Fw: [新聞] 李安得獎感言說了"namaste"印度粉絲爽
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作者: xiemark (aisinjuro) 看板: movie
標題: [新聞] 李安得獎感言說了"namaste"印度粉絲爽
時間: Tue Feb 26 09:33:50 2013
Ang Lee says Namaste at Oscars, Indian fans ecstatic
Published: Monday, Feb 25, 2013, 17:47 IST
Place: New Delhi | Agency: IANS
It was a big moment for Ang Lee when he won the best director Oscar
for Life of Pi at the 85th Academy Awards, but it was a bigger moment
for his Indian fans when he ended his acceptance speech with Namaste.
From author Shobhaa De to internationally acclaimed actor Kabir Bedi,
all are ecstatic.
Life of Pi narrates the journey of an Indian boy who survives a storm.
Widely shot in India, the fantasy adventure drama stars young
Delhi-based Suraj Sharma in the lead role, with acclaimed Indian
actors Irrfan and Tabu seen in prominent roles in the movie, a big
screen adaptation of Canadian author Yann Martel's Man Booker
Prize-winning novel.
During his acceptance speech, Lee thanked his producers, "Indian
crew", Suraj and all technicians who worked on the movie.
"Suraj, where are you," he said, and the cameras focused on Suraj, who
made his acting debut with the movie. And finally Lee wrapped up the
speech saying, Namaste.
Here is what Bollywood celebrities tweeted following his speech:
Shobhaa De: Ang Lee's Namaste during his Oscar's acceptance speech
worth more than the Golden Statuette in his hands.
Kabir Bedi: Yes Life of Pi wins four Oscars, with most deserved Best
Director Oscar for Ang Lee, who ended speech with Namaste.
Ranganathan Madhavan (R Madhavan): Namaste at the Oscars... About
time... Love you Mr. Lee. Congrats Suraj, Irrfan and Tabu. You more
than deserve it.
Sangeeth Sivan: Ang Lee it is. Oscar made what was thought to be
impossible possible... visionary... Namaste! You made us proud too.
Take a bow sir!
Anupam Kher: Congratulations to the entire team of Life Of Pi and to
the Genius called Ang Lee. Proud to have worked with him (in
Conquest, Lust?).
Apart from best director, Life of Pi also got the Oscar for best
cinematography, visual effects and best music — original score.
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