
看板media-chaos (媒亂(媒體亂象))作者時間18年前 (2006/10/05 19:37), 編輯推噓2(202)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
剛剛看到公視新聞有關透明國際最近發表的排名 公視的標頭是"收賄國"排名 然而 早上我在看德國之聲中文網 他們的報導是指受調查各國企業賄賂的腐敗程度 http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2194432,00.html 而透明國際Transparency International他的專題是 Who Pays the Bribes?Bribe Payers Index 2006 http://www.transparency.org/news_room/in_focus/bpi_2006 The BPI looks at the propensity of companies from 30 leading exporting countries to bribe abroad. Companies from the wealthiest countries generally rank in the top half of the Index, but still routinely pay bribes, particularly in developing economies. Companies from emerging export powers India, China and Russia rank among the worst. In the case of China and other emerging export powers, efforts to strengthen domestic anti-corruption activities have failed to extend abroad. ..... In Asia, strong domestic anti-corruption measures at home are not consistently translating into responsible business practices abroad, especially for Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. They are assessed significantly worse by respondents from non-OECD countries – the same divide is evident for the United Arab Emirates – indicating a sharp double standard in business practices. 原來的報告所要檢討的對象與公視新聞的標題恐怕有所出入 謬見以為公視的'收賄國'應當改成'賄賂國'才是 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

10/05 20:56, , 1F
原Po在 IA版 有貼上德國之聲的原稿 可以參閱一下
10/05 20:56, 1F

10/06 00:04, , 2F
這應該是只包含私人企業的, 東方人幾乎都有壞習慣~.~""
10/06 00:04, 2F

10/06 03:51, , 3F
10/06 03:51, 3F

10/06 03:53, , 4F
10/06 03:53, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #159Evkw3 (media-chaos)
文章代碼(AID): #159Evkw3 (media-chaos)