 00:41:42,300 新遊戲開始了 Let a new game begin. 849 00:41:42,330 --> 00:41:46,330 八卦天后 X.o.x.o., gossip girl. 850 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 851 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 -- 我想當一個壞人. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: maxisam 來自: (10/22 13:11)

10/22 22:15, , 1F
有srt檔可分享嗎 我copy到眼花了orz
10/22 22:15, 1F

10/23 00:03, , 2F
直接大寫F寄信回自己email就可以嚕 不行的話在跟我說
10/23 00:03, 2F

10/23 00:44, , 3F
原來有這招 謝謝版大^^你的版本順暢很多~
10/23 00:44, 3F

10/23 00:50, , 4F
u flatter me ^^" 其實很多地方還是要改的:)
10/23 00:50, 4F

10/23 20:09, , 5F
820-826排版怎麼了@@ 中文好像也怪怪
10/23 20:09, 5F
Fixed ! Thanks :) ※ 編輯: maxisam 來自: (10/24 01:29)
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文章代碼(AID): #18_hL2GV (YAseries)