[分享] 藥妝店賣的膠原蛋白粉可以有效攝取嗎?

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頻道名稱∣ 潔西卡的健康日常 連結∣ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNVoIqp8K03zFrILMn4Km6w/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/JessicaHealthy/ IT: https://www.instagram.com/jessica_healthylife/ 類型∣ 美容知識 推薦影片∣ 皮膚裡一定有的膠原蛋白,藥妝店賣的膠原蛋白粉可以有效攝取嗎? 身體製造和額外補充的不一樣! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByZ-xdvP3Ec
聊聊∣ 皮膚裡一定有的膠原蛋白,藥妝店賣的膠原蛋白粉可以有效攝取嗎?身體製造和額外 補充的不一樣!|潔西卡的健康日常|生活知識 - 人體含有16%的蛋白質,膠原蛋白佔其中的 30%上下,總體膠原蛋白約佔人體重量6% !由此可見膠原蛋白重要性。 - 不少坊間市售膠原蛋白補充品(包含粉劑、液體等),品質與售價參差不齊,但賣的都是 大家愛美的的追求,所以大家在追由美的同時,這些額外補充進去的物品真的有效用嗎? - 不少皮膚科醫師對於由口補充膠原蛋白粉這件事情不全然贊同, 原因在於人體合成之膠原蛋白與攝入之膠原蛋白在結構上有些許差異, 分子大小間也有所不同,所有的食物經由腸胃道消化, 皆以消化打散成營養分子,如何以膠原蛋白分子的方式存活並在身體內作用呢? - 膠原蛋白有何作用讓大家趨之若鶩呢?我們幫大家整理了以下給大家參考 (1)維持皮膚彈性延展度 (2)強化骨骼減少其鈣流失 (3)修補組織維持關節活化 - 所以高劑量的膠原蛋白補充品對於各位來說,其影響功效有一定性的限制, 但若仍堅持要補充,建議以通過國家食品安源認證, 來自大廠牌的膠原蛋白補充品做為購買考量, 以避免品質問題以及未來若有狀況求助無門的狀況, 潔西卡一定再三提醒大家要注意購買的項目標識、製造日期、成份來源等, 避免不肖廠商的不肖商品! - 當然隨著年齡提升體內的膠原蛋白會流失,尤其是三十歲以後更明顯; 又或是外傷影響造成皮膚的膠原蛋白流失, 有些保養品可以幫助暫時補充表面的膠原蛋白,但體內的膠原蛋白還是需要靠身體 合成, 這時候營養均衡,搭配適當防曬以及優秀的睡眠品質, 都是幫助身體合成膠原蛋白的好方法, 畢竟紫外線會造成肌膚老化進而使膠原蛋白流失,不可不防呀 - 美麗沒有速成班,持之以恆才可以維持,用醫美介入固然反映良好, 但身體對耐受性如何未可知,上天賜予我們這副軀體, 我們應當好好愛惜照顧,才可回饋自己! - 我是潔西卡,你的健康管理師,任何健康問題都找我, 歡迎留言告訴我,你想知道的健康問題,我們下次見 - 想知道更多健康知識:https://reurl.cc/pdb73a 想知道更多親密行為健康知識:https://reurl.cc/j74xWZ 潔西卡的粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/JessicaHealthy/ 潔西卡的生活Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/jessica_healthylife ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【Jessica】 There must be collagen in the skin, can collagen powder sold in drugstores be effectively ingested? Body manufacturing is not the same as additional supplements! |Jessica's Healthy Daily|Life Knowledge - The human body contains 16% protein, collagen accounts for about 30% of it, and the total collagen accounts for about 6% of the body weight! This shows the importance of collagen. - Many commercially available collagen supplements (including powders, liquids, etc.) vary in quality and price, but they are all sold in the pursuit of beauty, so when you follow the beauty, these additional items are added. Is it really effective? - Many dermatologists do not agree with the supplement of collagen powder by mouth, The reason is that there is a slight difference in structure between the collagen synthesized by the body and the collagen ingested, The molecular size also varies, all food is digested through the gastrointestinal tract, All are broken down into nutrients by digestion. How to survive and function in the body as collagen molecules? - What is the role of collagen to make everyone rush? We help you organize the following for your reference(1) Maintain skin elasticity and extension (2) Strengthen bones to reduce their calcium loss (3) Repair tissue to maintain joint activation - Therefore, high-dose collagen supplements have a certain limit to the effect on everyone. However, if you still insist on supplementation, it is recommended to pass the national food safety certification, Collagen supplements from Dachang brands are considered for purchase. In order to avoid quality problems and if there is a situation in the future, there is no way to help, Jessica must remind everyone to pay attention to the item identification, date of manufacture, source of ingredients, etc. to avoid unscrupulous products from unscrupulous manufacturers! 貘 - Of course, as the age increases, the collagen in the body will be lost, especially after the age of thirty; Or the trauma affects the loss of collagen in the skin, Some skin care products can temporarily supplement the collagen on the surface, but the collagen in the body still needs to be synthesized by the body. At this time, nutrition is balanced, with proper sun protection and excellent sleep quality, Are good ways to help the body synthesize collagen, After all, ultraviolet rays can cause skin aging and collagen loss, it must be guarded - Beauty does not have a crash course, it can be maintained only by perseverance, although the intervention of medical beauty reflects good, But the body’s tolerance to it is unknown. God has given us this body, We should take good care of ourselves before giving back to ourselves! - I’m Jessica, your health manager, any health problems, please contact me, Welcome to leave a message to tell me, the health problems you want to know, see you next time - Want to know more about health: https://reurl.cc/pdb73a Want to know more intimate behavior health knowledge: https://reurl.cc/j74xWZ Jessica's fan page: https://www.facebook.com/JessicaHealthy/ Jessica's life Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessica_healthylife/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/youtuber/M.1593612249.A.AD8.html
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