Fw: [情報] 視覺效果公會(VES)獎電影類得獎名單
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作者: bill93557063 (bill9355) 看板: movie
標題: [情報] 視覺效果公會(VES)獎電影類得獎名單
時間: Wed Feb 6 14:46:06 2013
特效影片最佳視覺效果 Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects-Driven
Feature Motion Picture
少年PI的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi
(Donald R. Elliott, Susan MacLeod, Guillaume Rocheron, Bill Westenhofer)
劇情影片最佳輔助視覺效果 Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Feature
Motion Picture
浩劫奇蹟 The Impossible
(Felix Bergés, Sandra Hermida, Pau Costa Moeller)
動畫影片最佳動畫 Outstanding Animation in an Animated Feature Motion Picture
勇敢傳說 Brave
(Mark Andrews, Steve May, Katherine Sarafian, Bill Wise)
實景影片最佳動畫角色 Outstanding Animated Character in a Live Action Feature
Motion Picture
少年PI的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi: Richard Parker (理查帕克)
(Erik De Boer, Sean Comer, Betsy Asher Hall, Kai-Hua Lan)
動畫影片最佳動畫角色 Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Feature
Motion Picture
勇敢傳說 Brave: Merida (梅莉達)
(Travis Hathaway, Olivier Soares, Peter Sumanaseni, Brian Tindall)
實景影片最佳虛擬場景 Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Feature
Motion Picture
復仇者聯盟 The Avengers: Midtown Manhattan (曼哈頓中城)
(Richard Bluff, Barry Williams, David Meny, Andy Proctor)
動畫影片最佳虛擬場景 Outstanding Created Environment in an Animated Feature
Motion Picture
勇敢傳說 Brave: The Forest (森林)
(Tim Best, Steve Pilcher; Inigo Quilez, Andrew Whittock)
實景影片最佳虛擬攝影技術 Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Live Action
Feature Motion Picture
哈比人:意外旅程 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
(Matt Aitken, Victor Huang, Christian Rivers, R. Christopher White)
劇情影片最佳模型 Outstanding Models in a Feature Motion Picture
復仇者聯盟 The Avengers: Helicarrier (天空母艦)
(Rene Garcia, Bruce Holcomb, Polly Ing Aaron Wilson)
動畫影片最佳FX模擬 Outstanding FX and Simulation Animation in an Animated
Feature Motion Picture
勇敢傳說 Brave
(Chris Chapman, Dave Hale, Michael K. O’Brien, Bill Watral)
實景影片最佳FX模擬 Outstanding FX and Simulation Animation in a Live Action
Feature Motion Picture
少年PI的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi: Storm of God
(Harry Mukhopadhyay, David Stopford, Mark Williams, Derek Wolfe)
劇情影片最佳合成特效 Outstanding Compositing in a Feature Motion Picture
少年PI的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi : Storm of God
(Ryan Clarke, Jose Fernandez, Sean Oharas, Hamish Schumacher)
遠見獎 Visionary Award
李安 Ang Lee
終身成就獎 Lifetime Achievement Award
理查阿爾倫德 Richard Edlund
資料來自 http://tinyurl.com/adbxzk3
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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02/06 16:04, 6F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: peruman (, 時間: 02/06/2013 16:04:45
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