[推薦] babyMINT - \ LUCY!!!!!! /

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MV網址: https://youtu.be/ojQbcQBDpi8?si=AL6itAB24fS9BKDT
詞:Lynzie零、A.F 曲:A.F、Lynzie零 L U L U C L U C Y!! 1 2 123 1234 Head and shoulder knee and toe Raise your hand and row your boat Up, down, sing along LUCY 時常do運動 Can you relate? (Say Wutt?) Say Ho and Hey! Say what you gonna do today Like 喂, Classmate! Do a lil workout and dance away Oh my bestie Peanut Butter, Powder, USB Say L U L U C LUCY!! LUCY~My bestie yuh 擺動妳身體 Say 愛的鼓勵來 L U L U C LUCY (Say Wutt!) Say 1 2 123 1234 HO HEY! LUCY~來 party yuh Just shake ur booty Do that dance with me L U L U C LUCY (せーの!) Say 1 2 123 1234 HO HEY! Action, Imma start the game Watch out, yeh we spot the trend Pop out, do my baddest habit Get on my orbit, I can afford it Run Run, where you going? Times out, better keep on breathing Cardi with an O, ra-raging All the way raving, watch your foot OK now we hit the pause Oazuke now we change a pose Heard ya wonder why How we keep it fly 實在金厲害 大家同齊來 X-hale and do that squat-sh*t In-hale and free your body Lucy, oh my bestie, keep it L U C K Y LUCY~ Oh I heard u wonder why Everybody 同齊來 yuh 趕緊攏來 趕緊總來 趕緊攏來 趕緊總來 LUCY~ Oh I heard u wonder why Everybody 同齊來 趕緊攏來 趕緊總來 趕緊攏來 趕緊總來 Hmmm LUCY LUCY LUCY LUCY NOW YOU SEE WHY 1 2 123 1234 HO HEY! LUCY~ My bestie yuh 擺動妳身體 Say 愛的鼓勵來 L U L U C LUCY (韓語!) Say 1 2 123 1234 HO HEY! LUCY~來 party yuh Just shake ur booty Do that dance with me L U L U C LUCY (Tr鋊 bien!) Say 1 2 123 1234 HO HEY! My Bestieeeeee~ Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, Lucy Hmmm LUCY LUCY LUCY LUCY NOW YOU SEE WHY ______________________________ 在未來少女展露頭角的女團babyMINT, 近期主打顛覆系女團,節目中因帶點迷因感的非 主流歌曲表現上不錯,而且也一直持續到出道,把音樂的實驗精神運用在女團上雖然辛苦 但非常大膽,如果適量搭配一些主流歌曲與情歌在單曲與專輯上,是一個有潛力又可以帶 領音樂潮流的新生代女團。去年發行第一張EP《BBMatrix》,後續發出EP的其中單曲\ LU CY!!!!!! /。 歌曲以8、9年級生會接觸過的Lucy健康操為製作,讓人好奇Lucy到底是誰的有趣概念,歌 曲內容融合一些健康操的元素配上女團舞實在新奇,成員的配唱也有質感和潛力,是好 不錯女團音色和唱腔,MV也具玩味值得一看。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/popmusic/M.1742006049.A.3D2.html ※ 編輯: Beandou ( 臺灣), 03/15/2025 10:34:29
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文章代碼(AID): #1drESXFI (popmusic)