[分享] 168斷食法減肥真有效?身體會有什麼反應?

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頻道名稱∣ 潔西卡的健康日常 連結∣ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNVoIqp8K03zFrILMn4Km6w/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/JessicaHealthy/ IT: https://www.instagram.com/jessica_healthylife/ 類型 ∣ 減肥、保健養生 推薦影片 ∣ 168斷食法減肥真有效?身體會有什麼反應?研究文獻告訴你! 連結 ∣ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFwZ_3syTLA
- 聽過168斷食法嗎? 斷食可以很快瘦身嗎? - 所謂的168斷食法意為24小時中內 「8小時內可以進食,16小時不可以進食僅可飲用無糖飲料及水分」, 當然目前還有許多斷食法,但今天僅就168來討論! - 首先要先提出間歇性斷食原理: 據研究顯示開始進食第一餐到最後一餐要經過12-14小時消化用盡所有餐點, 但每人體質還是有差異;而葡萄糖耗盡後, 身體就進入燃脂狀態來維持身體動能, 這就是為什麼需要16小時斷食的原因哦! - 而已上述所論,是以「胰島素假說」來推論身體消化的過程, 胰島素假說大家若有興趣的話我們之後再做支影片與大家分享! - 而168斷食為身體所帶來的優點有什麼呢? (1) 身體習慣進食時間,可在時間內消化食物內的營養。 (2) 在有認知的狀態下對於自己的飲食內容會多加注意,間接影響熱量攝取量。 (3) 在非進食時間時可以可以克制自己,了解現在嘴饞是「心理飢餓」而非生理飢餓。 - 一般來說, 建議在進食時間內食用低澱粉、低碳水化合物、高蛋白高纖維、少調味的食物, 非進食時間內則所有熱量食物都無法涉入, 僅以水、無糖茶類、黑咖啡作為非進食時間的飲品, 而高蛋白粉飲品也是不能喝的哦! 其中的蛋白質可以轉換成熱量,就會破戒了! - 網路上有許多168斷食法的菜單, 大家若想嘗試的話都可以上網找看看,選擇一個順眼的來嘗試看看! - 168斷食法看起來很簡單,在研究上也沒有影響身體肌肉生成狀態, 但每個人是否都適合還端看個人飲食和生活習慣, 若是不進食會使你脾氣暴躁及焦慮, 建議還是漸進式調整自己的飲食內容, 將糖類、油炸類食物比例降低並逐漸適應, 搭配適當運動,相信你很快也可以在健康得路上! - 我是潔西卡,你的健康管理師, 記得訂閱按下小鈴鐺,為你的健康帶來更多新視界! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【Jessica】 Is the 168 fasting method really effective in losing weight? How does the body react? Research literature tells you! |Jessica's Healthy Daily|Life Knowledge - Ever heard of 168 fasting method? Can fasting lose weight quickly? - The so-called 168 fasting method means that within 24 hours "You can eat within 8 hours, but you cannot eat for 16 hours. You can only drink sugar-free beverages and water", Of course, there are still many fasting methods, but today only discuss 168! - First, the principle of intermittent fasting should be proposed: According to research, it takes 12-14 hours to digest all the meals after the first meal to the last meal, but there are still differences in each body constitution; after the glucose is exhausted, The body enters a fat burning state to maintain body kinetic energy, This is why it takes 16 hours of fasting! - What has been said above is to use the "insulin hypothesis" to infer the process of body digestion, Insulin hypothesis If you are interested, we will make a video to share with you later! - And what are the advantages of 168 fasting for the body? (1) The body is used to eating time, and can digest the nutrients in the food within the time. (2) In the state of cognition, pay more attention to the content of your diet, indirectly affecting calorie intake. (3) You can restrain yourself during non-feeding time, and understand that greedy is "psychological hunger" rather than physical hunger. - Generally speaking, It is recommended to eat low-starch, low-carbohydrate, high-protein, high-fiber, and less seasoned foods during the meal time. During the non-eating period, all calorie foods cannot be involved, Only use water, sugar-free teas and black coffee as non-eating drinks, And high protein powder drinks are also not drinkable! The protein in it can be converted into calories and it will break the ring! - There are many 168 fasting menus on the Internet, If you want to try it, you can find it on the Internet and choose one that is pleasing to you! - The 168 fasting method seems very simple, and it has not affected the muscle generation state of the body in research. But whether everyone is suitable depends on personal diet and lifestyle, If you don’t eat, it will make you grumpy and anxious, It is recommended to adjust your diet gradually. Reduce the proportion of sugar and fried foods and gradually adapt, With proper exercise, I believe that you will be able to get healthy soon! - I’m Jessica, your health manager, Remember to subscribe and press the little bell to bring more new horizons to your health! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/youtuber/M.1592876275.A.7B8.html
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