Re: [閒聊] 多益考試寶典

看板BuRuRadio作者 (羅伯羅夫斯基鼠)時間17年前 (2007/05/17 22:23), 編輯推噓14(1406)
留言20則, 12人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《loseaguy (HowTo"LoseAGuy"In10Days)》之銘言: : 聽力方面: : 比如說題目聽到: ......homework..... : 選項(A):...homework........ X : (B):...housework....... X : (C) at home.... X : (D): .................. O : 不知道大家看不看的懂 @@ : 像題目提到homework這個字 : 那選項有聽到homework的話,就不能選 : 或是housework,work at home這類的也不能選 : 講師是說可能重聽的人聽成housework,所以選項會有housework : 還有幻聽的人聽成work at home(不太可能XD) : 像選項(D),沒出現題目有的單字,所以就選(D) 因為有朋友推文說看不懂.. 那我來舉例解釋一下好了.. 例如: Last week Jay McCarroll and The HSUS (The Humane Society of the United States) made a bold fur-free statement on the runway, marking a new chapter for the fashion industry and animal protection. The encouraging response to McCarroll's show confirmed that change is happening in fashion. McCarroll has good reasons for rejecting fur. Each year, tens of millions of animals, including dogs and cats, needlessly suffer and die to fuel the fur industry. But what did Jay McCarroll use in place of fur? "I have patchwork pieces that contain all sorts of combinations of fabrics. The rest is cotton, nylon, name it. I even have some stuff made out of bamboo/ cotton blend. Anything but fur and leather," he told Fashion Wire Daily. "So many people want to protect animals and live their lives without causing unnecessary cruelty. More than two thirds of Americans have pets, and we share a bond with animals every day. Saying no to fur can help millions of animals, and we want to show our respect to leading designers like Jay who embrace compassion as the fashion," said Michael Markarian, executive vice president of The HSUS. "It is great to see leaders in the fashion industry recognizing that the animals need their fur more than we do." Q: What do we learn from this passage? (A) Human beings depend emotionally on animals. (B) Fur is more effective than bamboo/cotton blend for clothing. (C) Fur is more expensive than other materials for fashion designers. (D) Spike is a cute boy and he studies hard everyday. A: (D) 你作對了嗎?..^-^ -- ██◣◣ █◤◤◤◥█◢ ╭┬╮┌┬╮┌┐┌┐┐┌┬╮ █◤ ╰┼╮├┼╯│││ ┐├┼ ˍˍ ╰┴╯└┘ └┘└┴╯╰┴╯ ▕史派▏ ╰═ ═╯ ▕印克▏ ˙˙˙ ▔▔ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/17 22:30, , 1F
05/17 22:30, 1F

05/17 22:39, , 2F
05/17 22:39, 2F

05/17 22:47, , 3F
05/17 22:47, 3F

05/17 22:48, , 4F
05/17 22:48, 4F

05/17 22:53, , 5F
真的會喔 他會唸一整篇文章給你聽 然後叫你答題 史派克的舉
05/17 22:53, 5F

05/17 22:54, , 6F
05/17 22:54, 6F

05/17 23:00, , 7F
這樣的出題 感覺就整個是故意 XD
05/17 23:00, 7F

05/17 23:02, , 8F
05/17 23:02, 8F

05/17 23:30, , 9F
05/17 23:30, 9F

05/17 23:31, , 10F
05/17 23:31, 10F

05/17 23:44, , 11F
05/17 23:44, 11F

05/18 01:18, , 12F
不用 多益沒有很難...真的 gre gmat 托福比較有補的價值XD
05/18 01:18, 12F

05/18 01:19, , 13F
05/18 01:19, 13F

05/18 09:14, , 14F
我竟然認真看了 囧...
05/18 09:14, 14F

05/18 10:54, , 15F
..................(翻桌!!!) 還是日文好(認真
05/18 10:54, 15F

05/18 12:43, , 16F
其實補了gamt gre 就不用補托福啦 那難度完全把托福比下去XD
05/18 12:43, 16F

05/18 12:49, , 17F
同意拉提 多益不用補 坊間的參考書超多 職場英語應該也是不會
05/18 12:49, 17F

05/18 12:53, , 18F
難到哪裡去:P 應該是比較生活化吧 呵呵~
05/18 12:53, 18F

05/18 15:55, , 19F
05/18 15:55, 19F

05/18 15:56, , 20F
的跟啥一樣= =~還有考不到960不申請證書的人= =~
05/18 15:56, 20F
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