[推薦] OZI feat. 9m88 - BLEU

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MV網址: https://youtu.be/uq-5RJtkAYc?si=jNFlztOEOnIhTVfa
詞:OZI、9m88 曲:OZI、9m88 Eyes can't be faked The way you be lookin', there's words to say 有慾望無罪 解放吧 come my way Write then erase 這love story 還剩下多少頁? 訂下故事的結尾 We'll love before the seasons change Gave her the tease, 不解釋但 她懂我的意思, 就這樣沈醉 Moment of bliss, let's give each other One more kiss before goodbye, cuz I ain't gotta settle for your love A little bit of fun is just enough 你留下的香水味 還停留在昨晚的T-shirt上 Maybe someday memories fade away the BLEU on you was never meant to stay But what can I say 說好的不留戀 妳怎麼又反悔? Wooo boy Say no more Just wear the cologne I choose And fly me to the moon babe 空氣稀薄 有點暈了 Let's dive into our summer lust (Woo) Lemme think out loud (Woo) 戒不掉 有你畫面的味道 用你的氣息閱讀我的訊號 The moment of truth, to be honest I like what you do, but we promised The fun overdues 是大人的默契 Let's wrap up the scene before we get lost, cuz I ain't gotta settle for your love A little bit of fun is just enough 你留下的香水味 還停留在昨晚的T-shirt上 Maybe someday memories fade away the BLEU on you was never meant to stay But what can I say 說好的不留戀 妳怎麼又反悔? Hey 既然我們都破了戒 Lets give in into it And misbehave What do you say Just one more time baby 既然我們都破了戒 Lets give in into it Come get a taste ____________________________________ OZI在首張專輯與9m88合作經典歌曲B.O.又再度發行新歌,歌曲以香奈兒知名香水為靈感 命題描述短暫的情慾,整體以bossa nova曲風為基底搭配OZI擅長的R&B詮釋,讓整首歌達 到滑順舒服,9m88的feat也從來不讓人失望,歌聲一出來凸顯高級有層次的感覺,彷彿融 入樂器般讓旋律更有味道,是一首令人陶醉的歌曲。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/popmusic/M.1741926947.A.2C4.html
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文章代碼(AID): #1dqx8ZB4 (popmusic)