[情報] 五月電子報

看板CTU-24作者 (美女噗@Seattle)時間14年前 (2010/05/24 23:27), 編輯推噓5(504)
留言9則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
拍謝拍謝,到了季末其實有不少訊息,可是我最近好忙, 所以趁現在有空先PO一下...... -------------一定要的防雷頁------------------------------------ 24 SERIES FINALE MAY 24 CTU agent Jack Bauer will be standing down – at least on television – in a two-hour 24 series finale on May 24 (if you don’t want to know anything more than that, stop reading right now). The final episode will reportedly feature an exceptionally tense showdown with none other than his most-trusted colleague, Chloe O’Brien. “Their relationship gets put to the test in a way it's never been tested before,” said Howard Gordon, 24 executive producer, to Entertainment Weekly. “It's a collision course that culminates in the finale. It's about as hairy a confrontation as you can possibly imagine." After catching you breath following the series finale, be sure to check out the 24 Last Chance Auctions offering amazing items from this historic television series. The auctions are scheduled to Start May 25th at www.vipfanauctions.com. 大家知道的,本劇的劇末明天就要上場了,之前就有消息說,電影版目前設定應該 是跟電視無關的,唯一會有影集裡的演員,目前也只確定Jack(這不是廢話嗎?) 跟Chloe(YAY~),而目前也沒有打算要延攬其它影集裡的人...(意思就是女兒不會出現) anyway...回到電子報內容,JACK這回是真的玩完了...(這樣翻很驚悚吧?) - 至少是在電視上 - 最後一集,將會上演傑克跟他最信任的同事Chloe一場 非常精彩的對決,節目的製作人Howard Gordon表示,"他們的關係面臨前所未有的考驗" "衝突將在最後兩集來到最高潮""你可以想到的不爽的、對衝的局面都有"然後最後一句 是工商廣告,就是在5/25的時候,會開起最後一次的24商品拍賣會, 有興趣的可以去↑那個網址瞧瞧 DEATH OF RENEE ELICITS STRONG REACTION Annie Wershing, who played FBI agent (and Jack Bauer love-interest) Renee Walker on 24, says that fan reaction to her character’s death on April 12 (episode 17) has been “intense.” The actress told TV Guide that “fans are really upset and sad." And while she said knew of her character’s fate early in the season, she encourages 24 viewers to take heart: “Fans are very sad to see Renee go, but I think they'll be very happy to see what it turns Jack into… He’s going to go very Jack Bauer." 女神的死引起非常強烈的反應(反彈吧? XDDD 把chao大都給搞走了) 飾演Renee的Annie Wershing表示,她的粉絲們對於她在第17集領便當,都反應激烈, 她說,粉絲們都非常的不爽和難過(duh!)她說,她在本季開始時就知道這個角色的命運 了,當時,他說要粉絲們振作,"粉絲們對於Renee領便當都很難過,但是,我想,他們 應該會非常高興看到Jack會變得"非常Jack Bauer" (←爆走指數破表的意思嗎?) “The way the story fell, it had to happen," added 24 executive producer Howard Gordon in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. "This is a game-changer for [Jack Bauer]," he said. "It's like all deaths. He's lost something he can't get back. He has a way he wants it addressed, and if he doesn't get satisfaction and justice, you know, he's got to find another way… "It's as dark and complex and as combustible as any place Jack's ever been." 故事就是得這樣發展,Jack Bauer應該也要改變模式,下面,很難翻出那種感覺... 大致上的意思是"就好像死亡,他失去了他再也要不回的東西,他有他想要表達的方式, 如果他得不到滿意或正義,你們知道的...他會尋求其它的途徑..." 情況比JACK所遇到過的都還要黑暗、複雜而且讓人激動... 24 MOVIE SCRIPT COMPLETE During a Q&A last month with the British Academy of Film & Television Arts (available online at bafta.org), 24 star Kiefer Sutherland confirmed that the script for the hotly anticipated film treatment of 24 is complete. According to the actor, screenwriter Billy Ray’s script is influenced by the events of 24’s first season. 電影版的劇本已經完成囉~~~~ 然後一小小點的劇透,劇情是走第一季的線唷! 最後美女噗一點小小感言... 我看影集非常非常久,24第一季就開始看了,可是,我中間隔了兩季, 到第四季才又一次把前面的租回來看,還記得當時,下班都好晚了, 隔天一早還要上班,但是,我就是一定要一天K完四集才肯去睡覺... 我是真的覺得第六季之後24變得不好看了... 而且面對JACK一次比一次還慘,一個完全的悲劇英雄, 又苦又悲又倒楣,而且還常常要被眾判親離... 有誰的身體可以承受那些傷害、又有誰的心靈可以承受那些重創ㄚ? 以一個粉絲的角度來看,是真的非常捨不得的... 但是,隨著劇越來越重口味...我也是覺得,可能真的該結束了... 現在看著我已經變得舊舊的...第一年加入fan club時的滑鼠墊... 劇情已經模糊,但是心情卻依舊記得... 8 is a good number... 也希望版上的各位大大...要一直stand by 等電影版ㄚ... 還沒散場嘿... -- The dead's speak from the undergrave is what we callcONsCienCe...... 死者從陰間所說的話,就是我們所謂的良心...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/25 00:02, , 1F
05/25 00:02, 1F

05/25 02:42, , 2F
05/25 02:42, 2F

05/25 21:52, , 3F
其實還好啦 這些慘痛經歷說起來...只有八天而已...=.=
05/25 21:52, 3F

05/25 21:52, , 4F
05/25 21:52, 4F

05/25 22:15, , 5F
05/25 22:15, 5F

05/25 22:16, , 6F
Jack除了S3~S4之間是涼涼得過之外 剩下好像都很辛苦
05/25 22:16, 6F

05/25 22:16, , 7F
05/25 22:16, 7F

05/25 22:16, , 8F
05/25 22:16, 8F

05/26 10:46, , 9F
我昨天一次看五集...把最後看完了...真的是Jason Bourne
05/26 10:46, 9F
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文章代碼(AID): #1B-fhHGV (CTU-24)