
看板Ang_Lee作者 (Sod)時間17年前 (2008/01/07 00:59), 編輯推噓2(205)
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※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板] 作者: SODteam (Sod) 看板: movie 標題: [新聞]狂喝《色戒》入選美國年度十大恥辱獎 時間: Mon Jan 7 00:58:20 2008 李安大導演的色戒在美國繼票房慘敗 被評為今日美國報評為年度失望影片後 再次獲得肯定 最近被美國女性影評人協會(WFCC)評為2007年度十大恥辱影片 該協會官方網站 http://wfcc.wordpress.com/women-film-critic-circle-awards-2007/ 美國女性影評人協會由全國40位影像專業的女評論家和學者組成 在年度十大之恥中《色戒》名列第七 十大恥辱影片名單 WFCC TOP TEN HALL OF SHAME Black Snake Moan***Winning Loser: Female sexual/religious exorcism as therap y while chained to radiator. Exterminating Angels***Winning Loser: Actresses fill roles as masturbators o n cue, for pleasure of director with harrassment rap sheet from previous fil m. Nothing like a revenge fantasy sequel. Goya’s Ghosts***Winning Loser: Cleric rape of female as religious therapy w hile chained nude and falling in love with rapist. Atonement: Female crying fake rape, aren’t there at least a few of these ev ery year, ditto Red Road and Look. Captivity: Torture porn, and torture inducing sexual arousal for any guy in the torture chamber vicinity. Gone Baby Gone: Superbad Mommy Syndrome. Hairspray/Edna [John Travolta]: Why do men doing women in movies always pick the most grotesque physical personas imaginable. Take a lesson from Cate Bl anchett, on how to do it with style. Ditto Norbit/Rasputia. Lust, Caution: Adam and Eve in Old Shanghai. Female-assisted destruction of a nation while falling in love with torturer/rapist. Norbit/Rasputia [Eddie Murphy]: See Hairspray above, but with stereotypicall y shrewish personality to match. Red Road: See Atonement. But such an elaborate fake rape scheme, that the co nniving woman has to nearly rape herself. -- 《色戒》 女人不可靠 《投名狀》兄弟不可靠 《集結號》上司不可靠 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- 《色戒》 女人不可靠 《投名狀》兄弟不可靠 《集結號》上司不可靠 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/07 02:48, , 1F
老實說你這樣攻擊個版很無聊以及幼稚 你不是號稱央央大
01/07 02:48, 1F

01/07 02:49, , 2F
國的國民 做出來的事情卻是.....可悲可笑
01/07 02:49, 2F

01/07 09:12, , 3F
01/07 09:12, 3F

01/07 11:39, , 4F
美國人攻擊李安 所以美國人不愛臺灣
01/07 11:39, 4F

01/08 09:28, , 5F
01/08 09:28, 5F

01/08 11:26, , 6F
01/08 11:26, 6F

01/08 11:33, , 7F
SOD是說 美國不愛台灣 中共更不愛台灣 叫我們快快獨立
01/08 11:33, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #17WGZNvj (Ang_Lee)
文章代碼(AID): #17WGZNvj (Ang_Lee)