[S9 ] 920 Top 16 Boys Performance

看板AmericanIdol作者 (夢想奔馳)時間15年前 (2010/03/11 09:33), 編輯推噓114(114065)
留言179則, 25人參與, 最新討論串1/5 (看更多)
就在一陣忙亂後...得知今天AI會在"Human Target"後播出 也就是台北時間早上10點鐘,可是歌單和順序好像已經外流了... 感謝版喵和DREW大^^ Ryan惡作劇了Ellen一下XDDD...Kara看起來好像HIMYM的Robin喔!! Lee - Fireflies (Owl City) (Randy: For me it's a strange song choice. You made it work.; Ellen: You made it rock. I thought it was great.; Kara: You made it a better song with your interpretation. Very solid.; Simon: You have a great chance to make it into Top 12.) Alex - Trouble (Ray LaMontagne) (Randy: I think it's a good choice for you. You could do a little more.; Ellen: You get better and better. Keep constant but don't be cocky.; Kara: You're still stiff and want you just sing.; Simon: We've never seen you relaxed. (Bikini on Randy ??)) Tim - Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen) (Randy: I love that song. You did a pretty good job.; Ellen: (衝下台擁抱肉體 男孩) That was fantastic.; Kara: You're kind in it. An honest interpretation. ; Simon: For you it was terrific.) Andrew - Genie in a Bottle (Christina Arguilera) (Randy: Very interesting song choice. A little pitchy. The whole song seems to have 3 notes?; Ellen: I still think people will love that.; Kara: I can appriciate your effort. I'm quite disappointed.; Simon: A little bit desperate .) Casey - You'll Think of Me (Keith Urban) (Randy: I'm a fan of that song. But it's too safe for you.; Ellen: I thought it was great. You're so confident.; Kara: Better than last week. I miss that spark.; Simon: Second best of you. That's sincere) Aaron - I'm Already There (Lonestar) (Randy: Really good. This dude can sing. Job well done.; Ellen: You stand like you're 30 years old. A little too-much song for you. I don't think it's terrific.; Kara: It's a song about a father talking to his son on the phone. You're just 16. How can you find connection to that?; Simon: I think what Kara said was rubbish. Not a great vocal. But it's a song that you should do. We shouldn't confuse the people so much.) Todrick - Somebody to Love (Queen) (Randy: Todrick's back!; Ellen: You're a brave brave young man. Did a good job .; Kara: So dramatic. The singing was good.; Simon: You're a Broadway singer. A good song choice. It may have saved you.) Michael - The Woman's Work (Maxwell) (Randy: Really?! That was crazy. That was hot.; Ellen: That was so beautiful. You're the no one beat.; Kara: (Cries); Simon: This was so needed tonight. You 100 percent did it. One of the best performances we have live shows so far.) 男生們好勇敢...祝大家順利:) 整體來說比昨天女生要好不少,也不乏值得稱許的演出 我個人滿喜歡Aaron今天的表演,不是最好但有打動我, an honest performance 反而是最後那兩個...我真的聽不出來到底好在哪裡 我很抱歉可能是我音樂素質不好,但兩個人一開口我就渾身不舒服 好像全身長蕁麻疹那種感覺... Todrick和Michael拜託至少走一個,他們兩個真的讓我覺得很糟 我有種看到催狂魔之類的感覺,更何況我早上才剛...呃...哭過 聽完他們兩個唱歌我整個不好的情緒全部都回來了... 不過既然評審都稱許成這樣,Kara又彷彿什麼上身般的痛哭 他們兩個要走恐怕真的很難... 為什麼我有種Aaron會走的感覺?本周有失水準的Andrew也頗危險 太過情緒化的話,還請各位海涵,sorry -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dreampursuit 來自: (03/11 09:34)

03/11 09:41, , 1F
李小熊的選歌再度擊中我(小板 臂章做好沒?)
03/11 09:41, 1F

03/11 09:42, , 2F
不過拿來比賽好像不適合 就看小熊如何詮釋了 加油(殷殷祝福)
03/11 09:42, 2F

03/11 09:43, , 3F
肉體男孩瘋了嗎 囧
03/11 09:43, 3F

03/11 09:43, , 4F
還好我沒錯過 XDD 睡到九點半 熊熊爬起想說都播一半了
03/11 09:43, 4F

03/11 09:45, , 5F
Tim放大絕耶! 但是他有辦法嗎? XD
03/11 09:45, 5F

03/11 09:46, , 6F
03/11 09:46, 6F

03/11 09:47, , 7F
可惡 以後都看不到live了 都要上課 哭哭
03/11 09:47, 7F

03/11 09:48, , 8F
03/11 09:48, 8F

03/11 09:48, , 9F
大體上我覺得男生歌單意外的,有趣。 XDDD
03/11 09:48, 9F

03/11 09:48, , 10F
03/11 09:48, 10F

03/11 09:49, , 11F
03/11 09:49, 11F

03/11 09:55, , 12F
偷偷多買幾張 Tim離開的賭盤 XDDDDDD
03/11 09:55, 12F
※ 編輯: dreampursuit 來自: (03/11 10:06)

03/11 10:04, , 13F
03/11 10:04, 13F

03/11 10:04, , 14F
suck 我錯過李小熊了 suck!!!!!!!!!!
03/11 10:04, 14F
※ 編輯: dreampursuit 來自: (03/11 10:07)

03/11 10:07, , 15F
轉圈側倒咬手帕+spotlight and 落葉飄落.......飲恨........
03/11 10:07, 15F

03/11 10:07, , 16F
03/11 10:07, 16F
※ 編輯: dreampursuit 來自: (03/11 10:16)

03/11 10:12, , 17F
03/11 10:12, 17F

03/11 10:12, , 18F
他到底要不要剪頭髮 嘖
03/11 10:12, 18F

03/11 10:13, , 19F
中規中矩 沒特色
03/11 10:13, 19F

03/11 10:13, , 20F
03/11 10:13, 20F

03/11 10:16, , 21F
03/11 10:16, 21F

03/11 10:16, , 22F
03/11 10:16, 22F
※ 編輯: dreampursuit 來自: (03/11 10:17)

03/11 10:16, , 23F
03/11 10:16, 23F
※ 編輯: dreampursuit 來自: (03/11 10:17) ※ 編輯: dreampursuit 來自: (03/11 10:20)

03/11 10:18, , 24F
03/11 10:18, 24F

03/11 10:18, , 25F
OMG! 唱的不差耶><
03/11 10:18, 25F

03/11 10:19, , 26F
03/11 10:19, 26F

03/11 10:19, , 27F
03/11 10:19, 27F

03/11 10:19, , 28F
我覺得很普通耶...但真的比他前兩週好很多就是了 @@
03/11 10:19, 28F

03/11 10:19, , 29F
還好還沒買Tim離開的賭票 囧
03/11 10:19, 29F

03/11 10:19, , 30F
03/11 10:19, 30F

03/11 10:20, , 31F
03/11 10:20, 31F

03/11 10:20, , 32F
03/11 10:20, 32F
※ 編輯: dreampursuit 來自: (03/11 10:21)

03/11 10:21, , 33F
大家都瘋了 XDD
03/11 10:21, 33F
還有 106 則推文
還有 8 段內文
03/11 22:56, , 140F
Todrick Michael 都過譽了 評審不知在感動什麼
03/11 22:56, 140F

03/12 01:21, , 141F
03/12 01:21, 141F

03/12 06:45, , 142F
03/12 06:45, 142F

03/12 06:48, , 143F
今天Elton John說AI的觀眾是racist XD
03/12 06:48, 143F

03/12 07:22, , 144F
03/12 07:22, 144F

03/12 07:22, , 145F
03/12 07:22, 145F

03/12 07:24, , 146F
03/12 07:24, 146F

03/12 07:25, , 147F
03/12 07:25, 147F

03/12 08:14, , 148F
03/12 08:14, 148F

03/12 08:26, , 149F
珍哈那一次真的有racist的嫌疑.. 可是這屆的黑人真
03/12 08:26, 149F

03/12 08:26, , 150F
的不強..又沒個性 不能怪別人 (Todrick趕快走)
03/12 08:26, 150F

03/12 16:59, , 151F
03/12 16:59, 151F

03/12 18:54, , 152F
偷問 強姨是誰阿?
03/12 18:54, 152F

03/12 19:17, , 153F
03/12 19:17, 153F

03/12 19:38, , 154F
03/12 19:38, 154F

03/12 20:31, , 155F
03/12 20:31, 155F

03/12 20:41, , 156F
03/12 20:41, 156F

03/12 23:06, , 157F
ALEX整首歌唱的好意興闌珊 最後失意到不行的模樣好令人
03/12 23:06, 157F

03/12 23:06, , 158F
心疼 田農你說是不是> <
03/12 23:06, 158F

03/12 23:08, , 159F
03/12 23:08, 159F

03/12 23:08, , 160F
糟糕我推錯了 麻煩追夢大幫我修掉> <
03/12 23:08, 160F

03/12 23:09, , 161F
沒關係 別人來回答也可以;P
03/12 23:09, 161F

03/12 23:34, , 162F
03/12 23:34, 162F

03/12 23:35, , 163F
03/12 23:35, 163F

03/12 23:41, , 164F
03/12 23:41, 164F

03/12 23:46, , 165F
不好意思囉版喵~HE IS MINE!!!!!!!!!(吼)
03/12 23:46, 165F

03/12 23:52, , 166F
你拿去阿 我沒有要跟你搶XD
03/12 23:52, 166F

03/13 00:36, , 167F
啊~又到了小板起笑的季節了~ (菸)
03/13 00:36, 167F

03/13 00:41, , 168F
三月 春天來了呀~~ ^^ 小板可是身負娛樂板眾的重任呢!
03/13 00:41, 168F

03/13 01:14, , 169F
03/13 01:14, 169F

03/13 01:14, , 170F
原來我是toy boy.........................................
03/13 01:14, 170F

03/13 01:27, , 171F
03/13 01:27, 171F

03/13 01:28, , 172F
03/13 01:28, 172F

03/13 01:44, , 173F
03/13 01:44, 173F

03/13 14:00, , 174F
03/13 14:00, 174F

03/15 00:35, , 175F
03/15 00:35, 175F

03/15 00:58, , 176F
03/15 00:58, 176F

03/15 01:02, , 177F
踩) 欺負長ID
03/15 01:02, 177F

03/15 01:11, , 178F
03/15 01:11, 178F

03/15 20:32, , 179F
03/15 20:32, 179F
文章代碼(AID): #1Bc4XsjW (AmericanIdol)
文章代碼(AID): #1Bc4XsjW (AmericanIdol)