
看板Ang_Lee作者 (k27)時間19年前 (2006/02/15 10:06), 編輯推噓10(1009)
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自從李安版終於開版後 我就想貼些什麼東西 想轉轉自己在電影版的文章大概是最簡單了 可是大部分的版友大概已經看過 好不容易在IMDB讀到這篇李安拍斷背山早期的訪問 趕快翻一翻 給李安版慶祝開版 這部文章登在斷背山大紅之前﹐此時再讀也很有些意思 http://imdb.com/title/tt0388795/board/flat/36235144 這篇文章發表於加拿大Calgary (斷背山拍攝地點)的AVENUE雜誌﹐十 一月刊 李安的焦苦 作者安東尼戴維斯 去年當名導演李安抵達Calgary拍攝斷背山﹐他有一些不安。他需要使 Alberta看起來像Wyoming﹐還要考慮拍攝Heath Ledger與Jake Gyllenhall之間的愛情場景。然而到最後﹐這部片子是一個導演受到撫 慰的故事。 Last year, when famed director Ang Lee arrived in Calgary to shoot Brokeback Mountain, he had some misgivings. He needed to make Alberta look like Wyoming, and than there was the matter of filming the love scene between Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall. In the end, the film is the story of a director soothed. Alberta南方離Okotoks不遠的小鎮﹐一場晚間雨漂在停在Dinton草地 上﹐已經老舊1950年的Chevy卡車。其他車子散停在這座露天電影院。 但是這裡沒有螢幕。相反地﹐有個溼透﹐看起來很可憐的電影工作人員 正舉著一個手電筒﹐讓坐在車裡以手環繞著女演員Michelle Williams 的Heath Ledger能看到一些東西﹐好說出他的台詞。 An evening rain was pattering down on a beat-up Chevy truck, '50s vintage, parked on a grassy flat in Dinton, a speck of a town in southhern Alberta not far from Okotoks. Other vintage cars were scattered around the drive-in theatre. But there was no screen. Instead, a damp, miserable-looking member of a film crew was holding up a flashlight so actor Heath Ledger, inside the pickup with his arm curled around actress Michelle Williams, would have something to focus on while saying his lines. 在卡車外﹐專注於萊斯的人是導演李安。穿著厚厚的綠色雪衣﹐無視於 這場雨﹐李安正試著從卡車的車蓋俯視車內﹐不過他太矮了。於是某人 拿來一個小木箱。不用說一句話﹐三個工作人員幫忙用他們沾滿泥濘的 靴子平衡小木箱。此時﹐已經原全處在導演模式的李安正與拍攝師 Rodrigo Prieto討論那種鏡頭最適合拍攝這場景。那是2004年五月二十 一日﹐拍攝斷背山的第一天--一個導演心中的愛情故事﹐但在劇情上算 是同志西部片。 Focusing on Ledger from outside the pickup was director Ang Lee. Bundled in a thick green parka and oblivious to the rain, Lee was trying to peer over the truck's hood, but he was too short. An apple crate was brought over. Without a word, three crewmen braced the box with their muddy boots, while Lee, clearly in the filmmaker's zone, talked with cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto about the best lens to use for the short. It was May 21, 2004, the first day of shooting on Brokeback Mountain--a love story in the director's mind, but thematically a "gay western". .. 工作人員很難知道﹐那一天李安對斷背山感到多麼焦苦。這並不一定是 因為得在Alberta鄉下拍攝有關同志牛仔片讓他不安﹐而是因為李安必 須使用Alberta替代劇本中設定場景的Wyoming﹐使他全身緊繃。 What few in the crew knew that first day was how much angst Ang Lee had about Brokeback Mountain. It wasn't necessarily making a film about queer cowboys in red-necked Alberta that fuelled his consternation. It was using Alberta as a replacement for the Wyoming setting in the script that tied him up in knots. 斷背山是李安導過的片子中第一部被迫得移地拍攝的片子。以好萊屋標 準來看﹐微薄一千五百萬美金的預算﹐加上Wyoming極少的電影工作 人員與設備﹐使得李安移地Calgary。在這裡﹐他可以用匯率划算的加 幣﹐能享受一點扣?的優惠﹐還有當地電影工作人員的協助。 Brokeback Mountain is the first of Lee's nine films where he was forced to move shooting away from the place specified in the script. The $15 million [US] budget, shrimpy by Hollywood standard, and the fact that Wyoming has a dearth of film crews and equipment pushed Lee to Calgary, where he was able to take advantage of the cheaper Canadian dollar, a modest provincial tax break and local film crews. 「我的確感到焦苦﹐因為我以前從未嘗試。」去年七月在洛杉磯進行 影片後製的李安從電話那頭說著。「我已經因為拍英語片感到不安﹐覺 得是個外來人了。如果我能在實地拍攝﹐該地不僅能給我很棒的感覺﹐ 當地的人文背景與在地人也能幫我準備怎樣進入影片。所以我有點害怕 以Alberta假代Wyoming與德州。那是一種不安全感。但是我的經驗證 實Calgary是拍這部片最棒的地方﹐不僅是當地提供的材料與預算。這 是我第一次在該地拍攝的經驗﹐而這個經驗非常的棒。」 "I did have angst, because I never did it before," says Lee on the phone from Los Angeles last July, where he was putting the finishing touches on the film. "I already have insecurity because for English language-movies I feel I am a foreigner to begin with. And a real place where something happens will not only provide the good texture, but also they have the spirit and cultural background and the people to help me on that learning curve. "I was simply a little scared of using Alberta to fake Wyoming and Texas. That's insecurity. But the experience has proven Calgary was the best place to make it, for the material and the budget. It was my first experience there and a very good experience." 將Alberta變身為Wyoming證實比李安想像的還要簡單。李安一向以 過人專注於歷史細節著名﹐他帶著他的研究者鑽研60年代的 Wyoming﹐閱遍無數史料圖片與該時期的文章。「我真的跟安走遍故事 設定的Wyoming。」Michael Hausman﹐執行製作與該片第一助理導演 回憶著。「我們去過Wyoming山裡的野地﹐我們也跟編劇Larry McMurtry 去到Jake Gyllenhaal劇中角色設定的所在小?我不覺得有任何人在 五十年期間去過那裡﹐不過那是安要的。我們在Alberta看到的一切﹐ 不是那麼正確地翻版﹐但是誠實地說﹐我覺得那裡比較好。我覺得我們 在Alberta看到的﹐拍到的﹐尤其是雪融了以後﹐真是就跟Wyoming 一模一樣。」 Changing Alberta into Wyoming proved easier than Lee anticipated. Lee has a reputation for fastidious attention to historical detail; with his researchers, he'd studied the Wyoming of the 1960s, looking at volumes of archival photographs and reading numerous articles from the era. "I actually went through Wyoming with Ang, where the story took place," recounts Michael Hausman, an executive producer and the first assistant director of the film "We went to Wyoming's mountain range and we went to Texas with screenwriter Larry McMurtry and the town where Jake Gyllenhaal's character came fromI don't think anyone has been there in 50 years, but that was always the blueprint for what Ang wanted. So everything we saw in Alberta wasn't quite right but, frankly, it was better in my view. I think the looks that we got and the places that we finally got to when the snow melted were certainly as good as Wyoming.". 並不是說在Alberta就沒有頭痛。要找一做山頭當作斷背山是個挑戰。 並不是Alberta沒有山﹐而是因為當地的綿羊帶有一種寄生病菌﹐不容 許於加拿大的公園裡。李安打算拍攝的Kananaskis Country山頭﹐警衛 們擔心感染長角綿羊的問題。後來幸好當地負責探勘的人員在區域山地 中找到唯一可以放牧當地綿羊的地方﹕Moose Mountain﹐位於 Kananaskis Country 東部Jumping Pound Creek的源頭。「那場綿羊的場 景是最重要的景﹐如果觀眾不能將Moose Mountain看作Brokeback Mountain﹐這部片不可能成功。」 Not that there weren't headaches finding a peak to pose as Brokeback Mountain proved to be a challenge. It wasn't that Alberta lacked mountains, but rather because domesticated sheep, which carry a dormant infectious pathogen, are ovis non grata in Canadian parks. Wardens in Kananaskis Country, where Lee hoped to shoot the scenes that take place on the mountain, were concerned about infecting the bighorn sheep. The problem was solved when location scouts found the only possible place to herd the domestic sheep in a regional mountain setting: Moose Mountain, at the headwaters of Jumping Pound Creek in eastern Kananaskis Country. "The sheep shot was the money shot. The picture couldn't have worked if we couldn't deliver Moose Mountain." 後來對當地一些工作人員來說﹐事情變得更加困難。要拍這部非典型的 西部片﹐李安需要牛騎士與許多牛仔﹐他們得照顧馬匹、牛群﹐及其他 在西部片中常見的牲畜。有消息透露一些Alberta相關單位因為同志題 材拒絕跟這部片合作。但是李安刻意地將安妮普璐的故事柔化﹐他將斷 背山與1940年代美國偉大的愛情故事相比。那正是李安如何緊張地對 一個有經驗的牛仔T.J. Bews描述這部片有點棘手的題材。李安形容 Bews是個非常陽剛的男子。 . Things were trickier with some of the local crew members. To make this atypical western, Lee needed the co-operation of rodeo riders and a lot of wranglers--the cowboys who handle the horses, cattle and other critters that populate westerns. One source told me that a number of Alberta Teamsters refused to work on the film because of its gay theme. But Lee sees Proulx's story through a decidedly softer lends. He compares Brokeback Mountain to the great American romance films of the 1940s. And that's how Lee nervously described the movies' touchy subject to T.J. Bews, an experienced head wrangler from Longview, whom Lee describes as " a very macho guy." 「我告訴他﹐這部片就只是一部愛情故事。」李安說「他(Bew)說他可 以跟這樣的片子合作﹐他跟我們合作的很愉快。他表現的很好﹐我們維 持很棒的關係等等。」 "I told him it was really just a love story," Lee says. "He said he could work with that. And he came along with us quite well. He did a fantastic job, and we formed a great relationship and everything." 即使這部片有著嚴肅的片調﹐在拍攝地工作人員氣氛通常很愉快。笑話 可以舒緩那些覺得劇情無法忍受的人;工作人員可以互相開著同志題材 的玩笑﹐李安也不介意。「李安自己也會說一些同志題材玩笑。」Bews 這樣說。 Despite the movie's serious tone, the spirit on the set was almost always jovial. Jokes helped grease the wheels for those who found the storyline unpalatable; crew could share gay jokes on set and Lee wouldn't lynch them for it. He was known to crack a few himself, says Bews. Hausman回想幽默如何化解主要人員看完斷背山第一版放映後那長長 的靜默。Gyllenhaal是第一個講話的人﹐他轉頭對著Hausman跟他說﹐ 「Mike, 我只是要你知道﹐當我跟Heath拍愛情相關鏡頭時﹐我都在想 著你。」 Hausman recalls how that humour helped break the long, moved silence after some key personnel screened a first edit of Brokeback Mountain. Gyllenhaal was the first to finally speak, turning to Hausman and saying, "Mike, I just want you to know that in all my love scenes with Heath I was thinking of you." 大眾對斷背山的反應仍有待查看﹐但是李安對這個Alberta的反應是清 楚的。他跟他的妻子雖然不會搬離紐約市﹐但是他們認真考慮在 Longview﹐Bew擁有的牧場附近買塊地。熱愛著Alberta﹐李安跟 Hausman都希望Focus Features能在Calgary首映該片。 The public reaction to Brokeback Mountain remains to be seen, but Lee's reaction to this province is clear. He and his wife aren't about to move from New York City, but they are seriously considering buying property in the area near Bew's spread in Longview. Enamoured with Alberta, Lee and Hausman were nudging Focus Features to premiere the film in Calgary 但是這不單單是個很棒的工作經驗使Alberta贏得李安的心。他也深愛 The Calgary Flames (當地的曲棍球隊)﹐以及該隊於2004年春季打入史 坦利杯(the Stanley Cup)的過程。該城因為這支曲棍球隊的一再獲勝而 陷入整城歡娛的氛圍﹐李安之前從未看過曲棍球賽﹐也因此著迷。在拍 攝地﹐李安常常帶著該隊的隊帽﹐穿著該隊的衣服在拍攝螢幕一旁架起 的螢幕上觀看這支球隊到他地比賽的轉播。 But it wasn't just a great professional experience that won Lee over to Alberta. He also fell hard for The Calgary Flames and their storybook pursuit of the Stanley Cup in the spring of 2004. The city was awash in the euphoria over its hockey team that kept on winning, and Lee, who'd never seen a live hockey game until he came to Calgary, got caught up in it all.On the set, Lee often wore a Flames hat and jersey and watched the team's away games on a monitor set up beside the one on which he watched video of the raw footage he was shooting. 「我認為曲棍球是我看過最暴力也最優雅的運動。」李安說著「這個運 動讓我所有的影片看起來都像是小聯盟。」在完成斷背山後﹐李安希望 他的下一部片子你猜是什麼?是在曲棍場上。他正在尋找一個好的 曲棍球劇本﹐而且﹐如果他找不到﹐李安正考慮自己寫一本。 "I thought hockey was the most violent, graceful sport I've ever seen," Lee says. "It makes my movies look like the minor leagues." With Brokeback Mountain complete, Lee is hoping his next film will take place--you guessed it--in a skating rink. He's shopping around for a good hockey script, and, if he can't find one, is considering writing a screenplay himself -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/15 10:16, , 1F
感謝翻譯 Jake也太寶貝了吧 XDDD
02/15 10:16, 1F

02/15 10:16, , 2F
02/15 10:16, 2F

02/15 10:19, , 3F
02/15 10:19, 3F

02/15 10:24, , 4F
02/15 10:24, 4F

02/15 10:25, , 5F
02/15 10:25, 5F

02/15 10:48, , 6F
02/15 10:48, 6F

02/15 11:23, , 7F
02/15 11:23, 7F

02/15 11:24, , 8F
另外,把自己文章從電影版轉過來吧。 :)
02/15 11:24, 8F

02/15 11:25, , 9F
02/15 11:25, 9F

02/15 14:03, , 10F
02/15 14:03, 10F

02/15 17:59, , 11F
感謝翻譯 Jake so cute~~ 我可以想像他講這句話的表情
02/15 17:59, 11F

02/16 01:06, , 12F
感謝翻譯 ,Jake好可愛
02/16 01:06, 12F

02/16 06:30, , 13F
02/16 06:30, 13F

02/16 06:31, , 14F
02/16 06:31, 14F

02/16 06:32, , 15F
02/16 06:32, 15F

02/16 06:33, , 16F
02/16 06:33, 16F

02/16 06:34, , 17F
02/16 06:34, 17F

02/16 06:34, , 18F
02/16 06:34, 18F

02/16 06:34, , 19F
02/16 06:34, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #13yeoefA (Ang_Lee)
文章代碼(AID): #13yeoefA (Ang_Lee)