[閒聊] BlackPink Lisa可能加入達達衍生劇

看板Zombie (陰屍路)作者 (God of Mischief)時間1年前 (2023/12/29 21:58), 編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 4人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
這篇只是傳聞 還沒有官方證實 一樣內文太長只抓重點 On December 26, Vogue Thailand reported on the possibility of Lisa joining the c ast of The Walking Dead 在12月26日 Vogue Thailand 報導Lisa可能正在巴黎拍攝陰屍路 Speculation heightened as the official Instagram page of the zombie series recen tly started following Lisa's personal Instagram account. Lisa's frequent travels between Paris and Seoul due to her busy schedule further fueled the rumors, esp ecially as the series' spin-off following the main character, Daryl Dixon, has b een filming in Paris in recent months. 最近陰屍路官方IG追蹤Lisa引發人們的猜測,而Lisa也因行程繁忙往返於巴黎跟首爾之間, 又因 陰屍路:戴瑞狄克森 最近一直在巴黎拍攝而加劇了粉絲們的謠傳 Previously, the BLACKPINK member was seen attending the Paris-Saint-Germain vs. Newcastle United Champions League match on November 28. She was spotted with her close friend, Norman Reedus, an actor from The Walking Dead, enjoying the match at the Parc des Princes stadium. Following the event, Norman Reedus started fol lowing the BLACKPINK member on Instagram, fueling speculation about her potentia l appearance in The Walking Dead spin-off. However, neither the K-pop artist nor her agency has officially confirmed anything regarding her involvement in the s eries. 在此之前 有粉絲看到達達跟Lisa在11月28日一起去看巴黎聖日爾曼對上紐卡索聯的歐冠聯 賽,比賽結束後達達就在IG上追蹤了Lisa 可惜目前Lisa及其經紀公司都沒有出來證實任何有關Lisa會加入陰屍路的消息 = 聽說Lisa很紅 但我不熟== 來源: https://reurl.cc/lgR1NY https://reurl.cc/zleVXe -- https://youtu.be/NXJXesFYT9w
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Zombie/M.1703858282.A.7A6.html

12/31 00:40, 1年前 , 1F
lisa耶 超爽
12/31 00:40, 1F

12/31 01:21, 1年前 , 2F
lisa還真紅阿 連美劇也尬一咖了
12/31 01:21, 2F

12/31 02:50, 1年前 , 3F
12/31 02:50, 3F

01/04 01:13, 2年前 , 4F
01/04 01:13, 4F
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